Penn State Fans Worried About Crowd Sat.


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2008
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I noticed on one of their boards some ill-informed fan boasting about a "dome team" having to deal with the weather. The funny thing is, nobody set him straight. There might be some snow but I bet the game temps will be a bit warmer than last week's game.

I think the crowd will be fine. Any snow that falls won't stick much on the roads. Plus it's homecoming. Plus everyone stayed home last week for the Eastern Illinois game.

Disregarding the fact that we're one of those games where the home team worries about filling the seats, I hope everyone who pops a blood vessel every time they see empty seats at the Stadium reads this and realizes that every program has a few empty spots for the non-marquee games. Even Happy Valley has its fair-weather fans.

They should be more worried about the game....saw the illinois re-broadcast and I have to say this psu team does not look that great--talented, yes, but very beatable from what I could tell..whether they've improved since or not is debatable given the weak schedule..I smell an upset. This is the week we get a big win and enter the rankings. I can feeeel it.

I went to PSU's homecoming game a few years ago (vs Illinois if I recall correctly). The stadium was NOT full. I would not be surprised to see empty seats this weekend. They tend to do some tailgating down there...

If the stadium is full, us Minnesota fans should take that as a sign of respect for our team.

Local media and fans here are really down on the schedule. Especially after losing to Iowa at home, the Eastern Illinois game was not a big draw. Plus its huntin' season!

I expect Penn State to play a solid game after that Iowa loss. Two BT home losses is just hard to imagine in State College.

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