Peter Najarian


Active member
Nov 21, 2008
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I had NBC Sports talk on and they were talking about the NFL playoffs when I thought I heard thank you Peter It was DVRd so I replayed it, and yes it was Peter Najarian. He of option trading, CNBC Fast Money, and balding with a pony tail. He still looks like he could get it done.

It will be interesting to see if he gets an interview for the AD job. If I recall correctly, he's expressed some interest.

Yeah, now is a great time in the state of our program to even consider someone who is completely and thoroughly unqualified to be an AD anywhere, let alone at a Big Ten institution with a $78 million athletics budget.

Yeah, now is a great time in the state of our program to even consider someone who is completely and thoroughly unqualified to be an AD anywhere, let alone at a Big Ten institution with a $78 million athletics.

The most important job an AD has is to raise money. Pete could probably write the 78M check all by himself. It is a myth that the right AD can pick good coaches. Picking a coach is like recruiting - some work out and some don't. An AD can however refrain from making stupid hires - like Brewster.
Pete is smart enough to avoid stupid mistakes and smart enough to hire a search firm.

I did not bring this up as a promo. Only to offer a insight as to what are they doing now. I didn't realize he had his own options trading firm in addition to the gig on CNBC. I don't watch CNBC that much, but his take with Russ Thaler was entertaining. Cetainly he has the talent to perform the AD position, but woud he give up what he has to do it? The Pony tail, sandals, and shorts might be refreshing.

Yeah, now is a great time in the state of our program to even consider someone who is completely and thoroughly unqualified to be an AD anywhere, let alone at a Big Ten institution with a $78 million athletics.


The most important job an AD has is to raise money. Pete could probably write the 78M check all by himself. It is a myth that the right AD can pick good coaches. Picking a coach is like recruiting - some work out and some don't. An AD can however refrain from making stupid hires - like Brewster.
Pete is smart enough to avoid stupid mistakes and smart enough to hire a search firm.

I'll heartily disagree. The most important job is to run a budget. Getting additional funds to implement a bigger budget is a subset of that. It's not only the AD's job, but a function of the President as well.


"Pete Najarian is a California-born trader, analyst, and television host with an estimated net worth of $25 million dollars. Most widely recognized for giving investing advice on the show, “Fast Money”, Pete Najarian is the co-founder of optionMonster and tradeMonster, a market analysis and trading strategy company, and an online brokerage, respectively."

Still a lot of dough, but if he wrote the U a check for $78M, I would want him arrested.

That all said, I don't think he's remotely qualified. I would like to see him as a Regent.

Pete is smart enough to avoid stupid mistakes and smart enough to hire a search firm.

Maturi used a search firm for both Brewster and Kill. The problem with search firms is that many coaches feel like their names will get leaked if they talk to the firms, so they choose not to express interest. Not saying you will always get a better coach without one (they may find someone you never considered), but it's not a slam dunk that they produce the best coach. And all they do is give you a list of folks who have expressed interest. It is up to the AD to weed through that list and see who will fit and who won't fit and make the choice, then convince them to come. A lot of that hinges on having a knowlegable AD. Not sure Pete is the guy for that role.

macuri's hoops coach hire that was supposed to be his "get out of jail card..." has..

flopped very badly. He is something like 1-14 in his last fifteen Big Ten Coaching chances. The BARN is looking very empty for Big Ten play. Just how many Big Ten wins will the Gopher Men's Hoops program be able to beg, borrow or steal during the remainder of the 2011/2012 Season? Perhaps the BARN will earn the new nickname of the "BLEAK HOUSE..." unless there is a remarkable turn around done almost immediately.

You ALL know what needs to be done with the badger reject...joel macturi, don't you...He was NEVER going to be adequate to replace Pat Richter in madison...and most unfortunately the fools in the administration here at the U of M hired him. Just look at the condition of our revenue sports after 10 years of badger joel... ; 0 (

And, some of you question Pete Najarian's qualifications to be an ad? You can hire bean counters and accountants any day. You can hire weak-yes-persons who will kiss the butts of the non-revenue and Title-IX coaches and departments at the expense of the revenue sport coaches and programs any day. They are a dime a dozen. But you NEED an AD at the U of M who can start giving the ticket buying public and the deep-pocketed donors a reason to believe and a reason to WANT to make contributions to the scholarship funds and the needs of the revenue sports programs, as well as the non-revenue sports and Title IX programs at the U.

