Penn St hires coach, demise becomes official

Some Day...Is Coming!

Some Day...Maybe?
Sep 13, 2011
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Bill O'Brien hired as Penn St football coach. What a joke. Good for the rest of the Big Ten. I'm amazed they would hire a 43 year old journeyman with no head coaching experience. Ya, I know all about the scandal, but it's still a program with a huge fan base, a huge alumni, and all the amenities. They could of, and should of done a lot better. Amazing, from Iconic program to this. It all disappeared in a poof! A program with a 50 year legacy erased in 2 months! Ya go from Joe Paterno to a guy with no college head coaching experience whose never even been a coordinator for more than 2 years at any one stop and for the majority of his career has been a position coach!! WOW!

Bill O'Brien hired as Penn St football coach. What a joke. Good for the rest of the Big Ten. I'm amazed they would hire a 43 year old journeyman with no head coaching experience. Ya, I know all about the scandal, but it's still a program with a huge fan base, a huge alumni, and all the amenities. They could of, and should of done a lot better. Amazing, from Iconic program to this. It all disappeared in a poof! A program with a 50 year legacy erased in 2 months! Ya go from Joe Paterno to a guy with no college head coaching experience whose never even been a coordinator for more than 2 years at any one stop and for the majority of his career has been a position coach!! WOW!

They must not have known that Strange Brew was available.

Hello, this is Bill

Well, of course I would be interested in talking to you about coaching the Nittany Lions. But this is Bill O'Brien, let me transfer you to coach Belichick.

Huh? Really? Sure...when do you want me down there?

[hangs up]

[phone rings] won't *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#ing believe this. Tell Jack and Michael to pack up!

O'Brien would have got an NFL head coaching job this offseason. It's not too often that a guy chooses a college job over an NFL job. From the start PSU has focused on a lot of NFL coaches, starting with Munchak and then moving to the OC's from San Francisco, Green Bay, and New England. PSU appeared to choose O'Brien over the other 2 and I wouldn't be surprised to see the Green Bay OC end up with an NFL job.

Notre Dame took an OC from New England, so why not Penn State ?( I know it didn't work out for the Irish, but the point is they took a similar type of guy, a hot OC from the pros)

One real challenge for O'Brien moving to college wil be that the New England offense is insanely difficult for wide receivers and he has no prayer of implementing it in a college setting. In just the past 4 years, the Patriots have let go of 2 high draft picks (Chad Jackson and Taylor Price) because they couldn't pick up the offense. A few years ago, Joey Galloway couldn't pick up the offense and this year Chad Ochocinco has been unable to pick up the offense. Essentially the wide receivers have to make site adjustments on their routes which means they have to be able to read coverage at/after the snap and run the route that corresponds to the coverage.

We would like to thank our search consultant, Joel Maturi

13 Lined Ground Squirrel said:
Does this mean the divisions can be realigned geographically now?

I realize we are only 6 days in but this is my favorite post of 2012, so far.

Time will tell as to whether it was a good selection, good fit, etc., but anyone who thinks that he is not an extremely in-demand coach is kidding themselves.

Time will tell as to whether it was a good selection, good fit, etc., but anyone who thinks that he is not an extremely in-demand coach is kidding themselves.

+1 to this

It is not a flashy hire but it is a safe hire of a coach who is not a household name but would have been in line for an NFL head coaching gig in the very near future. Biggest problem he is going to have is being so far behind in recruiting and still trying to manage the Patriots offense during the post season run. He is going to have to name his staff quick to get them out on the road recruiting for him.

I think this will be a pretty good hire if he can bring in assistants that recruit well, and a good D-coordinator.

Time will tell as to whether it was a good selection, good fit, etc., but anyone who thinks that he is not an extremely in-demand coach is kidding themselves.

Correct. He is only a no-name to people who don't know any names.

Wow, check out these quotes:

Reached hours before reports surfaced that Bill O'Brien would be named the Nittany Lions' next head coach, Arrington and other prominent lettermen insisted that if Penn State departed from the football family in naming Joe Paterno's successor, some would sever ties with their alma mater.

"I will put my Butkus (Award) in storage. I will put my Alamo Bowl MVP trophy in storage," Arrington said. "Jerseys, anything Penn State, in storage. Wherever Tom Bradley goes, that's the school I will start to put memorabilia up in my home. I'm done. I'm done with Penn State. If they're done with us, I'm done with them."

