Painter tops Missouri's list


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
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I know it has been discussed before, but here it's reported in the St Louis Post Dispatch

I can't believe that Painter would leave Purdue for Missouri unless Purdue refuses to significantly increase that salary (8th in the Big Ten?). If Missouri ends up with Painter, that would be a rare time where a team loses it's coach and upgrades (on paper) with the replacement. I also wonder if Purdue thinks they'd have a legitimate chance at Stevens is Painter were to bolt. I think Stevens stays at Butler until a UNC, Duke, Kansas, type job opens up.

I think Painter is just trying to squeeze more money out of Purdue. I'd be shocked if he went to Missouri. Also, the players there would probably head for the doors cause they wanna run up and down and Painter don't play that.

Beside money there is no reason for this potential switch, Purdue is just a better program.

Mizzou has had very good periods, just not consistently, and they have alwasy been overshadowed by KS.

It looks like Painter to Mizzou is becoming very close to a reality.

Not sure what to think.

It looks like Painter to Mizzou is becoming very close to a reality.

Not sure what to think.

I would have thought delusional on Missouri's part. Painter is a Purdue guy, but if the Purdue administration is trying to pull the loylaty card to underpay him, I wouldn't blame him for going. He has been a good recruiter, coach, and man for Purdue. It would be a loss, but the Boilers have a solid enough base to get a good coach to follow him if this happens.

Although the Mizzou job would be a nice upgrade for Painter, I'm surprised Missouri wouldn't reach a little higher. :confused:

I'm surprised Missouri wouldn't reach a little higher. :confused:


If Mizzou gets Painter:


I still won't believe this until it happens. Why is Purdue being so cheap? They should be able to match anything Missouri pays. It's not like Danny Hope is highly paid either. And if Painter does go, how badly will Cuanzo Martin regret taking the Tennessee job? Wouldn't Painter have said to him 'hey hold off on that for a couple days?'

Unless Purdue has Brad Stevens in their back pocket they'd be pretty foolish to let Painter go to Missouri (which is at BEST a lateral move).

I still won't believe this until it happens.

I agree 100%. I just don't see him leaving PU.

They should be able to match anything Missouri pays.

Maybe not. Mizzou has some of the deepest-pocketed boosters out there. If they really like Painter and offer him something ridiculous (like $3mil/yr), then PU won't be able to match.

Wouldn't Painter have said to him 'hey hold off on that for a couple days?'

One would think. Martin and Painter have the same agent!

People on Purdue's message boards are in complete melt down mode right now. The general idea seem to be that our AD is cheap and doesn't want to pay Painter and his assistants what they are worth. I guess the Purdue assistants are unbelievably underpaid, and this isn't a recent thing either. If this goes down, Burke, the AD, should lose his job. Simple as that. You have one of the best young coaches in the game who has been successful in every sense of the word, except for getting to the Elite 8, which you can't blame him for.

As for potential replacements, at the top of most Purdue fans list there are 2 names. Brad Stevens, but the no one thinks that Purdue will play him the money that he will demand if Purdue won't pay Painter. The other name is Steve Lavin, he started off is career in West Lafayette, and has been amazing loyal to Coach Keady over the years. I guess there is some amazing story about how Pat Keady took Lavin in when he first got into town, dead broke and with out a place to stay. People are a little more hopeful about Lavin, but nobody is getting there hope's up. Everyone seems to think the guy will be Paul Lusk who is currently Painter's top assistant, and just turned down the NIU job, at which point, every basketball fan in West Lafayette will storm Burke's office asking for his head.

I think Stevens stays at Butler until a UNC, Duke, Kansas, type job opens up.

Who knows what he's really thinking, but my gut says that Stevens would leave Butler for one job, and one job only - Indiana. His dad played football for them, took Brad to games as a kid, and he grew up a huge Hoosier fan in a basketball-mad state. Also, Stevens has never lived anywhere other than Indiana in his entire life.

It'd be interesting, though, if someone like Duke or UNC asks Stevens to be Krzyzewski's/Williams' successor, say, 5 years from now, and Crean is well-established and successful at Indiana by then. Would Stevens take a blue-blood job, or wait on Indiana? It'll be interesting. A lot of people think he's crazy to not have taken a job last year, but he's proven that he already has one of the best jobs in the country, and is well-compensated, so why would he leave for anything less than a sure thing?

