Other BT teams' fans are more optimistic about the U than most of its own "fans"


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Nov 24, 2008
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Other BT teams' fans are more optimistic about the U than most of its own "fans"

From OTE - posted by Chadnudj, a Northwestern fan, writing about Jerry Kill:

"I'd put him online with Randy Walker as his worst case (the guy understands coaching up football players and wins everywhere, and, frankly, Minnesota is a sleeping giant in terms of Big Ten football if you ask me...see my question below), and frankly something bigger than that as his best case. I only hesitate to say "Jerry Kill" and "Woody Hayes" or "Bo Schembechler" in the same sentence because, frankly, the Big Ten is much tougher than the Hayes-era (he won without 85-scholarship limits, etc.). I doubt Kill will ever get to the Woody/Bo level, simply because reaching that level is impossible in the modern B1G.....but win? Yeah, I think (and frankly fear) that Kill will win....frequently."

So even fans of other schools think that we're really onto something here (and this is far from the only non-U post I've seen singing Kill's praises), and, according to Wayne, we're not even allowed to be optimistic about our own team? Interesting...

ive said it once before, this team has a decent ammount of tallent that was never coached *until the final two games of last year*... kill understands coaching.... and knows how to coach... this team is going to suprise some people... and alot faster than expeted... my first upset... mn 28 usc 24... we will lose a game or 2 that we should probably win this year due to a new offence... however for that first game, kill and the team are going to have something to prove... and he gets it done...

I think we are cautiously optimistic, but know that for all his faults Brewster did bring in some talent. This will not be like Indiana or Purdue. I would be happy with 6 wins, especially if two of them are at Michigan and home against Wiscy. These are not pipe dreams its not like playing at OSU for their homecoming. I think the 2-deeps at most positions are solid and will be competitive, but if we get serious injuries at wide receiver, corner or in the O line we'll be playing alot of inexperience and that could spell trouble.


So even fans of other schools think that we're really onto something here (and this is far from the only non-U post I've seen singing Kill's praises), and, according to Wayne, we're not even allowed to be optimistic about our own team? Interesting...

According to Wayne you are allowed to be optimistic if it is about Mason or Weber. Actually that is not correct. You must be.

Maybe one of the reasons Wayne really liked Weber is that by playing Weber, it guaranteed that Brewster would be fired.

The funny part is that when it came to a choice of playing Weber or Gray, Wayne would always argue that Brewster knew best. He would then go on to say that Gray wasn’t capable of handling the QB position and Brewster knew this. Wayne had several other unkind reasons as to why this was so but I won’t elaborate upon this. Let’s just say Wayne was happy to throw Gray under the bus. My own personal theory is that Wayne was deafly afraid that Gray would save Brewster’s job. I do say this in jest but who knows what goes on in Wayne’s mind.

I know nothing about Wayne and will not defend him but in general can we be allowed to be cautiously optimistic about this team and not be decried for not being supportive enough? I think we all like Kill and believe him to be an upgrade but has not the last 40 years taught us all anything about over reacting either way on a new Gopher coach hire? We don't really know much of anything yet. We will always support the team but to ride the emotional roller coaster of coaching hires before a game is played wears badly. Brewster should be a cautionary tale. A lot of good Gopher supporters jumped into the deep end with him despite all the signs that he was at best a blowhard and at worst completely unprepared for the job.
Sleeping giant this, sleeping giant that. I hope to the end it happens but I will not go blindly down any path led.

Go Gophers!


You can do whatever makes you feel comfortable as long as you keep your promise that you "will not defend Wayne." In all seriousness, I do find it interesting that so many fans seem to be afraid of being “burned again” by another football coach. I do recognize where this is coming from but it is sad that they can’t enjoy it for what it is.

I personally am enjoying the promise that a new coach and staff bring. I read everything I can about what is going on in spring practices and recruiting tid bits. I just am not going to make claims or talk about how Kill is the answer when nothing has been established. As Kill himself has mentioned in regards to the team that he does not really know yet what kind of team he has. And won't know until they start playing games. I take the same approach with Kill. Sounds like a great guy that knows what he is doing and I support him but we do not know that yet. Cautiously optimistic.

