Only 2 out of 5.9MM entrants in's Tournament Challenge have FF correct

I'm feeling good about getting Kentucky n UConn correct. I don't think many saw Butler, much less VCU riding the momentum all the way to the round of 4

I was doing really well (top 4% I believe) before Ohio St. lost the other day and Kansas lost today.

My girlfriend got 3 of the 4. She didn't have VCU, but she had them in the Elite Eight.

Then again, she did have Long Island in the Elite Eight and had Ohio State losing in the first round... She doesn't watch basketball other than a few Gopher games and did shockingly well considering that she wasn't familiar with what the seedings meant, how the bracket is set up, etc. She is definitely the only person I know who picked Butler even to the Sweet 16.

Each year my wife thinks its funny (don't ask me why) to have our cat "fill out a bracket" in the league with my friends. Basically the theory is that the cat "picks" only teams with cat-family mascots. If neither (or both) team has a cat-family mascot then the higher seeded team advances. Sometimes in the past it meant picking a #16 over a #1 but it has to be done (according to her rules) based on the mascot.

Sadly, if Kentucky beats UCONN Saturday then the cat mascot bracket wins the pool of about 20 people. Currently the "cat bracket" is just under the 90th percentile nationally, bolstered this year by Kentucky and Arizona.

Each year my wife thinks its funny (don't ask me why) to have our cat "fill out a bracket" in the league with my friends. Basically the theory is that the cat "picks" only teams with cat-family mascots. If neither (or both) team has a cat-family mascot then the higher seeded team advances. Sometimes in the past it meant picking a #16 over a #1 but it has to be done (according to her rules) based on the mascot.

Sadly, if Kentucky beats UCONN Saturday then the cat mascot bracket wins the pool of about 20 people. Currently the "cat bracket" is just under the 90th percentile nationally, bolstered this year by Kentucky and Arizona.


Each year my wife thinks its funny (don't ask me why) to have our cat "fill out a bracket" in the league with my friends. Basically the theory is that the cat "picks" only teams with cat-family mascots. If neither (or both) team has a cat-family mascot then the higher seeded team advances. Sometimes in the past it meant picking a #16 over a #1 but it has to be done (according to her rules) based on the mascot.

Sadly, if Kentucky beats UCONN Saturday then the cat mascot bracket wins the pool of about 20 people. Currently the "cat bracket" is just under the 90th percentile nationally, bolstered this year by Kentucky and Arizona.

Sadly, I can vouch for the authenticity of this post.

I, too, am getting beat by the cat, though I'm only in 4th place, not in 10th as Josh is.

In a "toss up" game, my wife goes with the team from the warmer state because she misses AZ.

The cat thing is pretty funny. My buddy does the same thing and he and his wife have also lost to the cat. I always knew cats were smart and sneaky, maybe we should all have a cat fill out a bracket for us next year. Heck, the whole dang thing is a crap shoot anyway.

1 out of 48

I ran a small group with 12 entrants this year. Of the 48 picks we generated for the Final Four only one person picked one team successfully.

UCONN was picked by one contestant.

That is 1 of 48 picks.

The winner of the group has 61 points and can't get any more.

Top that for bad!

Josh, thanks for

And wouldn't a "dog" bracket being doing pretty well too? With the Huskies and Bulldogs in the FF?

Next year I am going to have the cats and dogs go claw to paw in this thing, gotta be better than what I'm doing!

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