Phil Steele's 2014 Preseason All-Big 10 Team (Epping, Cobb, Williams, Campion, etc.)

3rd and 4th team don't really mean anything. It is the same as honorable mention as there are only 2 teams for the coaches and media. Still nice to have that many guys on there when 3-4 years ago there were 1-2 max for 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th team combined.

A little surprised Damien Wilson isn't on there especially considering they have four LB for each team. He's got to be a top 16 LB going into this season.

A little surprised Damien Wilson isn't on there especially considering they have four LB for each team. He's got to be a top 16 LB going into this season.

He is. If i wasn't a Minnesota fan there is now way i know who Damien Wilson is though.

He is. If i wasn't a Minnesota fan there is now way i know who Damien Wilson is though.

But if you were Phil Steele, you would/should. Whether he's on the preseason team or not though, I have high hopes for him this year.

I would think Maxx Williams would be higher based on what he did last year.

Be durable and stay healthy. Also, have an offensive system that utilizes you. That is the formula for Maxx Williams to receive more notice, publicity and raves. He has an incredible amount of potential. For potential to be realized, it HAS to be utilized. The guys scheming the offensive game plans and calling the plays and getting inside the quarterback's head need to be aware of that potential and especially must want to exploit the other team's defense. They need to use that potential to the fullest extent. The guys devising the offensive game plan and the honcho's calling all the offensive shots have much to do with individual players receiving accolades from the football magazine guys, sports writers and fans.

On the other hand, IF the honcho calling the shots spreads it all around and hits the defense where it isn't aligned correctly, no one single player should stand out head and shoulders above the others on the offensive side of the ball. When you are winning Big Ten Football Games, THAT is the way it pretty much happens. During that four game Conference winning stretch a LOT of offensive players were getting touches and considerations from he head honchos who call all the shots. Maybe that is why Maxx didn't get so many "raves" from Steel, et al?

This is a TEAM game. Screw the individual stuff. When the team is winning EVERY player is doing his job and making the plays that need to be made to WIN Big Ten Football Games!

Just a thought, short, ornery one...just a thought...

I would think Maxx Williams would be higher based on what he did last year.

Kroft had better numbers than Williams and Jeff Heuerman had similar numbers. Since he plays for Ohio St, he automatically gets rated higher (I think that's how it works anyways).

Does anyone else simply skip past the wren posts?

Kroft had better numbers than Williams and Jeff Heuerman had similar numbers. Since he plays for Ohio St, he automatically gets rated higher (I think that's how it works anyways).

No, foolish iowa poster. You see, The Ohio State wins MORE Big Ten Conference games than most other teams. Because they win so many Conference games, it is assumed that their players are better players than many other players in the conference because they help their team to win more games.

Now, foolish iowa Gopher, I do read all the posts. I can't believe how many foolish and unreadable things so many of you write in your silly little one line posts. So many of these little twitter...tweet types of posts some of you write are so completely full of total nothingness. However, in your case, you should shorten your darn little strings of letters down from their current length. In your case a simple word or two would probably be too much.

Have a nice day where ever it is in iowa that you live...

Not until after I say babble, babble, babble.

What else has your speech therapist helped you learn how to say killjoy? I feel so sorry for you since you were left in the condition you appear to be in. Was it an accident, or did it occur at birth? May the Good Lord give your care givers the strength to carry on...

Does anyone else simply skip past the wren posts?

People like you inspire me and make me realize how important it is for me to not succumb to a few little digs and jabs that the one liner generation try to send my way.

To twitter is to submit a compliant single thought.
To contrast in depth is to express exactly what you want.
You do it your way.
I'll do it my way.
To have room for different styles
makes GH sublime!

People like you inspire me and make me realize how important it is for me to not succumb to a few little digs and jabs that the one liner generation try to send my way.

To twitter is to submit a compliant single thought.
To contrast in depth is to express exactly what you want.
You do it your way.
I'll do it my way.
To have room for different styles
makes GH sublime!

Something something something brevity is the soul of wit something something.

Again, the ignore feature. Saved me the pain of 3 consecutive posts.

No, foolish iowa poster. You see, The Ohio State wins MORE Big Ten Conference games than most other teams. Because they win so many Conference games, it is assumed that their players are better players than many other players in the conference because they help their team to win more games.

Now, foolish iowa Gopher, I do read all the posts. I can't believe how many foolish and unreadable things so many of you write in your silly little one line posts. So many of these little twitter...tweet types of posts some of you write are so completely full of total nothingness. However, in your case, you should shorten your darn little strings of letters down from their current length. In your case a simple word or two would probably be too much.

Have a nice day where ever it is in iowa that you live...

Monitors - Why do you allow wren free range to play havoc with this blog? It should be clear to you by now that he needs to go. There is reason why he doesn't post at The Daily Gopher. They don't put up with his crap. For god sake, do your job.

Monitors - Why do you allow wren free range to play havoc with this blog? It should be clear to you by now that he needs to go. There is reason why he doesn't post at The Daily Gopher. They don't put up with his crap. For god sake, do your job.

