OT: Moving to Minneapolis...


Jun 20, 2010
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Hopefully, you can overlook the non-basketball-ness of this post, to lend some help to someone in need....

I just accepted a job in Eden Prairie and look to start up there at the start of May.

The thing is, I have to sell my house in Indianapolis. For that reason, I was looking to get into a rental house (preferably 6 months), so I can have a place to ship my stuff and gives adequate time to get it sold.

Id like to stay in a rectangle defined to the west/south in Eden Prairie and east/north by Amplatz Children's Hospital (expecting baby)

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Edina-Eden Prairie, it's all close enough. Congrats on the baby and the job. What will you be doing?

Eden Prairie was voted the #1 place in the US to live by Forbes

just find a place there :)

welcome to MN

Ill be working in finance at digital river. this all sort of came up quick, so im just hustling to get all my ducks in a row.

After I sell my place in Indy, Ill just go ahead and buy but Id like to avoid the double mortgage/tax thing, if at all possible.

I'm actually expecting triplets. LOL

Triplets? Wow. Just don't name them Larry, Curly, and Moe.

name them, gordon, matt, and shelvin. <3

assuming they are all boys ofcourse

Seems a strange place.......

to make this request. Are you a Gopher alum coming home, or will yoube wearing Hoosier colors around our fair city?

Also, there are plenty of rentals avaialble, but you'll still have two payments.....rent and mortgage till the Hoosier house sells.

If money is no object Eden Prairie is OK, bu tyou may want to head down to Shakopee or Chanhassen for newer/affordable homes.

Pretty big rectangle to search. Get a good realtor and tell them what is important to you. With the triplets coming, it's hard to go wrong with the school systems in Edina, Hopkins, Minnetonka and Eden Prairie.

Personally, considering where Digital River is located, I would avoid anything that makes you take highway 169 (south of 494) in the morning, heading north. For whatever reason (actually I have a very good reason, but no need to travel even further OT for this post), they did not build the bridge area correctly going over 494. There are 3 sets of lights to travel through and it is a nightmare from there and backing up all the way south across the river.

Hopefully, you can overlook the non-basketball-ness of this post, to lend some help to someone in need....

I just accepted a job in Eden Prairie and look to start up there at the start of May.

The thing is, I have to sell my house in Indianapolis. For that reason, I was looking to get into a rental house (preferably 6 months), so I can have a place to ship my stuff and gives adequate time to get it sold.

Id like to stay in a rectangle defined to the west/south in Eden Prairie and east/north by Amplatz Children's Hospital (expecting baby)

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Get ready for the biggest shock of your life. Your life just turned to great with this move. I moved to MN from IN also. The difference cannot be describbed. Here are the two things that you will notice right away. People are so much nicer and quality of life is so much better here. MN and its people rock. I love it here and you will too. I hated IN.

Go Gophers

I dont know if school districts is going to be very important for this initial move.

I really dont want to be in the rental for more than 6 months, max 12. Whether its next fall or next spring, when I end up purchasing, the district becomes more pertinent.

Im thinking, near-term, accessibility to the hospital is more important because the babies will likely live there a few months (theyll be small)

PS My wife hasn't come around to my idea of Morpheus, Neo, and Trinity, yet.

Welcome to the Twin Cities !

You are in luck in that there are lots of homes for rent given the current foreclosure/credit situation. My suggestion is to rent in Eden Prairie and avoid the traffic, which can be a major problem.

Here is a link to check the classifieds in the local newspaper, which many landlords, myself included, prefer to use for listings.


Welcome to the Twin Cities!

Sorry but I cannot help you with your housing questions but I was wondering if you could give me some information on Butler University.
I am looking to attend graduate school at Butler and was wondering what you thought of the school and the city?
Also I am planning a campus visit to Butler in the beginning of May, is there anywhere around town that I should make a point of checking out? Any good restaurant suggestions are always welcome too!


Congratulations on the move, EP is a very nice suburb but there really are very few places in the southwest metro that aren't nice. DR is a good place but the pace can make it a bit frantic at times. There have been a lot of good moves made at the executive level there recently that should create a more controlled environment. Plus... beer Fridays.

Welcome to the Twin Cities!

Sorry but I cannot help you with your housing questions but I was wondering if you could give me some information on Butler University.
I am looking to attend graduate school at Butler and was wondering what you thought of the school and the city?
Also I am planning a campus visit to Butler in the beginning of May, is there anywhere around town that I should make a point of checking out? Any good restaurant suggestions are always welcome too!


I know a bit about the area. Butler is located in a very bad part of town. I would rent a place toward north of the Michigan Ave. I believe it is 86th or 87th street that has many aparment complexes. There is a Trader Joes and tons of restaurants in that area. Two really good ones are Thai and Moroccan. Moroccan might be to expensive for a graduate student but is great to impress a date.

My roommate from school is a faculty member in Pharmacy Dep. I hear that department is pretty good not as good as Purdue but still good.

Best of luck.

Go Gophers

If you were living in Indianapolis and don't want to become a suburbanite I would suggest SW Minneapolis/Tangle Town are.


Thanks for the help!

No problem. All the best. I assumed that you were planning on renting a place. If you are thinking about not staying in Indy for a long time, renting is the best option. Housing market is really bad in Indy. You will have the hardest time to sell a house when you finish your program.

Go Gophers

Dunno if you're still checking this, but

here's a few thoughts:

1. You do not want to go south of the river at this point. Traffic considerations aside, it's just too far from the Hospital.

2. You will probably be spending a ton of time at the hospital. Add to that the time you spend at work (i'm mildly familiar with the finance dept at DR), and you're not gong to have much spare time. You don't want something that will take a lot of maintenance time. So for that reason I'd suggest a townhouse or a Condo.

3. I don't know how much stuff you currently have, but we have plenty of storage facilities here. If you're going to move again in six months and aren't going to be at home (i.e. you'll be at the hospital), you don't need a lot of stuff and may not want to rule out places that are smaller.

4. COndo market here has been quite soft, which means there are typically quite a few on the market for rental. Some of the condos here have been incredibly overpriced, so you have to be choosy and finder a lessor who recognizes the overpricing.

5. If you draw a line from the hospital to DR, pretty much anything more than 1/3 of the way to DR will be fine in terms of the neighborhood. That includes most of the places mentioned in prior posts. There are also perfectly fine areas within the first third, but it's hard to quickly describe the pockets. In addition to the other places mentioned, you might want to look around the Southdale shopping mall. Lots of townhouses/condos there and it has pretty easy access to freeways. You might also want to look around Lakes Calhoun and Harriet. That's a really nice place for a young couple, especially in the summer when you can go strolling around the lakes.

6. Ultimately, you'll have to decide how close you want to be to the hospital vs to work. You or your wife will probably drive to the hospital more frequently than to work, but work driving is more likely to be during rush hour, which can get pretty bad, particularly south and west of downtown Mpls. You'll be theoretically going against traffic when going to work, but it can still be bad.

Best wishes for a safe delivery, three happy and healthy babies, and a not-too-stressed wife (assuming you're the husband.)

Be a Gopherhole hero - how about Bruce, Bronko, and Bobby


Kevin, Mychal, and Lou

Judging by the names you want...

Bronko, Mychal and Lindsey (remember, Trinity was a woman) would be true Gopher-centric

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