Pigskin Girl of the Week

Not sure what "Meh" means but I do know that my fiancee is way hotter than the "pigskin girl of the week". I am a lucky man as she not only looks better than Emily bit is usually decked out, sometime scantilly, in Gopher gear!

Not sure what "Meh" means but I do know that my fiancee is way hotter than the "pigskin girl of the week". I am a lucky man as she not only looks better than Emily bit is usually decked out, sometime scantilly, in Gopher gear!

Bet she's not. :)

Not sure what "Meh" means but I do know that my fiancee is way hotter than the "pigskin girl of the week". I am a lucky man as she not only looks better than Emily bit is usually decked out, sometime scantilly, in Gopher gear!

It's like a shrug of the shoulders...Doesn't care.....No big deal

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