You are such a liar killjoy. I have never even been on the daily gopher site. I think that anything except the STRIB and GOPHERHOLE are just excessive places that just spout somebody's opinions. Now, killjoy, take a good look at what you do. Don't worry, I will quit even bothering to set the record straight with the lies you tell. But, you are possibly the worst lobbyist I have ever seen. You attach yourself to my posts time after time. Sometimes you annoy me, but, most of the time you are so pathetic I just ignore you.

You know, I don't know if the daily gopher has any merit or not. But, I take my stand re: Golden Gopher Football on the strib once in a while and on GH all the time. I have pretty much been on GH for about as long as Jason and Dave combined forces and have seen the many progressions of this site. I contribute financially to this site. You should do the same killjoy.

Now, I will NOT speak to you no matter how low you go or how many times you attempt to discredit me. Go ahead. I'll represent myself and will ignore you and your type no matter what you do. Knock yourself out killjoy.

But let me make this perfectly clear: I have NO time for that web site you try so hard to plug here. Maybe it is a fine site, but I have NO interest in that site. GOPHER HOLE is the place I will be and I will make comments on the STRIB occasionally.

You are what you are killjoy...I don't like what you are. I don't like how you are. I don't like who you are. As far as I am concerned, you are a bad joke that really does NOT exist.

What ever you say or do does not interest me.

Have a good life killjoy. To me, you do not exist.

You are such a liar killjoy. I have never even been on the daily gopher site. I think that anything except the STRIB and GOPHERHOLE are just excessive places that just spout somebody's opinions. Now, killjoy, take a good look at what you do. Don't worry, I will quit even bothering to set the record straight with the lies you tell. But, you are possibly the worst lobbyist I have ever seen. You attach yourself to my posts time after time. Sometimes you annoy me, but, most of the time you are so pathetic I just ignore you.

You know, I don't know if the daily gopher has any merit or not. But, I take my stand re: Golden Gopher Football on the strib once in a while and on GH all the time. I have pretty much been on GH for about as long as Jason and Dave combined forces and have seen the many progressions of this site. I contribute financially to this site. You should do the same killjoy.

Now, I will NOT speak to you no matter how low you go or how many times you attempt to discredit me. Go ahead. I'll represent myself and will ignore you and your type no matter what you do. Knock yourself out killjoy.

But let me make this perfectly clear: I have NO time for that web site you try so hard to plug here. Maybe it is a fine site, but I have NO interest in that site. GOPHER HOLE is the place I will be and I will make comments on the STRIB occasionally.

You are what you are killjoy...I don't like what you are. I don't like how you are. I don't like who you are. As far as I am concerned, you are a bad joke that really does NOT exist.

What ever you say or do does not interest me.

Have a good life killjoy. To me, you do not exist.

So Matt at FBT and now The Daily Gopher never made very negative comments about you?

So you were never kicked off the Strib blog?

So you never teamed up with *********** on the Strib Blog to control the converstaion?

So you never wrote long babbling posts to control the conversation to your agendas?

So you never been banned fro the GopherHole?

So you state you are really a "nice guy" yet you do the things above?

So there have been several posts complaining about your postings recently from others yet you don't seem to believe there is a problem with your behavior?

I could go on and on but since your answer to what I say is that I am liar, it is clear you are very delusional.

There's only one way to settle this

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

You are such a liar killjoy. I have never even been on the daily gopher site. I think that anything except the STRIB and GOPHERHOLE are just excessive places that just spout somebody's opinions. Now, killjoy, take a good look at what you do. Don't worry, I will quit even bothering to set the record straight with the lies you tell. But, you are possibly the worst lobbyist I have ever seen. You attach yourself to my posts time after time. Sometimes you annoy me, but, most of the time you are so pathetic I just ignore you.

You know, I don't know if the daily gopher has any merit or not. But, I take my stand re: Golden Gopher Football on the strib once in a while and on GH all the time. I have pretty much been on GH for about as long as Jason and Dave combined forces and have seen the many progressions of this site. I contribute financially to this site. You should do the same killjoy.

Now, I will NOT speak to you no matter how low you go or how many times you attempt to discredit me. Go ahead. I'll represent myself and will ignore you and your type no matter what you do. Knock yourself out killjoy.

But let me make this perfectly clear: I have NO time for that web site you try so hard to plug here. Maybe it is a fine site, but I have NO interest in that site. GOPHER HOLE is the place I will be and I will make comments on the STRIB occasionally.

You are what you are killjoy...I don't like what you are. I don't like how you are. I don't like who you are. As far as I am concerned, you are a bad joke that really does NOT exist.

What ever you say or do does not interest me.

Have a good life killjoy. To me, you do not exist.

Way to turn the other cheek, you hypocrite.

How about both you guys knock this BS off. Its annoying to other readers. Plus what does it all accomplish??

No, i would rather not do the "ignore" thing for both of you as I do read your posts.

This is a message board and not a place to host internet wars. Its time that both you consider the other GH posters.

How about both you guys knock this BS off. Its annoying to other readers. Plus what does it all accomplish??

No, i would rather not do the "ignore" thing for both of you as I do read your posts.

This is a message board and not a place to host internet wars. Its time that both you consider the other GH posters.

This ^^^

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