Get well Coach!!
Also thinking of your coaches, who I'm sure are taking care of our Gophers on what must be a very emotional day.
Most importantly, we should give a pat on the back to the trainers, medics, and first responders who helped out with a scary situation. Just because we honor first responders and EMTs this weekend more than any other does not mean they will ever sit one out - and that's why they deserve the honor.
I, seemingly unlike many on this board, refuse to be embarrassed to be a Gopher fan today. If there's anything Coach Kill's story has taught us, it is that handling adversity (both on the field and off it) is what defines people. I have full confidence that today's events will be turned into a giant positive. Not saying we will win out or anything, but I believe the whole Gopher family got a bit stronger today - especially those young men.