Here's positive:

Minnesota is the only team in the Big Ten, besides Ohio State, currently on a winning streak of two or more games.


mn 28 usc 24

I'm not ready to go this far, but FDL is calling his first shot of the 2011 season:

"The Gophers WILL cover the spread versus USC."

Other "gut-feelings":
-The Gophers will continue their trend of being within 7 points or less versus the Badgers at home, but will have to wait at least one more year to see the ax
-The Gophers WILL block at least one punt this year
-The Iowa fans will not know what to do with themselves when they see all the scantily clad co-ed's roaming around the campus & city on Saturday Halloween party night by repeating over & over "U'r real purty!"

Here's the thing - Kill has been very critical of the "talent" he inherited. In several interviews, including his recent Q & A with Bob Sansevere in the Pioneer Press, Kill talks about the team lacking speed, strength, quickness and agility. He's said the team lacks depth at several positions, and hasn't learned how to work hard. in short, Kill is seemingly going out of his way to lower expectations.

Now, the $64,000 question - Does Kill really believe what he's saying, and he's trying to be honest with the fans? Or, is he making these negative comments in a calculated attempt to lower expectations?

I don't know. I'm not a mind reader. But if you take Kill at face value, and accept that he's being honest, it's hard to be very optimistic about this season. On the other hand, if he's doing all this to lower expectations, then it raises some interesting questions about his methods and motives.

I think it's his style. He has mentioned that he didn't think Northern Illinois would win many games his first year there because they were lacking in discipline and talent. He seems to be an anti-hype guy, and that's OK. There's always something that can be improved.

The very BEST thing about Coach Kill is the fact that he is NOT...

a "hype artist..." For that very reason, I believe he will have some success at the U of M over time. Show me a coach who has instilled any hype in his everyday vocabulary and as a part of his personality and I want NO part of him. brewster was a "hype artist..." and nothing but a hype artist. That was evident at his first press conference.

When Coach Kill says this program is lacking speed...he means it. He knows it. He coached against many players on this team last fall. He beat those players left on this team last fall pretty badly at TCF BANK STADIUM.

That is NOT to say that Coach Kill will not find a way to win some games in the 2011 season. But, he will NOT win any games by "hyping the crap..." out of the Gopher Fan base and the Twin Cities Media. He will win some games by coaching the crap out of players who did not receive adequate coaching from the former "hyper who hyped with his hair on fire..." and ran this program into the ground...old brewster the hyper himself. He will NOT hype...but, he WILL line his team up and play football against the team on the schedule every Saturday. Now THAT will be a real treat!

Coach Kill knows that real football coaches do NOT ever hype their teams in the spring, in the summer, in the fall or even in the winter. There is NO place for hype in college football by a college football coach. I like that about Coach Kill better than any other single attribute that he may possess.

a "hype artist..."

Flava Flav is regarded as one of the best hype men ever.


I don't think that one person's opinion can be read as the opinions of all Big Ten fans. Many fans of other teams, much like Gopher fans, think Kill was a good hire. But I'm still hearing plenty of people who say Minnesota is unsalvageable and will remain in the dregs for the forseeable future.

I know nothing about Wayne and will not defend him but in general can we be allowed to be cautiously optimistic about this team and not be decried for not being supportive enough? I think we all like Kill and believe him to be an upgrade but has not the last 40 years taught us all anything about over reacting either way on a new Gopher coach hire? We don't really know much of anything yet. We will always support the team but to ride the emotional roller coaster of coaching hires before a game is played wears badly. Brewster should be a cautionary tale. A lot of good Gopher supporters jumped into the deep end with him despite all the signs that he was at best a blowhard and at worst completely unprepared for the job.
Sleeping giant this, sleeping giant that. I hope to the end it happens but I will not go blindly down any path led.

Go Gophers!

The past 40 yrs are largely irrelevant because, except for Holtz, none of the other coaches hired in that span had a winning record as a head coach or they lacked head coaching experience. These facts alone put Kill in a completely different category and, as a result, are a cause for much optimism.

it's easier for non-mn fans to be optimistic because they haven't lived their whole fan lives watching their favorite teams lose on a consistent basis, choke away meaningful games (got damn WI punt, got damn NW interception, etc...) and having to actually be subject to a $184 million dollar MVP having bilateral leg soreness.

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