Penn State To Honor Joe Paterno Before Temple Game

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Wild animal with a keyboard
Jan 17, 2010
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Penn State plans to honor legendary head coach Joe Paterno prior to kickoff against Temple on Sept. 17. The school will commemorate the 50th anniversary of Paterno’s first game as head coach of the Nittany Lions.

The news was nestled deep in a press release today announcing the season’s promotional calendar. The Athletics Department is officially calling it “Commemorating the 50th anniversary of Coach Paterno’s first game as Penn State head coach,” although it is not yet clear what all that will entail.

Aside from briefly appearing in several pump up videos shown before kickoff, Paterno has not been officially recognized in Beaver Stadium since he walked out for the last time on October 29, 2011.

Penn State is a member of the Big Ten conference and I have conference pride, so I fully support them honoring the man who sheltered and enabled a pedophile for many, many years.

Stay Classy Penn State

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It is getting really easy to hate Penn state.

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Denial is a river that runs through State College, PA.

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Even after all the additional evidence that Paterno knew this abuse was happening under his watch they plan this disgraceful display. Pedophile U.

Temple fans should wear "We Support Bill Cosby" shirts.

Sporting News: Joe Paterno always will be part of Penn State's history, but that's where he should stay

It seems a shame that Penn State cannot allow itself to move past association with the Paterno brand. Of course there would not be a 107,000-seat stadium and two national championships and scores of All-Americans in the program’s history if it were not for Paterno’s genius. He was as gifted a coach as anyone ever has been.

However, the stain left on the program, the campus, by his final decade is going to be obvious anytime an alumnus or fan agitates for a restoration of his statue. For the school to shine its own spotlight and remind everyone seems counterproductive.

If Penn State had allowed this to pass without mention, who would have been bothered? The university's current senior class enrolled a full 20 months after Paterno worked his final game.

The current players and coaches have earned the opportunity to move beyond Paterno’s legacy. That’s true of football, in which James Franklin is battling to gain sure footing even though he is starting just his third season. It’s also true of the university’s other sports, including a women’s soccer team that won the 2015 NCAA championship and a women’s volleyball team that won two of the past three national titles. They deserve a campus where Paterno is history, and left there.

Go Gophers!!

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