You people DO realize what HAS to happen to stop the downward spiral...and it MUST happen soon!

; 0 )

Perhaps it is beginning to be the time to start questioning prexy k's ability to assess a situation and take action where action is BADLY needed re: the NEED to stop the bleeding coming from the office of the a.d. It would seem that prexy k likes to sit back and do nothing while the problems with the revenue sports become larger. prexy k: you can try to ignore the problems...but...the problems will ONLY become worse. badger joel macturi IF he is on his way out the door appears to be content to totally bring the revenue sports down just as far as he can bring them. Of course, as of today, there really is NO indication that b(s)jm really is on his way out the door.

So, perhaps we will have many more seasons with him at the helm of the revenue sports. I'm against it...but...that would probably make some of you people very happy...

; 0 )

Incessant rambling


As the Tubby Smith hire was pretty much universally regarded as a great hire, it doesn't make much sense to "blame" Maturi for hiring him.

20-13, 8-10 Big Ten
22-11, 9-9 Big Ten
21-14, 9-9 Big Ten
17-14, 6-12 Big Ten
12-4, 0-3 Big Ten

Last year might have been disappointing, but to say the hire was a flop, let alone a bad flop is quite a stretch.

Joel Maturi sucks. Therefore, no one can question the qualifications of another would-be-incompetent AD (Pete Najarian).

Tim Brewster sucks. Therefore, no one can question the qualifications of a less-terrible coach (Glen Mason).

Perfectly sound logic in Wren's world.

P.S. I also have failed to see a single post, a single one, in favor of extending and/or keeping Maturi past his contract expiration. Perhaps the voices in Wren's head were saying such things. Go ahead and clear this up for us later when you've sobered up, Wayne.

It is important for wren to have somebody to blame for problems. Then he doesn't have to look at my own actions. This technique of finding an external enemy has been used and honed by all the great statesmen such as Gadhafi, Ahmadinejad, and wren. I suspect this is a trial balloon by wren to find a new "enemy" since Maturi probably will be "retiring" soon.

I had NBC Sports talk on and they were talking about the NFL playoffs when I thought I heard thank you Peter It was DVRd so I replayed it, and yes it was Peter Najarian. He of option trading, CNBC Fast Money, and balding with a pony tail. He still looks like he could get it done.

Balding? He is balding in the same way that Jeff Ross is fatting. That pony tail has to go!

6-15 in B10 last 21?

As the Tubby Smith hire was pretty much universally regarded as a great hire, it doesn't make much sense to "blame" Maturi for hiring him.

20-13, 8-10 Big Ten
22-11, 9-9 Big Ten
21-14, 9-9 Big Ten
17-14, 6-12 Big Ten
12-4, 0-3 Big Ten

Last year might have been disappointing, but to say the hire was a flop, let alone a bad flop is quite a stretch.

uh, yeah that's a bad flop considering Tubster is paid 2M per year and is in his 5th year; not to mention the 1M "mistake" paid to Williams.

I'll heartily disagree. The most important job is to run a budget. Getting additional funds to implement a bigger budget is a subset of that. It's not only the AD's job, but a function of the President as well.

And: "Pete Najarian is a California-born trader, analyst, and television host with an estimated net worth of $25 million dollars. Most widely recognized for giving investing advice on the show, “Fast Money”, Pete Najarian is the co-founder of optionMonster and tradeMonster, a market analysis and trading strategy company, and an online brokerage, respectively."

Still a lot of dough, but if he wrote the U a check for $78M, I would want him arrested.

That all said, I don't think he's remotely qualified. I would like to see him as a Regent.

then Maturi is your guy because that is all he has done acceptably for five years. If that was all that was required, any CPA would be competent to do this job.

imthewalrus said:
flopped very badly. He is something like 1-14 in his last fifteen Big Ten Coaching chances. The BARN is looking very empty for Big Ten play. Just how many Big Ten wins will the Gopher Men's Hoops program be able to beg, borrow or steal during the remainder of the 2011/2012 Season? Perhaps the BARN will earn the new nickname of the "BLEAK HOUSE..." unless there is a remarkable turn around done almost immediately.

