Pioneer Press calls out Star Tribune on their non-story, student season ticket story


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Apr 13, 2011
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From Marcus Fuller of the St. Paul Pioneer Press. Link below.

Putting the Minneapolis Star Tribune student season ticket "story" into proper perspective. 2012 student season ticket sales pace same as 2011 at this same point.

And wow....look at that....Marcus Fuller of the Pioneer Press managed to write his story without the typical hyperbole, smarmy headlines, poorly sourced quotes and overall lack of perspective you typically get from the Star Tribune. Whose only interest seems to be generating cheap story hits on their website with cheap shot headlines.

From Marcus Fuller of the St. Paul Pioneer Press. Link below.

Putting the Minneapolis Star Tribune student season ticket "story" into proper perspective. 2012 student season ticket sales pace same as 2011 at this same point.

And wow....look at that....Marcus Fuller of the Pioneer Press managed to write his story without the typical hyperbole, smarmy headlines, poorly sourced quotes and overall lack of perspective you typically get from the Star Tribune. Whose only interest seems to be generating cheap story hits on their website with cheap shot headlines.

Good job by Marcus.

Excellent job by Marcus, he did what a journalist should do. He actually reported facts, as opposed to pigeon-holing information to get a headline.

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