Pictures of Gophers Off-season Competition Championship this morning

Goofers71 is trolling. Probably has a beer gut and chicken wings for arms himself.

Wish they would caption names.

It's great to see guys like Joey Balthazor, a soon-to-be 5th-year walk-on and current graduate, still competing at a high level. Though he's only played on special teams, he still gives 100%. Can anyone name all the members of Team Toughness?

I recognize Balthazor, Epping, Henry, Campion, Manual, Engel, Goodger, Holcomb, Eldred?, Cam Wilson?

What's with the Rose Bowl and Cap One Bowl replica trophies? Is Brewster back?

Didn't we get a lot more last year about who the teams were and how it went?

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