Pac 10 expands, adds 4 new schools

As a former resident of Laramie, it bums me out that the rivalry with CSU might be over. Wyo doesn't likely move the needle enough to get an offer, unfortunately. They might want to consider going down a level and joining the Big Sky.

Waiting to see if Nevada beats the Gophers!

(KIDDING! :cool: )
Yeah, Nevada seems as much as a potential candidate, I was thinking though with UNLV in a bigger market (Vegas vs Reno) that they would be more attractive when trying to put together a TV/Media rights deal.

They need two more football schools it sounds like, might as well fold in the rest of the Mountain West it seems or are they going to pursue some Big 12 schools..

I highly doubt any of the current Big 12 schools want to be pursued by the PAC 2 pending PAC 6. The most likely candidates couldn't get out of the from PAC 12 quickly enough.

BYU...maybe as a big long shot if the super conference is not to their liking.

Probably holding a couple spots to see which Power 5 teams decide they want somewhere to escape to (if any).

They need two more football schools it sounds like, might as well fold in the rest of the Mountain West it seems or are they going to pursue some Big 12 schools..
They should go after Arizona, ASU, Colorado and Utah for sure.
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Gonzaga would make sense for the PAC 12/6, but they don’t play football.

My first thought was why didn’t the Mountain West agree to merge with Washington St and Oregon St. However, rethinking this, those two schools had higher aspirations and only wanted the best schools from that conference and try to pick off a few schools from other conferences. A bit of high risk / high reward strategy. Having the monetary assets to lure schools is quite helpful.

Rumor has it they’re going to put the full court press on adding Gonzaga for basketball. Could be a sneaky good basketball conference if they are able to pull that off.

a lot of this is driven by football. based on what I'm reading/hearing, it sounds like the 6-PAC is targeting several schools as it tries to get up to at least 8 members by 2026 - Memphis, Tulane, UNLV & UTSA are the schools I keep seeing mentioned as the top targets.

If they take a non-football school like Gonzaga, it would be as a 9th or 10th member - not one of the core 8.

Has there ever been a couple of years in college sports like the last 2 or so?
Obviously not.

Minnesota has no business being in a conference with Ohio State, Michigan, Nebraska, etc. We should be in a NORTHERN conference with the Dakotas, Wyoming, Idaho...and yes Wisconsin.

Only a glutton-for-punishnent would continue to follow the Gophers closely.

Obviously not.

Minnesota has no business being in a conference with Ohio State, Michigan, Nebraska, etc. We should be in a NORTHERN conference with the Dakotas, Wyoming, Idaho...and yes Wisconsin.

Only a glutton-for-punishnent would continue to follow the Gophers closely.
Then stop following them as it seems to pain you so! Leave the rest of us alone!

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