Our own Jim Tressel is only a few miles from campus


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Aug 25, 2010
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He's located only a couple of miles from TCF Bank Stadium. Glen Caruso, University of St. Thomas coach. Only kidding! Although, I've heard good things...

Re: Caruso

I've heard he's a D-bag. Players can't stand him; althought you can't argue with his results. That's not saying much in the MIAC.

Don't know much about him, but he beat St. John's so he's safe for the next 20 years.

Caruso is going places. He's a good coach and I think he'll have a good career. Don't sell the MIAC short - its good, well played football. They play by the same rules as everyone else. The real difference is speed, but alot of those MIAC teams are loaded with guys who have been involved at a higher level but either didn't like the commitment required or realized that they would get game time at D3. No, its not the same - in fact not even close- as D1. But it is still football at a high level. You pretty much have to have been a stud in High School if you want to play at that level. Caruso has got football smarts and he would do just fine at D-1. Stay tuned - he'll get there.

I didn't realize Caruso had coached at Macalester before heading to St. Thomas. If he can stay upbeat and continue his career on an upward arc after coaching there, the sky may be the limit.

Caruso is going places. He's a good coach and I think he'll have a good career. Don't sell the MIAC short - its good, well played football. They play by the same rules as everyone else. The real difference is speed, but alot of those MIAC teams are loaded with guys who have been involved at a higher level but either didn't like the commitment required or realized that they would get game time at D3. No, its not the same - in fact not even close- as D1. But it is still football at a high level. You pretty much have to have been a stud in High School if you want to play at that level. Caruso has got football smarts and he would do just fine at D-1. Stay tuned - he'll get there.

I can tell you this is definitely not true.
Suzuki tl1000s

When I saw the title of this thread, I figured you were going to be pimping Mike Grant for our soon to be vacant HC position. Which is only slightly more unrealistic than pining after Dungy. And a lot more stupid, although Grant has more experience running a program. And he's a pretty good recruiter:p

It is not true you have to be a stud HS player to play in the MIAC. It is true you have to be a stud to play for St. Thomas, St. Johns, or Bethel.

It is true that Caruso is a great coach. He led 2 of the best offenses in the country while coordinating at NDSU and USD. He turned around Macalester and led them to .500 record for the first time in forever. He turned around St. Thomas and has them threatening for a national title.

This is the thing: He will do one of two things.
1) He will stay at St. Thomas forever and be the next gags. He has young kids, job security in a job you don't have to recruit nationally is huge. He could win at St. Thomas for the next 30 years if he wanted to. When Gags retires St. Johns will be hard pressed to keep pace with UST (they are already falling behind).

2) He will leave in the next 1-3 years to be an FCS head coach. Where there is no question in my mind he will successful. Players love him. He knows his stuff, so even the few players who dislike him respect him. He has a good core of coaches that have worked at multiple levels of football. He knows people and people know him (assembling a quality staff would not be an issue). I was personally recruited by him year back and I can tell you you won't meet a better recruiter (I didn't).

Common sense would say if he chose option 2 and was successful, he would be a candidate for a gopher type job in 5-9 years. Not following common sense tells me that he has as good of a chance as ANYONE (including Dungy) at turning the gopher program around. The U would take major heat for hiring a guy like Caruso (and they probably should). But personally, I would be very excited about the hire. I am biased because I was recruited by the guy and know him, but I think he is someone who actually could recruit well and at the same time coach em up. I would be VERY excited about it. And I would be ripped on by every person I told about my excitement.
The best thing about him is he has D1 coordinating and recruiting experience. He knows and loves Minnesota. What he told me when recruiting me "the reason I love Minnesota more than any other place in the country is because you know you are going to get smart, hard working kids that are going to get better and better."

That guy is a full decade older than Caruso. he is more middle aged and staying than young, up and coming.

Caruso was OC for NDSU in 06 07, he knows how to win in the big ten already.

I thought Caruso should have gotten strong consideration for the OC position here when we hired Horton. I actually don't think he would have taken it (with Brew not being in great standing before the season started), but the guy has had great results every place he has coached.

I wouldn't mind Caruso or Nielson being in consideration for the position. I really wish I had faith in our administration because I would just say, I am open to all candidates and trust/hope they make the right decision. I can't say that, so for me, the Caruso's and Nielson's of the world are safer bets because we know they can coach.

Caruso is going places. He's a good coach and I think he'll have a good career. Don't sell the MIAC short - its good, well played football. They play by the same rules as everyone else. The real difference is speed, but alot of those MIAC teams are loaded with guys who have been involved at a higher level but either didn't like the commitment required or realized that they would get game time at D3. No, its not the same - in fact not even close- as D1. But it is still football at a high level. You pretty much have to have been a stud in High School if you want to play at that level. Caruso has got football smarts and he would do just fine at D-1. Stay tuned - he'll get there.

