OT: Mason on TV


Well-known member
Nov 21, 2008
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Not intended to rip Mason, as I appreciate that he took us out of the dumpster of college football and into some relevance. But, I do have an observation. Please don't make too much of it, it is a simple observation and I could well be wrong.

But, I stumbled upon the Cal-Poly vs. Wisconsin replay this afternoon on the BTN. Mason was doing the commentary. I think in watching that commentary, it becomes apparent what kind of philosophy that Coach Mason used as a coach at the U and I think it -may- have contributed to some of our deficiencies over the years.

On almost every play, he analyzed it from a "fear-filled" angle. It was 3rd-and-4 for the Badgers and he'd say something like "Its dangerous to pass here, it could get intercepted." It's a FG attempt for Cal-Poly and he says "I'd be worried about a block and return for the touchdown." It's late in the game and he says Cal-Poly should play for overtime "because Wisconsin could get the ball back and break the tie in regulation." Seriously, on almost every play he offered up something about how things could go wrong. It got almost laughable. My wife actually noticed it, too.

It seems to me that's the exact attitude our teams took on. Expect the worst.

I think that pretty much sums up Glen. I think it works when you are on the short end of talent. Kinda the same effect of slowing the tempo in BB, keeps the better team close enough so maybe you can get lucky.

You heard what we saw

It is the soundtrack of the previous decade.

I wonder if it was tied to missing the boat on the changes seen in college football recruiting.

It's too bad Glen didn't have the vision to see the changing landscape. When he was hired I think we really had an insurmountable difficulty in recruiting. I think that's totally changed, to the point I think the U has great advantages. Glen with better recruits might have done something quite good.

Not intended to rip Mason, as I appreciate that he took us out of the dumpster of college football and into some relevance. But, I do have an observation. Please don't make too much of it, it is a simple observation and I could well be wrong.

But, I stumbled upon the Cal-Poly vs. Wisconsin replay this afternoon on the BTN. Mason was doing the commentary. I think in watching that commentary, it becomes apparent what kind of philosophy that Coach Mason used as a coach at the U and I think it -may- have contributed to some of our deficiencies over the years.

On almost every play, he analyzed it from a "fear-filled" angle. It was 3rd-and-4 for the Badgers and he'd say something like "Its dangerous to pass here, it could get intercepted." It's a FG attempt for Cal-Poly and he says "I'd be worried about a block and return for the touchdown." It's late in the game and he says Cal-Poly should play for overtime "because Wisconsin could get the ball back and break the tie in regulation." Seriously, on almost every play he offered up something about how things could go wrong. It got almost laughable. My wife actually noticed it, too.

It seems to me that's the exact attitude our teams took on. Expect the worst.

as well as some of our "illustrious" masonite, constantly glass half-empty type posters here on the gopherhole. they learned from one of the best afterall! :rolleyes:


It's too bad Glen didn't have the vision to see the changing landscape. When he was hired I think we really had an insurmountable difficulty in recruiting. I think that's totally changed, to the point I think the U has great advantages. Glen with better recruits might have done something quite good.

I have to agree. If he would have gotten out in front ie opened and closed. He might still be here. His offensive coaching chops were decent for sure.

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