Pat Knight defends Bob's calls to Lamar recruits, takes a shot at NCAA


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Nov 11, 2008
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"At least I'm not paying them," Pat Knight continued. "The NCAA should look into guys that are paying players and not worry about guys that are doing it the right way. ... I don't care if my dad is a celebrity or not. I think it's (expletive), honestly. The guy is my dad. If he wants to say hello to a recruit, he can. If we get reprimanded, fine. They need to check into guys that are outright cheating instead of nickel-dime stuff like that."

Go Gophers!!

The apple didn't fall very far from the tree.

Yeah!!!!!!!! Pat's Right!!!!!!!! Why can't team's bring in celebrities and former coaches to help recruit! That's not cheating! The Gophers should be able to get hookers and strippers for recruits! It's not like we are paying them!

This is so dumb ...

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