Paterno's name removed from championship trophy

It would be a good chance to honor the Big Ten coach with 5 national championships.

One of the comments from the article:

Guilty until proven innocent? Wow! Hypocritical aren't we??? So, I guess only a true criminal such as Sandusky is innocent until proven guilty(alleged right) and Paterno is guilty until proven innocent. I was never a big Paterno fan, but this is rediculous. So far, based on the evidence we have, Paterno is guilty of nothing. Whether there is a moral situation or not, has nothing to do with him doing what he was required to do.

This isn't about "guilty until proven innocent". It is about who the Big Ten chooses to honor. Paterno may have done the minimum required by law, but the morality of the situation isn't so easily brushed off as some of Paterno's rabid supporters seem to think. It was an embarrassment to have Paterno's name on that trophy. Nothing that belonged to Paterno was taken away, he wasn't entitled to have his name on the trophy.

The trophy should not have been named after a current head coach of a member school in the first place.

Maybe this is the start of pulling all of the names off.

Maybe this is the start of pulling all of the names off.

That would be welcome - all the naming is stupid. It invariably leaves off great players and honors players who are arguably worse. Plus, it freezes this in time. We're the Big 10 - we should plan on having these awards in place for the next 50-100-200 years. Are we really going to want the same players there then? No, no we will not.

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