Our Bipolar Message Board


King of the Too's
Dec 10, 2008
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One minute we're all - "Not even our 3rd tier candidates will come, and our job isn't even as good as Indiana's"

The next we say "Petersen/Mullen/etc. is not good enough to coach our team and would be a bad hire"

I hope we announce the hire today. I need something to take my mind off of the basketball disaster that happened last night.

a question

One minute we're all - "Not even our 3rd tier candidates will come, and our job isn't even as good as Indiana's"

The next we say "Petersen/Mullen/etc. is not good enough to coach our team and would be a bad hire"

Can you site a Peterson is a bad hire post? I would be interested in who thinks this.
If you read the Mullen bad idea post, it was one man's opinion and followed by many people disagreeing.
So I think the pop psychologist attempt needs work.

I'm really excited today! Oh wait. No, I'm not.

Some of the strong feelings one way or another for potential candidates amazes me. All I know is there will be a certain percentage of Gopher Nation that's upset regardless of who we hire.

I'm in the camp that thinks Maturi can mess this up...that and Trestman is below everyone else.

In all honesty, we don't know if Hoke is better than Mullen or Sumlin or Leach or Bellotti or Fedora. Honestly, Harbaugh might not even be the ideal candidate since he could leave us at the alter in a couple of years.

Every candidate has plusses and minuses. I think most of us can be in agreement though that since it was Maturi's decision to hire Brewster, he's very well capable of blowing this hire as well.

I just get a chuckle when posters throw out hyperbole when describing the ineptness of a candidate, especially when their favorite candidate's resume isn't that different (except Trestman of course) :)

Agreed Pewterschmidt.

Winston Churchill was judged both a hero and an incompetent (thought not at the same time) during his political career, largely based on what was happening in England at the time. He was a great leader during war-time, but the same abilities that made him an exemplar of war-time leadership didn't serve him well during peace.

What we are looking for are qualities that best fit this situation. People get hung up on Hoke's and Golden's W/L, but we don't understand fully the challenges they have had at their coaching stops and how their qualities improved the situation at the schools where they coached.

This isn't an exact science. Maturi's screwing up of the Brewster hire certainly calls into question his ability to identify the qualities necessary to remedy our current status and whether or not he can discern whether those qualities exist (and to what level they may exist) in the candidates being considered. It just goes beyond simply adding up wins and losses and saying a certain coach is good or bad based on that criterion alone.

The board doesn't say anything, individuals do. It's not as if individuals keep changing their tone, there will always be the people who are "We're doomed! No one will come here!", and there will always be those who say "Coach X isn't good enough."

this was my point...

The board doesn't say anything, individuals do. It's not as if individuals keep changing their tone, there will always be the people who are "We're doomed! No one will come here!", and there will always be those who say "Coach X isn't good enough."

If we were all sunshine and light all the time, and we all had the same opinion, this board would grow cobwebs from lack of use. I didn't like the Dr. Laura like psychological assessment. That was my point, and the lack of any foundation in the Peterson lump-in.

If we were all sunshine and light all the time, and we all had the same opinion, this board would grow cobwebs from lack of use. I didn't like the Dr. Laura like psychological assessment. That was my point, and the lack of any foundation in the Peterson lump-in.

You obviously haven't been paying much attention, but I don't have time to go back and grab the negative Petersen comments right now. Mullen was criticized before that one guy started the thread bashing him.

If we were all sunshine and light all the time, and we all had the same opinion, this board would grow cobwebs from lack of use. I didn't like the Dr. Laura like psychological assessment. That was my point, and the lack of any foundation in the Peterson lump-in.

My point was that the OP was looking at the board as if it was the mind of one person, rather than a collection of opinions.

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