You ALL know what needs to be done with the badger reject...joel macturi, don't you...He was NEVER going to be adequate to replace Pat Richter in madison...and most unfortunately the fools in the administration here at the U of M hired him. Just look at the condition of our revenue sports after 10 years of badger joel... ; 0 (

And, some of you question Pete Najarian's qualifications to be an ad? You can hire bean counters and accountants any day. You can hire weak-yes-persons who will kiss the butts of the non-revenue and Title-IX coaches and departments at the expense of the revenue sport coaches and programs any day. They are a dime a dozen. But you NEED an AD at the U of M who can start giving the ticket buying public and the deep-pocketed donors a reason to believe and a reason to WANT to make contributions to the scholarship funds and the needs of the revenue sports programs, as well as the non-revenue sports and Title IX programs at the U.

You people DO realize what HAS to happen to stop the downward spiral...and it MUST happen soon!

; 0 )

Perhaps it is beginning to be the time to start questioning prexy k's ability to assess a situation and take action where action is BADLY needed re: the NEED to stop the bleeding coming from the office of the a.d. It would seem that prexy k likes to sit back and do nothing while the problems with the revenue sports become larger. prexy k: you can try to ignore the problems...but...the problems will ONLY become worse. badger joel macturi IF he is on his way out the door appears to be content to totally bring the revenue sports down just as far as he can bring them. Of course, as of today, there really is NO indication that b(s)jm really is on his way out the door.

So, perhaps we will have many more seasons with him at the helm of the revenue sports. I'm against it...but...that would probably make some of you people very happy...

; 0 )

Just so I'm clear, you are anti Joel Maturi, right?

uh, yeah that's a bad flop considering Tubster is paid 2M per year and is in his 5th year; not to mention the 1M "mistake" paid to Williams.
Except he's not paid 2M per year and his salary is actually below average in the B1G.

I'm surprised my name hasn't hit the rumor circles. At a spry 26 I could be the AD for a good 50 years. Talk about continuity!

Great Idea RailBaronYarr

I'm surprised my name hasn't hit the rumor circles. At a spry 26 I could be the AD for a good 50 years. Talk about continuity!

And at least half of that time you wouldn't have to hear wren's babbling. Twenty five good years wouldn't be half bad or would it be half bad?

Except he's not paid 2M per year and his salary is actually below average in the B1G.
Not sure where he ranks in strict salary, but overall compensation he is foing pretty well.

Here is, in order, the annual salary of all the Big Ten basketball coaches for next season: Izzo, Ohio State’s Thad Matta ($2.4 million), Crean, Minnesota’s Tubby Smith ($1.8 million), Michigan’s John Beilein ($1.6 million), Illinois’ Bruce Weber ($1.5 million), Wisconsin’s Bo Ryan ($1.5 million), Purdue’s Matt Painter ($1.325 million), Iowa’s Fran McCaffery ($1.1 million), Northwestern’s Bill Carmody ($1.1 million) and DeChellis.

Not sure where he ranks in strict salary, but overall compensation he is foing pretty well.

Here is, in order, the annual salary of all the Big Ten basketball coaches for next season: Izzo, Ohio State’s Thad Matta ($2.4 million), Crean, Minnesota’s Tubby Smith ($1.8 million), Michigan’s John Beilein ($1.6 million), Illinois’ Bruce Weber ($1.5 million), Wisconsin’s Bo Ryan ($1.5 million), Purdue’s Matt Painter ($1.325 million), Iowa’s Fran McCaffery ($1.1 million), Northwestern’s Bill Carmody ($1.1 million) and DeChellis.

\thread hijack Not accurate, Bo Ryan and Matt Painter both make over $2 million per year now and Beilein gets $1.8 million per year. \end thread hijack

I did not bring this up as a promo. Only to offer a insight as to what are they doing now. I didn't realize he had his own options trading firm in addition to the gig on CNBC. I don't watch CNBC that much, but his take with Russ Thaler was entertaining. Cetainly he has the talent to perform the AD position, but woud he give up what he has to do it? The Pony tail, sandals, and shorts might be refreshing.
A ponytail is never refreshing; that should immediately disqualify him.

then Maturi is your guy because that is all he has done acceptably for five years. If that was all that was required, any CPA would be competent to do this job.

...and it is abundantly clear that you have no idea what an AD or athletic department does. Good luck.

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