Outside the Lines: Power Five v Group of Five Revenues

Ignatius L Hoops

Well-known member
Sep 9, 2015
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Outside the Lines report comparing Power Five and Group of Five revenues etc. Article includes some nifty "find your college" databases.

The nation's richest athletic departments -- those in the Power Five conferences -- pulled in a record $6 billion last year, nearly $4 billion more than all other schools combined, according to an Outside the Lines analysis of NCAA data. The gulf between college sports' haves and have-nots has never been greater...

...The Outside the Lines analysis shows that the disparity between the richest and poorest schools has never been greater. In 2008, the gap between the average overall revenue of schools in today's Power Five conferences and those in the Group of Five was about $43 million. In 2015, it was $65 million. For public schools, if subsidies are subtracted from that revenue, the gap gets even wider, from an average $53 million in 2008 to $83 million in 2015.

The Group of Five schools -- whose combined revenue of $2 billion is just a third of their elite peers -- have tried keep up with the Power Five schools by adding staff and increasing salaries to lure the best administrators and coaches, by building multimillion-dollar stadiums and arenas, and by giving athletes more money to cover tuition and living expenses.

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