Phil Miller blog: Gophers visit Baylor for QB ideas


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Nov 11, 2008
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Turns out, Baylor had one last season, an offensive machine that you don't have to be a football coach to have heard of. Which is how three Gopher assistant coaches came to spend a few days last week in Waco, Texas.

"We liked what they did with Robert Griffin III, with what they put on his plate," offensive coordinator Matt Limegrover said of the Bears' Heisman Trophy winner. "We had seem him play the year before, and he made a real nice jump from 2010 to 2011 -- I think a lot of people would like to have a year like that, wouldn't they?"

Go Gophers!!

Yeah, hopefully they can make a similar improvement with MG. I can't imagine what this season would be like if MG improved as much as RGIII. We could actually see trophies! (Yes, trophies is the plural of trophy. I know we haven't had to use that word in a LONG time.)

No doubt that RG3 improved a lot his senior season, but there is a perception out there (probably with all the draft buzz) that he came out of nowhere. He was having a good career before last year.

I think some people don't realize how impressive his career stats are....
He threw 1192 passes with only 17 career interceptions. That's an INT every 70 passing attempts. He also had 78 TDs to those 17 INTS (4.6:1 ratio).

For instance, Andrew Luck (who put up absolutely gaudy stats), threw an INT every 48 passing attempts, and had a TD:INT ratio of 3.7:1.

Anyone know how common it is for coaching staffs to visit other programs like this? I don't ever recall hearing this type of thing until Kill was hired.

Anyone know how common it is for coaching staffs to visit other programs like this? I don't ever recall hearing this type of thing until Kill was hired.

I think it's actually pretty common. I think the Mississippi State coaches visited here last year and our previous staff visited other places as well (although where, I'm not sure)

GophersInIowa said:
Anyone know how common it is for coaching staffs to visit other programs like this? I don't ever recall hearing this type of thing until Kill was hired.

It is very common. For instance the Oklahoma staff was at Nebraska last week.

I'm a Bronco fan on the NFL side and if there's one thing I can say about both of my teams, they don't sit on their hands. Tebow is working with Noel Mazzone regarding his mechanics and the Gophs staff is picking Baylor's brains for Q ideas. Very happy guy this offseason. :)

I don't expect Q to be RGIII, but if he can become a "B" passer and improve that completion rate, plus his intangibles? Look out, B1G!

It is very common. For instance the Oklahoma staff was at Nebraska last week.

Indeed it is common, and has been for a long time. I met a retired U of South Carolina assistant when I was a grad student there. He told a story about a young Lou Holtz (then at Wm and Mary - not sure it is when Holtz was an asst or when he had the head coach position) coming through Columbia during spring practice. A very common practice.

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