People on Purdue's message boards are in complete melt down mode right now. The general idea seem to be that our AD is cheap and doesn't want to pay Painter and his assistants what they are worth. I guess the Purdue assistants are unbelievably underpaid, and this isn't a recent thing either. If this goes down, Burke, the AD, should lose his job. Simple as that. You have one of the best young coaches in the game who has been successful in every sense of the word, except for getting to the Elite 8, which you can't blame him for.

As for potential replacements, at the top of most Purdue fans list there are 2 names. Brad Stevens, but the no one thinks that Purdue will play him the money that he will demand if Purdue won't pay Painter. The other name is Steve Lavin, he started off is career in West Lafayette, and has been amazing loyal to Coach Keady over the years. I guess there is some amazing story about how Pat Keady took Lavin in when he first got into town, dead broke and with out a place to stay. People are a little more hopeful about Lavin, but nobody is getting there hope's up. Everyone seems to think the guy will be Paul Lusk who is currently Painter's top assistant, and just turned down the NIU job, at which point, every basketball fan in West Lafayette will storm Burke's office asking for his head.

Lavin might otherwise be a good fit, but it's pretty much taboo to bail on a job after one year. The only exception is if you are going to your alma mater. I guess this could pass for that, but I still think a lot of people would rip him to shreds for doing it. Huggins got ripped pretty good for leaving K-State after one year, and he was going home.

My buddy in Kansas City who tipped me off to this last week says his Mizzou insider friends believe this "is going to happen." He says Painter expressed interest in the Mizzou gig before it became open. Heard Mizzou was willing to go $2 mil to keep Anderson and had his reps call Mizzou and tell them if Anderson goes anyway, 'then he's interested.' Anderson left, and Mizzou told him they'd go $2+ million/year and Painter was all ears.

He says the Mizzou people say Painter is telling them he likes Purdue, but is unhappy that he and especially his assistants are underpaid, he has a smaller staff than most and PU isn't willing to let him add people, isn't thrilled with his AD, loves the Mizzou Arena/practice facility, and likes the St. Louis area.

I'm dumbfounded, but after checking in with my friend (and he's connected to the KC sports scene), I think this could actually go down.

Unfortunately, for Purdue, if they aren't willing to pay Painter top dollar, then they will not get anyone to take his spot that is equal to him. I was thinking about Lavin or Purdue grad Kevin Stallings might be interested, but both guys are making $1.5+ million at Vandy and St. John's. If PU isn't willing to pay Painter more, why would they break the bank for Stallings or Lavin? PU is probably looking to elevate an assistant or hire a mid-major guy who would work for $1 million/yr or less.

:I gotta tell ya, it feels nice to have another big ten coach being rumored to go somewhere else. If Purdue does not pay him, he should leave. He has been great for the school and the fans. I will say this, Purdue boards that I have seen are backing him up if he leaves. They know he is a good coach and should be paid for it. Maybe Maturi can call up Purdues AD and give him some advice...:rolleyes:

My buddy in Kansas City who tipped me off to this last week says his Mizzou insider friends believe this "is going to happen." He says Painter expressed interest in the Mizzou gig before it became open. Heard Mizzou was willing to go $2 mil to keep Anderson and had his reps call Mizzou and tell them if Anderson goes anyway, 'then he's interested.' Anderson left, and Mizzou told him they'd go $2+ million/year and Painter was all ears.

He says the Mizzou people say Painter is telling them he likes Purdue, but is unhappy that he and especially his assistants are underpaid, he has a smaller staff than most and PU isn't willing to let him add people, isn't thrilled with his AD, loves the Mizzou Arena/practice facility, and likes the St. Louis area.

I'm dumbfounded, but after checking in with my friend (and he's connected to the KC sports scene), I think this could actually go down.

Unfortunately, for Purdue, if they aren't willing to pay Painter top dollar, then they will not get anyone to take his spot that is equal to him. I was thinking about Lavin or Purdue grad Kevin Stallings might be interested, but both guys are making $1.5+ million at Vandy and St. John's. If PU isn't willing to pay Painter more, why would they break the bank for Stallings or Lavin? PU is probably looking to elevate an assistant or hire a mid-major guy who would work for $1 million/yr or less.

This is exactly what is going on. Word for word.

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