Agree that MIAC ball is pretty solid. It's "white guy" football, but the kids really work and play hard and the top three teams in the conference (St. Thomas, St. John's, and Bethel) are really solid programs.

I attended an MIAC school back in the 1970s and I would argue that the game was even more competitive back then when the MIAC tuitions were more affordable and the lure of D-2 scholarships wasn't as heady. It's probably more true in basketball than in football, but the St. Thomas and Augsburg basketball teams of the late-1960s and early-to-mid 1970s went pretty much toe-to-toe with the St. Cloud State's and Winona State's of the world.

The more I look at Caruso's background, the more I think he should merit some serious consideration, if not for the head job, the offensive coordinator position.

I too am kind of intrigued by Caruso. I like that he is young, been successful and builds programs. He would be a low cost hire who could bridge the gap with the administration in flux or prove his worth and stay at the U for a long time. This hire would be no where near as ridiculous as Lane Kiffin and Tom Cable getting head coaching jobs with the Raiders (btw Cable went 11-35 at the University of Idaho from 2000-2003).

I agree that this is an intriguing possibility. But this is the type of hire Maturi should have made 4 years ago if he wanted to roll the dice on an unknown. Now he pretty much has to bring in someone who has instant credibility. Just like we couldn't have brought in some basketball coach from a school like Drake or Mankato State to replace Monson.

I agree that this is an intriguing possibility. But this is the type of hire Maturi should have made 4 years ago if he wanted to roll the dice on an unknown. Now he pretty much has to bring in someone who has instant credibility. Just like we couldn't have brought in some basketball coach from a school like Drake or Mankato State to replace Monson.

Great point. There's a lot less latitude on the new hire.

I have always heard his players (at Saint Thomas) love him.

I'd be surprised if there is any coach who is loved by ALL of his players. What happens is that one disgruntled player bad mouths the coach and then someone else uses this as an excuse to grind their own axe, saying that the players hate him. There's always going to be a player or two who feel they shouldn't be on the bench, shouldn't have to work so hard, etc.

Caruso was a D-2 Offensive Coordinator who took the head coaching job at Macalester and ditched out after 2 years for greener pastures. He let his team know via e-mail over winter break. He was 2-7 and 4-5 in his 2 years at Macalester from 2006-07. Macalester's previous coach, Dennis Czech, had a 5-5 year in 2002. Their current coach, Tony Jennison, is 4-2 this season. Maybe that qualifies them, too.

Personally, if the Gophers hire a guy who's top job was being a D-2 Offensive Coordinator, I'd be pretty disappointed.

I'd be surprised if there is any coach who is loved by ALL of his players. What happens is that one disgruntled player bad mouths the coach and then someone else uses this as an excuse to grind their own axe, saying that the players hate him. There's always going to be a player or two who feel they shouldn't be on the bench, shouldn't have to work so hard, etc.

The word "axe" really is a painful one this week. LOL.

Caruso was a D-2 Offensive Coordinator who took the head coaching job at Macalester and ditched out after 2 years for greener pastures. He let his team know via e-mail over winter break. He was 2-7 and 4-5 in his 2 years at Macalester from 2006-07. Macalester's previous coach, Dennis Czech, had a 5-5 year in 2002. Their current coach, Tony Jennison, is 4-2 this season. Maybe that qualifies them, too.

Personally, if the Gophers hire a guy who's top job was being a D-2 Offensive Coordinator, I'd be pretty disappointed.

Interesting note that MAC has their largest senior class in the last 20 years. Pretty sure Caruso brought them in. I'm not saying he should get the job, but if the U doesn't interview him I think they are not doing their due diligence.

I've heard he's a D-bag. Players can't stand him; althought you can't argue with his results. That's not saying much in the MIAC.

Man, I just love the internet.:rolleyes:

We get to read comments from courageous, though anonymous, posters like LesBolstad.:rolleyes::rolleyes:

Hey Les...way to take a shot..then go hide.

I'd be surprised if there is any coach who is loved by ALL of his players. What happens is that one disgruntled player bad mouths the coach and then someone else uses this as an excuse to grind their own axe, saying that the players hate him. There's always going to be a player or two who feel they shouldn't be on the bench, shouldn't have to work so hard, etc.

Yup. The only players who don't love him are the ones who were low on the depth chart. I have never heard from anyone on the St. Thomas 3 deeps that they didn't like him. I have heard it from guys who quit the team.


Are you inviting me over for dinner or what? What is you name and address? How stupid.

All I know is I'm related to a STARTER on St. Thomas and that is the info he relayed to me.

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