Pete Najarian attended practice Tuesday


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Nov 20, 2008
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According to his tweet, he took in the Gopher practice yesterday. I know some have mentioned him as an AD candidate.

Anybody know what young Najarian's degree is in, or whether he has an advanced degree?

Wow, I think he's seriously interested!

I tweeted this at him:

Officially on the @petenajarian for Minnesota Athletic Director bandwagon. Get it done @PrezKaler.

He responded with this:

petenajarian petenajarian
@SKOORB_SIWEL @PrezKaler Extremely flattering thought, could not imagine how thrilling that prospect would be

interesting... i like this route and would be very happy if it played out that way

Didn't Pete follow in his dad's footsteps and went into medicine?

I'm going to play the ignorance card...I have no idea who PN is....enlighten me please

I'm going to play the ignorance card...I have no idea who PN is....enlighten me please

A former player who is now a big wig on MSNBC. Openly bleeds maroon and gold. If I remember correctly he has said he comes back to town for every home game.

He was a heckuva LB at Minnesota.

Najarian did play with wreckless abandon. He played much bigger than he was...didn't he play in Tampa Bay??? Anyway, As a long time supporter of Gopher football I hope this.....Let's get an East Coast guy with an East Coast attitude that is stong willed and stong minded and does things his way - not the Minnesota way. If you keep doing what you always did, you'll always get what you've always gotten. Shake it up Prez!!!!

It seems to me that someone from New Jersey, who played college ball at THE OSU for Coach Hayes and has been named COY in three different Conferences would certainly help prexy k "shake it up..." baby and would certainly be a great fit for your criteria givetheballtodarrel...

; 0 )

I believe he and his brother John own an option trading newsletter called or some such thing. His dad was, maybe still is, an MD on staff at Da U hospital and was a pioneering doctor in kidney transplants or some such thing. He played for Tampa BAy and the Vikings. Has had a steller carreer in finance as both a trader and corpporate executive.

He would be a huge "get" for the Gophers and might very well take the job if offerred to him. He is almost certainly wealthy and likely worth a very large fortune even by Wall Street standards. Money would not be part of what would get him here.

An executive, a manager, a football guy, he bleeds Maroon & Gold and he knows where money is to be found! Get This Guy!!"

Why would a guy with no background in running an athletic program AT ALL be an "outstanding get," a "huge plus," or even a candidate? Because he played football here?

This is just another stupid Dungy/Trestman/Hohensee thread. Yuck.

It seems to me that someone from New Jersey, who played college ball at THE OSU for Coach Hayes and has been named COY in three different Conferences would certainly help prexy k "shake it up..." baby and would certainly be a great fit for your criteria givetheballtodarrel...

; 0 )

You left out "couldn't win one conference title in two decades as a head coach" and "routinely took his teams to Madison and Iowa City for an annual annihilation".

maximus: but he was the BEST that Minnesota had in the past quarter of a century. And, I didn't add that Mason got the stadium for the U of M more than anyone else around that place. prexy b and b(s)jm even needed to EXTEND his contract for multi-years to help ram-rod the stadium deal through the hapless state government process. He got the naming rights deal with TCF BANK as his friendship with Mr. Cooper sealed that deal.

NOBODY...freaking NOBODY has won a championship in football at the University of Minnesota since Murray TIED 3 ways for the Big Ten Championship in 1967. That is 44 stinking years without a whif of a Big Ten Championship. The last Big Ten Championship before that was in the 1960 season. That was also a NC season. The Gophers, however lost the 1961 Rosebowl Game to Washington. They went to the 1962 Rosebowl game and did beat UCLA...BUT...they finished 2nd to Ohio State during the 1961 Big Ten Season. Ohio State voted NOT to accept the Rosebowl, the Gophers went to the 1962 Rosebowl game the HARD default.

Murray very seldom played Ohio State until towards the end of his career here. Bernie Bierman very seldom played Ohio State during his two tenures here.

Minnesota is a freaking HARD place to win Big Ten Championships at maximusfoolishakiss.

Mason made the case for the Gophers needing an on campus stadium. THANK YOU Glen Mason! And, he had the Gophers competetive.

Study your Gopher Histor maxicusfoolimus. Take a GOOD look at just how many decent coaches have had their butts handed to them here at the U of M before you try to bad-mouth ONE of the BEST that has been here in the past HALF CENTURY.

How long have you been watching Gopher Football maxicusfoolishmus. We haven't been very much in a LONG, LONG time.

; 0 (

Who cares if he was the best in the last 1/4 of a century? It is not saying a whole hell of a lot.

They need a proven AD/CEO type. Do you honestly think Mase would give 100%, no he would phone it in half the time from the golf course. Just like he got at the end of his tenure.

Get over it Glen is gone, your boyfiend will never be a part of this program again.

Count me in on the Najarian AD Bandwagon

This appointment would in some small way make up for the way the U of M screwed over is father.

When it comes to administrations: the U of M has a LONG history of screwing up BADLY. Mason or Najarian or ANYBODY who is a Football Man! THAT is what is needed to bring the revenue sports back to life. Think Football...Football...Football. Football needs to solidify the Revenue sports and NOTHING replaces a GOOD, SOUND, COMPETITIVE Football Program!

Will prexy k rise to the occasion or will he just give us "half-measures" of what is really needed. Will he be Michiganesque...Ohio Stateesque...Nebraskaesque...wiskyesque in his approach...or will he just wimp out and not rattle any cages or set any precedent that the revenue programs at the University of Minnesota WILL compete with the top half of the conferece in Football, Men's Hoops AND Hockey? The ball is in prexy k's court. Will he bring the University of Minnesota to the top half of the Big Ten...or, is he totally content with the status quo? This move will most likely define this prexy's tenure at the University of Minnesota. Does he stand for EXCELLENCE or does he accept bottom-half preformance in research. He either goes for the gusto in EVERYTHING or he blindly accepts what ever happens.

Bring in a FOOTBALL MAN as the AD~

; 0 )

Obviously he's good at options trading and managing money, but how does that qualify him to run an athletic department? How is he as a leader, managing people, and 20+ different sports? What's his vision? There is more to hiring an AD than going out and getting a good name and I'm sure Kaler will know the candidates far better than any of us by the time he makes the hire and after several interviews. Not saying that Najarian isn't the person for the job, but no one can characterize him as a "homerun hire" yet, that's for sure.

Obviously he's good at options trading and managing money, but how does that qualify him to run an athletic department? How is he as a leader, managing people, and 20+ different sports? What's his vision? There is more to hiring an AD than going out and getting a good name and I'm sure Kaler will know the candidates far better than any of us by the time he makes the hire and after several interviews. Not saying that Najarian isn't the person for the job, but no one can characterize him as a "homerun hire" yet, that's for sure.

Brandon at Michigan's experience prior to his AD job was CEO of Dominos.

Brandon at Michigan's experience prior to his AD job was CEO of Dominos.

There's a big difference between being the CEO of a Fortune 500 company and being a successful options trader.

There's a big difference between being the CEO of a Fortune 500 company and being a successful options trader.

Why? Both were big business (sure, roles were different) who had zero experience leading an ath Dept. Both would have come back to their Alma mater to lend a back bone to the university's athletics dept

Must be in Business probably an MBA as he is a very well regarded financial on fox business TV

Bring in a FOOTBALL MAN as the AD~

Sweet! Paul Giel part deux...move back to the dome?

Don't forget...Rick Bay played football at Michigan. Bring him back?

Mark Dienhart was drafted by the Buffalo Bills...he will guarantee Gopher football success.

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