PPD Standings after 3-21 Games
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- </td> <td width="194"></td> <td width="75"></td> </tr> <tr height="16"> <td class="xl25" height="16">
- </td> <td class="xl24" colspan="2">Today's Picks: 8 wins; 9 losses; and 0 pushes for a 0.471 winning percentage.</td> </tr> <tr height="16"> <td class="xl25" height="16">
- </td> <td class="xl24" colspan="2">YTD Picks: 1619 wins, 1566 losses and 73 pushes for a 0.508 record</td> </tr> <tr height="16"> <td class="xl25" height="16">
- </td> <td class="xl24" colspan="2">Post Season Picks: 49 wins, 49 losses and 3 pushes for a 0.5 record</td> </tr> <tr height="16"> <td class="xl25" height="16">
- </td> <td class="xl24" colspan="2">Consensus Pick is Texas A & M ("pick 'em" with five picks) for the loss in OT.</td> </tr> <tr height="16"> <td class="xl25" height="16">
- </td> <td class="xl24" colspan="2">YTD Consensus Picks: 76 wins, 73 losses and 4 pushes for a 0.51 record</td> </tr> <tr height="16"> <td class="xl25" height="16">
- </td> <td class="xl24" colspan="2">Consensus Picks during Post Season: 3 wins, 5 losses and 0 pushes for a 0.375 record</td> </tr> <tr height="16"> <td class="xl25" height="16">
</td> <td class="xl24"></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr height="16"> <td height="16"></td> <td class="xl24">
Serious Selectors (names in bold & italics have picked every day PPD has been offered</td> <td class="xl25"> </td> </tr> <tr height="16"> <td class="xl25" height="16">
</td> <td class="xl24">. 1 - rrjack - 0.626 (77 - 46 - 0)</td> <td class="xl25"> </td> </tr> <tr height="16"> <td class="xl25" height="16"> </td> <td class="xl24">. 2 - Juicer - 0.588 (50 - 35 - 1)</td> <td class="xl25"> </td> </tr> <tr height="16"> <td class="xl25" height="16"> </td> <td class="xl24">. 3 - Gopherholefan - 0.573 (63 - 47 - 2)</td> <td class="xl25"> </td> </tr> <tr height="16"> <td class="xl25" height="16"> </td> <td class="xl24">. 4 - rccola889 - 0.573 (59 - 44 - 2)</td> <td class="xl25"> </td> </tr> <tr height="16"> <td class="xl25" height="16"> </td> <td class="xl24">. 5 - Southpaw - 0.555 (66 - 53 - 2)</td> <td class="xl25"> </td> </tr> <tr height="16"> <td class="xl25" height="16"> </td> <td class="xl24">. 6 - gopherfan10 - 0.54 (47 - 40 - 1)</td> <td class="xl25"> </td> </tr> <tr height="16"> <td class="xl25" height="16"></td> <td class="xl24">. 7 - Jike Spingleton - 0.54 (68 - 58 - 2)</td> <td class="xl25"></td> </tr> <tr height="16"> <td class="xl25" height="16"> </td> <td class="xl24">. 8 - Zales04 - 0.523 (56 - 51 - 3)</td> <td class="xl25"> </td> </tr> <tr height="16"> <td class="xl25" height="16"> </td> <td class="xl24">. 9 - Selection Sunday - 0.522 (47 - 43 - 2)</td> <td class="xl25"> </td> </tr> <tr height="16"> <td class="xl25" height="16"> </td> <td class="xl24">10 - Josh087 - 0.513 (58 - 55 - 1)</td> <td class="xl25"> </td> </tr> <tr height="16"> <td class="xl25" height="16"> </td> <td class="xl24">11 - TheSportsAce - 0.511 (45 - 43 - 1)</td> <td class="xl25"> </td> </tr> <tr height="16"> <td class="xl25" height="16"> </td> <td class="xl24">12 - Chadypu - 0.5 (51 - 51 - 3)</td> <td class="xl25"> </td> </tr> <tr height="16"> <td class="xl25" height="16"></td> <td class="xl24">13 - MN Snowman - 0.5 (62 - 62 - 4)</td> <td class="xl25"></td> </tr> <tr height="16"> <td class="xl25" height="16"> </td> <td class="xl24">14 - Ski U Mah Gopher - 0.495 (54 - 55 - 5)</td> <td class="xl25"> </td> </tr> <tr height="16"> <td class="xl25" height="16"> </td> <td class="xl24">15 - RoyalGO4 - 0.494 (41 - 42 - 5)</td> <td class="xl25"> </td> </tr> <tr height="16"> <td class="xl25" height="16"> </td> <td class="xl24">16 - Go31 - 0.484 (45 - 48 - 3)</td> <td class="xl25"> </td> </tr> <tr height="16"> <td class="xl25" height="16"> </td> <td class="xl24">17 - Dr.Don - 0.474 (55 - 61 - 2)</td> <td class="xl25"> </td> </tr> <tr height="16"> <td class="xl25" height="16"></td> <td class="xl24">18 - Art Vandelay - 0.472 (58 - 65 - 5)</td> <td class="xl25"></td> </tr> <tr height="16"> <td class="xl25" height="16"> </td> <td class="xl24">19 - Alltimetwinsfan - 0.466 (41 - 47 - 4)</td> <td class="xl25"> </td> </tr> <tr height="16"> <td class="xl25" height="16"> </td> <td class="xl24">20 - Plinnius - 0.464 (52 - 60 - 5)</td> <td class="xl25"> </td> </tr> <tr height="16"> <td class="xl25" height="16"></td> <td class="xl24">21 - Gopher In Qatar - 0.452 (57 - 69 - 2)</td> <td class="xl25"></td> </tr> <tr height="16"> <td class="xl25" height="16"> </td> <td class="xl24">22 - GopherRock - 0.404 (42 - 62 - 4)</td> <td class="xl25">
