Paul Allen: Tubby to Florida

You mean PA actually took some time off sniffing Brett Favre's jock to mention that Tubby might go to Florida? Wow, I'm impressed. Great work PA, you jock sniffer!

PA is an idiot. I doubt he's ever been in the Barn.

Tubby Vacations Somewhere Other Than Florida

But I'll give the MN media credit. They are CONSISTENTLY stupid.

Billy Donovan's not going to Oregon. Give me a break.

This is the most ridiculous rumor yet.

Donovan just turned down 3 million from Saint John's. Why would he ever go to Oregon.

Donovan has turned down Kentucky and the Orlando Magic but somehow Oregon is going to find the money to get him to leave. I just don't see it.

So now PA has gone from regurgitating whatever he hears from others in the local media about Coach Smith's future to some original rumor-mongering eh? Nice work.

My sources tell me that according to PA's sources Billy Donovan is going to get 15 million/year and 65% in Nike if he coaches at Oregon.

Why does the local media want Tubby to leave so bad?

Why does the local media want Tubby to leave so bad?

Personally, I attribute it to wanting to look smart, or insightful, or important, or......nevermind.


Personally, I attribute it to wanting to look smart, or insightful, or important, or......nevermind.
Your leaving can't hurt me if I see it coming.

Because Phil Knight would be opening the checkbook.

And how high is he really going to go? Even $3.5 is only a lateral move. $5 million? Maybe that would do it. But even then, Florida can match if they're really so-inclined. (They might not, as they'd also have to raise Urban Meyer to that level.)

P.A./Souhan, et. al aren't even trying anymore.

They remind me of when Homer created Mr. X....just make up stuff & keep slinging it against the wall.....eventually, something will be stick and they'll crow about it how they "broke the news."

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