Go Gophers!!

Arrington is an idiot. I hope some alums come forward and support this hire. It is best to start fresh. Ends any chance of prior knowledge of the scandal coming back to bite them.

"I will put my Butkus (Award) in storage. I will put my Alamo Bowl MVP trophy in storage," Arrington said. "Jerseys, anything Penn State, in storage. Wherever Tom Bradley goes, that's the school I will start to put memorabilia up in my home. I'm done. I'm done with Penn State. If they're done with us, I'm done with them."

I hope he and others remember this if/when O'Brien starts winning. Idiots...

This is going to be bad.
PSU alums are revolting threatening lawsuits if their likenesses are used in anything, calling up recruits and current players to transfer/decommit.

They hired an outsider and everyone outside of the administration is throwing a fit.

And I thought our dumbass former kicker was a problem.

I think reports of Penn State's demise will be greatly exaggerated. I'm not saying O'Brien is the right guy or not. I think the Brewster comparison borders on insanity. Brewster was never even a coordinator and O'Brien has been a successful one. As dpo and others have said, O'Brien was going to be a head coach somewhere in the next few years

There is much to do at Penn State (understatement). I would expect O'Brien will clean out the staff top-to-bottom and give the program a fresh start. They may be down for a year or two, but if he can keep area talent at home (which is going to be more challenging now with Chryst at Pitt), they'll have the athletes.

A similar former player/alum revolt happened after Indiana fired Bobby Knight. It's taken about a decade for all parties to unify back together, though winning early can help and losing early big can prolong the healing.

Go Gophers!!

Former Penn State All-American linebacker Brandon Short told senior writer Don Van Natta Jr. that members of the influential Lettermen's Club have a meeting scheduled with Joyner for Friday at 1 p.m. ET.

"It's unfortunate that coach O'Brien ... has not been made aware of the implications of him being in this position," said Short, an investment banker. "I don't envy him at all. He doesn't have support of the vast majority of former Penn State players and the vast majority of the student body and the faculty won't support him. I feel sorry for him."

Short said some members of the group were considering a range of options to express their displeasure, including asking current players to transfer and recruits to de-commit. Short told USA Today they were mulling a lawsuit in an effort to bar Penn State from using their likenesses or images for marketing purposes.

"It appears as if it is Dave Joyner's intent to disassociate himself with everything related Penn State," Short told "Then a group of former players will now disassociate ourselves from everything related to Penn State."


Uh, Guys.... Look at this:'Brien

His last college coaching job was Offensive Coordinator at DUKE for christsakes. He is also one degree of separation from notorious POS George O'Leary, 5Chan Gailey and Ted Roof. I would be pissed too.


That's what they deserve for raping children.

This is a risk they can take. He is a potential home run hire that is coming in at tough times. If he succeeds they are back. If he fails they will be more years removed from the scandal and might be able to attract a proven re-tread. I'm not a fan of re-treads. It is obvious they were looking for NFL connections in an up and comer.

Wow, check out these quotes:

Reached hours before reports surfaced that Bill O'Brien would be named the Nittany Lions' next head coach, Arrington and other prominent lettermen insisted that if Penn State departed from the football family in naming Joe Paterno's successor, some would sever ties with their alma mater.

"I will put my Butkus (Award) in storage. I will put my Alamo Bowl MVP trophy in storage," Arrington said. "Jerseys, anything Penn State, in storage. Wherever Tom Bradley goes, that's the school I will start to put memorabilia up in my home. I'm done. I'm done with Penn State. If they're done with us, I'm done with them."

Go Gophers!!

O'Brien might not be the guy to get it done, but the lettermen are coming off as a bunch of dolts.

And who will be hurt the most by all this? The current players, who had/have nothing to do with it.

Does this group have another person in mind for the head coaching position? Either way, this is ridiculous.

Anyone else notice that this group seems to be more outraged at the coaching decision than the sexual abuse charges?

I think this might be the ideal type of hire, they clear house, which I think they needed to do former players liking it or not, they got a guy that has been successfull but not that well known, they probably aren't going to be paying him a kings ransom which I think would have sent all the wrong messages, seemingly have downgraded the role football will play, but over time maybe not.

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