Our D ends need to be better

Some Day...Is Coming!

Some Day...Maybe?
Sep 13, 2011
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Just got a chance to watch some of the game and really noticed how ineffective our D ends are. I would honestly play Devers more. I saw him in for one play and it was a run and he did fine. He showed more than the others on that one play. He is quicker, has more explosiveness, and can tackle. He should be used more imo. Obviously he can't play all plays but I think they need to give him more opportunities.

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Poor play from the DE position has been a problem for most of the Kill/Claeys era.

We had basically no pash rush yesterday.

We had basically no pash rush yesterday.

Again....this isn't just a one game problem...lack of pass rush has been a theme for many years around here. The only way we really ever get consistent pressure is by blitzing a LB off the edge which is great if he gets there but can kill your defense if the QB reads it.

Devers is a nice player with a bright future but he's down to about 215lbs and just can't defend the run at that weight. Needs to put on about 30lbs for next year.

You mean except for the 4 sacks right?

One of those sacks should go to a Rutgers offensive lineman, one of the others was from a blitzing LB. Ekpe got one when Rutgers decided not to block him for some reason (literally nobody even bothered to put a body on him). The D-Line was not impressive yesterday and outside of Richardson has not been for quite some time.

One of those sacks should go to a Rutgers offensive lineman, one of the others was from a blitzing LB. Ekpe got one when Rutgers decided not to block him for some reason (literally nobody even bothered to put a body on him). The D-Line was not impressive yesterday and outside of Richardson has not been for quite some time.

LOL that's quite the back peddle

LOL that's quite the back peddle

How is that a back peddle? The point of the post was that our DE play was subpar. Someone used the argument that 4 sacks somehow proves that it wasn't, my point is that just because we got 4 sacks doesn't mean the DE position played well. Literally on one of Ekpe's sacks he lined up on the defensive line and Rutgers elected not to block him, they gave him a free run at the QB which almost never happens for a defensive end.

If you watched Penn State vs. Ohio State you saw great DE play, especially near the end of the game. They weren't blitzing, they were rushing 4 and their DE's were flat out destroying the OSU offensive line, blowing up the pocket play after play and forcing Barrett to run for his life.

I think our tackles are ok, just that even the d ends that play are too light and too weak. They can't bull rush and the can't hold their position.

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Are dline is poor at hand fighting.A couple Dends are tackles playing end because of size. It's not a lack of effort they play hard and are strong guys that can bull rush. They get their hands pinned inside to much. They have to get better at freeing themselves with their hands and arms. Need to learn to duck back inside more and drive under the tackles length. D end is a lot tougher to play then just go get the qb. I really like that # 43 Delattabore sp?. Besides Devers he has achance to be agood one.#87 Elmore he is still learning how to play this,spot.He seems better at the UT spot and that needs the contact and Stetler seems he would better out side at end with his quickness. They should swap those two out more. Dline play this year has improved over last year.

This is why we need to do more 3-4 defense or recruit better DE's. If we can't recruit to our system, evolve or get fired.

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I have always thought the ends are split too wide and we stunt too much with our tackles. We seem to run ourselves out of too many plays up front and leave too much up to the LBs.

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