OSU loses recruit after Twitter photo with perv is posted

Weird story. tOSU didn't do anything wrong, and neither did the kid. He just got creeped out.

We MUST keep pantherhawk away from our recruits...

Weird story. tOSU didn't do anything wrong, and neither did the kid. He just got creeped out.

That's what I thought as well. Looks like the kid (and his dad) just wanted an excuse to back out. What are they going to start doing background checks now on everyone who attends a spring game?

I always thought that there was something wrong with the Buckeye fanbase.

OK - I don't really understand this. I'm confused as to how this fan actually met the recruit. It sounded like the fan attended the spring game, then found the recruit after and got his picture? If so, I don't understand what tOSU was supposed to do. I don't like this assumption, but I'm guessing there is more than one person in the audience at any given game at any given college stadium that is a convicted sex offender (more in Iowa - sorry, couldn't resist!). The reaction just doesn't make sense unless tOSU forced the recruits into a private room with the guy knowing who he was, but it didn't sound like that happened. I get being creeped out by the event, but I don't know how it impacts your decision to go to tOSU...

I don't think that there is anything Ohio State could do, spring games are open to the public. But a sex offender taking an interest in a recruit is going to create a negative impression, and I could see it scaring off a recruit. It may well be that at any school there are going to be freaks who take an inappropriate interest in a recruit, but the abstract possibility is one thing, actually having concrete evidence is another.

We MUST keep pantherhawk away from our recruits...

that sick loser of an iowa fan (i.e. pantherhawk) was actually the first thing that popped into my mind while reading this ohio state story a couple days ago. that sick iowa hogeye fan pantherhawk actually goes out and actively friends football recruits on facebook all of the time. he even purposely searches out minnesota recruits on facebook and then pretends to be a minnesota gopher fan without revealing he is really an iowa hogeye fan. otherwise they would not accept his invite. if they knew what a sick in the head guy this iowa fan pantherhawk is they wouldn't let allow him to "friend" them on facebook.

would be great if someone could figure out a way to get pantherhawk and all of his recycled I.P. addresses banned from both facebook and twitter.

i truly believe iowa hogeye fan pantherhawk (i believe his real name is actually eric lewis and he now lives in maryland) is a disturbed and sick individual (like this ohio state fan) and he is a danger to society and potentially to college football recruits. eric lewis (a.k.a. pantherhawk) is not right in the head.

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