</td> </tr> <tr height="16"> <td class="xl25" height="16"></td> <td class="xl24">
Laid Back Pickers</td> <td class="xl25"></td> </tr> <tr height="16"> <td class="xl25" height="16">
</td> <td class="xl24" colspan="2">1 - Winnipegopher - 0.632 (12 - 7 - 0)</td> </tr> <tr height="16"> <td class="xl25" height="16"></td> <td class="xl24" colspan="2">2 - GopherKev - 0.568 (46 - 35 - 1)</td> </tr> <tr height="16"> <td class="xl25" height="16"></td> <td class="xl24" colspan="2">3 - MKE_Gopher - 0.521 (38 - 35 - 1)</td> </tr> <tr height="16"> <td class="xl25" height="16"></td> <td class="xl24" colspan="2">4 - Gopherlady - 0.52 (13 - 12 - 0)</td> </tr> <tr height="16"> <td class="xl25" height="16"></td> <td class="xl24">5 - XMan - 0.52 (26 - 24 - 1)</td> <td class="xl25"></td> </tr> <tr height="16"> <td class="xl25" height="16"></td> <td class="xl24" colspan="2">6 - Radio Badger - 0.5 (41 - 41 - 2)</td> </tr> <tr style="page-break-before: always;" height="16"> <td class="xl25" height="16"></td> <td class="xl24" colspan="2">7 - SaturnSweater - 0.476 (39 - 43 - 2)</td> </tr> <tr height="16"> <td class="xl25" height="16"></td> <td class="xl24" colspan="2">8 - vaporboy - 0.463 (31 - 36 - 3)</td> </tr> <tr height="16"> <td height="16"></td> <td class="xl24" colspan="2">9 - howeda7 - 0.457 (16 - 19 - 0)</td> </tr> <tr height="16"> <td height="16"></td> <td class="xl24">10 - ncgo4 - 0.455 (20 - 24 - 0)</td> <td class="xl25">
</td> </tr> <tr height="16"> <td class="xl25" height="16"></td> <td class="xl24">
Retired</td> <td class="xl25"></td> </tr> <tr height="16"> <td class="xl25" height="16">
</td> <td class="xl24">Gophers09 (0-1-0)</td> <td class="xl25"></td> </tr> <tr height="16"> <td class="xl25" height="16"></td> <td class="xl24">Jeshurun (0-1-0)</td> <td class="xl25"></td> </tr> <tr height="16"> <td class="xl25" height="16"></td> <td class="xl24">Lefty’s Righty (0-1-0)</td> <td class="xl25"></td> </tr> <tr height="16"> <td class="xl25" height="16"></td> <td class="xl24">Maroon Shower (1-0-0)</td> <td class="xl25"></td> </tr> <tr height="16"> <td class="xl25" height="16"></td> <td class="xl24">The Big L (0-1-0)</td> <td class="xl25"></td> </tr> <tr height="16"> <td class="xl25" height="16"></td> <td class="xl24">JimmyJamesMD (1-1-0)</td> <td class="xl25"></td> </tr> <tr height="16"> <td class="xl25" height="16"></td> <td class="xl24">TubbyTownUSA (5-6-0)</td> <td class="xl25"></td> </tr> <tr height="16"> <td class="xl25" height="16"></td> <td class="xl24">Down with Goldy (3-5-1)</td> <td class="xl25"></td> </tr> <tr height="16"> <td class="xl25" height="16"></td> <td class="xl24">GopherHarvey (3-3-0)</td> <td class="xl25"></td> </tr> <tr height="16"> <td class="xl25" height="16"></td> <td class="xl24">Alan Shore (2-1-0)</td> <td class="xl25"></td> </tr> <tr height="16"> <td class="xl25" height="16"></td> <td class="xl24">ChemEGopher (2-1-0)</td> <td class="xl25"></td> </tr> <tr height="16"> <td class="xl25" height="16"></td> <td class="xl24">Dice (0-2-0)</td> <td class="xl25"></td> </tr> <tr height="16"> <td class="xl25" height="16"></td> <td class="xl24">USTGopher (10-6-0)</td> <td class="xl25"></td> </tr> <tr height="16"> <td class="xl25" height="16"></td> <td class="xl24">gopherfan3 (1-2-0)</td> <td class="xl25"></td> </tr> <tr height="16"> <td class="xl25" height="16"></td> <td class="xl24">RW+RW=Our W's (12-12-0)</td> <td class="xl25"></td> </tr> <tr height="16"> <td class="xl25" height="16"></td> <td class="xl24">Ski-U-Mah24 (2-3-0)</td> <td class="xl25"></td> </tr> <tr height="16"> <td class="xl25" height="16"></td> <td class="xl24">kapps014 (20-35-2)</td> <td class="xl25"></td> </tr> <tr height="16"> <td class="xl25" height="16"></td> <td class="xl24">Gold Out (15-18-0)</td> <td class="xl25"></td> </tr> <tr height="16"> <td class="xl25" height="16"></td> <td class="xl24" colspan="2">Mom8Pop (13-12-1) - retired 03/10</td> </tr> <tr height="16"> <td class="xl25" height="16"></td> <td class="xl24" colspan="2">koreangopher (26-21-0) - retired 03/10</td> </tr> <tr height="16"> <td class="xl25" height="16"></td> <td class="xl24">Notorious PLD (27-21-0) - retired 03/10</td> <td class="xl25">
</td> </tr> <!--EndFragment--> </tbody></table>