Paul Bunyan's Axe Not That Cool

Aug 22, 2009
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I had always naively assumed the head of the axe was made of some kind of metal, even though it would probably be very heavy, but during a closeup it appeared that the axe head was just another piece of wood. Is this true, or did my eyes deceive me? Could Paul Bunyan's Axe be made entirely of Paul Bunyan's victims?

Was the original axe that has been retired to the college football HOF also entirely wooden?

I feel disillusioned. The axe moves down the list of trophies from first to third. It remains slightly cooler than the Victory Bell, but eats the dust of Floyd and the Jug.

A wooden axe. Pfft.

I had always naively assumed the head of the axe was made of some kind of metal, even though it would probably be very heavy, but during a closeup it appeared that the axe head was just another piece of wood. Is this true, or did my eyes deceive me? Could Paul Bunyan's Axe be made entirely of Paul Bunyan's victims?

Was the original axe that has been retired to the college football HOF also entirely wooden?

I feel disillusioned. The axe moves down the list of trophies from first to third. It remains slightly cooler than the Victory Bell, but eats the dust of Floyd and the Jug.

A wooden axe. Pfft.

But we take good care of it.


What?!? It's made entirely of wood? Well, then, who cares?:confused:

Go Gophers! Beat Purdue!:D

Don't go hiding it in a boiler room.

After all the airtime ESPN gave it during the game??? Can't and won't happen again. What happened to the Slab of Bacon was almost as bad as the unfortunate Denny Pratt incident. ESPN has made certain that the rest of the country knows (as of Saturday) that the Gophers are part of the Axe history.

Speaking smack about the Axe is sacrilege! That's Mason-esque in referring to our trophies as trinkets.

True Fact:

Floyd is not bronze. Made entirely of petrified lutefisk and corncobs.

It's not even the original axe. This one is younger than the Victory Bell.

You're being had, old man, and Paul Bunyan is spinning in his gigantic grave.

You're being obtuse, youngster. The point is what the Axe represents, which is one of the greatest rivalries in college football. By your reasoning Floyd is also worthless. It is not the original prize hog that was wagered by the governors in 1935.

You're being obtuse, youngster. The point is what the Axe represents, which is one of the greatest rivalries in college football. By your reasoning Floyd is also worthless. It is not the original prize hog that was wagered by the governors in 1935.

Agreed. It's not what it's made of, it's what it represents. If you won it, you wouldn't have started this thread. Definitely sour grapes. This is the same argument little kids use. "I want it, I want it, I want it." Then when someone else gets it "Eh, it wasn't even that great to begin it."

Floyd is a real pig. He just moves very, very slowly.:)

Lets all pray to our own personal god that Floyd is able to travel north at about 70 miles an hour this November.

What is it with Wisconsin and crappy trophies?

Firstly, a piece of wood that says "bacon" on it gets replaced by a piece of wood that says "axe" on it. Secondly, they trade a fifth-rate knock off of Floyd with Iowa. Whereas Floyd is a well-crafted, realistic masterpiece, the Heartland trophy looks like it was sculpted out of playdoh by a retarded four year old.

Shame on Wisconsin for disgracing the very concept of trophy games with poor craftsmanship and an inability to understand simple concepts like what an "axe" is.

PS: The original Paul Bunyan's Axe trophy was retired in the possession of Minnesota, and the original Paul Bunyan never stepped foot in Wisconsin.

Agreed. It's not what it's made of, it's what it represents. If you won it, you wouldn't have started this thread. Definitely sour grapes. This is the same argument little kids use. "I want it, I want it, I want it." Then when someone else gets it "Eh, it wasn't even that great to begin it."

If you lost it, you wouldn't even be posting here.

Take your children's novelty safety axe back to the W Club and direct them to shove it.

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