Okay, to try to change it up from the overwhelming negativity about the direction of the program, I've got a bone to pick with the students. When did the students forget how to do the M-I-N-N-E-S-O-T-A chant after the Rouser? It's not difficult. Since I was little, I've always enjoyed the sound of an entire stadium/arena ringing with that chant in unison. Unfortunately, the students appear to have decided to no longer do the chant with the cadence set by the band, but to rush the chant, throwing everybody off. I never hear it in unison anymore. And it's a relatively recent development that happens at basketball games too. It's not difficult. The band sets the cadence. Stay on beat with the band. If you rush ahead, it sounds absolutely terrible. I know it's a small thing, but it's been bugging me since it first started.