Parker executive search webpage


Wag more, bark less
Jan 5, 2009
Reaction score

In case anyone is interested. Apologies if this has been linked before but I have not seen it.

Looks polished enough and I am sure Joel loves his personalized up-to-date webpage on the search. Anyone think they can hack it? I wonder if his password is "Badger1", "Boathouse1" or "Tremendous"

In all seriousness, I would like to know what the cost for this search is- given my one and only experience with a search firm, it seems like 30% of a years salary might be a norm. If so, they could be looking at $600 000 or so.

I thought i read that they were paying 90k plus expenses to conduct the search. They were responsible to conduct the dearch, vet the candidates and present it to the U's search commitee. They had no vote in the actual selection of the new coach, however.

I thought i read that they were paying 90k plus expenses to conduct the search. They were responsible to conduct the dearch, vet the candidates and present it to the U's search commitee. They had no vote in the actual selection of the new coach, however.

Present it to Maturi. Unless the public pronouncements have changed there is no formal search committee.

Present it to Maturi. Unless the public pronouncements have changed there is no formal search committee.

Regardless of how it is being portrayed to us and the media...Maturi is not making this decision. Bruininks has made it very clear to top program supporters and the regents that he has final say in this hire.

Let's be honest and not give Bruininks a free pass on Brewster. Bruininks had final say in that hire as well.

Like Maturi, he drank the kool-aid. To be fair I am fairly sure the search firm was told we want a dynamic coach- someone who will work tirelessly to build relationships with fans, Minnesota coaches and the media. Unfortunately no one specified the new coach needed to win some games. Whoops.

I am sure Bruininks will look a little closer at Maturi's recommendation this time around.

The U had the right candidate the last time, the finalists were Charlie Strong and Brewster, if they had hired Strong we wouldn't be having this discussion. I'm sure that this time Bruinkinks will not let Maturi deviate from the job criteria.

A couple of things to remember about this hire compared to the last.

1.) Talent Pool - The Gophers have the chance this time around to gauge the interest/present themselves to the majority of candidates that are looking to be a head coach. Last time the talent pool had come and gone, the U was left with the crumbs and the not yet ripe candidates.

2.) Time Frame- The U had to act very quickly last time from a recruiting standpoint. This was due to the time frame from the bowl game until national signing day. This time around the U will be able to take their time and look more throughly at candidates. I believe this benefits the strengths of Maturi.

3.) $ from the stadium and success of the BigTen Network.

A Recent Candidates Vetted to the U of M

I thought i read that they were paying 90k plus expenses to conduct the search. They were responsible to conduct the dearch, vet the candidates and present it to the U's search commitee. They had no vote in the actual selection of the new coach, however.

Good 'Ol Boys recently found by Parker.


I submitted my resume. Hopefully something pops up for me.


They are taking credit for Kelly to Notre Dame. Weiss got fired following the season. Right?
So, we have more time than that. That's the good news. We are not Notre Dame. Maybe a slight handicap.

Kelly's first year has been pretty difficult.

Don't kid yourselves, prexy b's fingerprints were all over...

the brewster hire. prexy b orchestrated the Mason termination and you had best believe he was involved in the brewster hire. Once prexy b got into this football gm-ing and stadium stuff, he couldn't stay away. maturi was the convenient "fall-guy" for prexy b. Not even prexy b was foolish enough to let badger joel maturi hire a football coach all by himself. Now, prexy b tries to distance himself from the tortured, failed and fired brewster experiment. don't kid yourselves: neither prexy b or maturi know anything about running a football program any where except into the ground. Their 8 1/2 to 9 year record is about as miserable as could be. They have even messed up the first two years of the new stadium.

the brewster hire. prexy b orchestrated the Mason termination and you had best believe he was involved in the brewster hire. Once prexy b got into this football gm-ing and stadium stuff, he couldn't stay away. maturi was the convenient "fall-guy" for prexy b. Not even prexy b was foolish enough to let badger joel maturi hire a football coach all by himself. Now, prexy b tries to distance himself from the tortured, failed and fired brewster experiment.

This is simply not true. Bruininks was overseas during the entire coaching search. He never met Brewster face-to-face until after Brewster was named coach. Bruininks placed trust in the Maturi-led group, which included Bruininks aid Kathy Brown. Once that committee selected Brewster, Bruininks talked to the choice on the phone for five minutes and told Maturi to move forward.

Bruininks learned his lesson. He will have a much firmer grasp of the situation this time around. I still think Joel will make the choice, but Bruininks will have veto power should he choose to use it.

prexy b also approved the brewster contract extension...

The bottom line is the buck stops at prexy b's desk. Either he neglected the situation or he delegated some of the action and then made the final approval. There is no way a prexy gets by scott free. And, now, here we are again. Another "prexy b plays gm with the football program" moment in history. The next 8 years will be dictated by what prexy b does or does not do in regards to the future of Golden Gopher Football.

Only the Big Ten record will provide the answer for us. But prexy b has the future of the stadium, the future of the football program and the fate of the fan base right in the palm of his hand right now. Will he brewster it all to heck and totally blow the mission or will he provide us with a coach who can at least have a winning percentage of 500 in Big Ten play. Will prexy's hire be competetive with iowa and wisky?

The prexy has no where to run and no where to hide. The time is drawing near. Just as brewball was a direct result of prexy b's leadership and expertise in picking a football coach, the brewsterball replacement coach will be the new acid test for the entire prexy b tenure as a prexy and novice gm/coach terminator and annointer at the Unviersity of Minnesota

In case anyone is interested. Apologies if this has been linked before but I have not seen it.

Looks polished enough and I am sure Joel loves his personalized up-to-date webpage on the search. Anyone think they can hack it? I wonder if his password is "Badger1", "Boathouse1" or "Tremendous"

In all seriousness, I would like to know what the cost for this search is- given my one and only experience with a search firm, it seems like 30% of a years salary might be a norm. If so, they could be looking at $600 000 or so.

OMG. Is this what this board has been reduced to?

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