PiPress: Former Gopher Mike Rallis on name change, WWE wrestling and little brother


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Mike Rallis had 226 tackles with the Gophers from 2008-2012; Riddick Moss will perform in Minnesota for the first time when he wrestles in WWE NXT at 3 p.m. Sunday at Roy Wilkins Auditorium in St. Paul. The Pioneer Press talked with him this week.

How did you come up with Riddick Moss?

I’ve always have been and still am a huge Randy Moss fan, so I would say that had a little bit of inspiration for me. It kind of just came to me.

Riddick Moss is who I’ve always been. I just now have a platform to show my personality. I refer to myself as a bad boy. What that means is I say what I want, I do what I want, and I take what I want. I don’t care what people think about me. That really stems from how hard I work and how much I believe in myself.

What does Riddick Moss owe Mike Rallis and his Gophers football career?

A lot. It starts before the Gophers, honestly. It starts with my family, my dad (Stew), my older brother (Matt). They really instilled the work ethic in me from a young age. That has carried all the way through to today. Football teaches you a lot of things. It makes you a man, for lack of a better term. There is adversity that you are going to face. There is hard work that needs to be put in, and you have to be mentally and physically tough.

Also, my football career in Minnesota allowed me to go to minicamp with the Miami Dolphins, and that allowed me to get in touch with the NFL Players Association, which got me in touch with WWE, which got me a tryout. I owe a lot to my football career.


Go Gophers!!

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