Ongoing Super Bowl Thread

El Amin Fan

Well-known member
Jul 23, 2012
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Yea, not college related but huge football game obviously and heck, all these guys went to college, so there you go. Go Pats! Go good commercials!

Personally, I don't care who loses.

Bring in Streveler.

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The least excited I can ever remember being for the Super Bowl.

The least excited I can ever remember being for the Super Bowl.

I don't know, man...the Seahawks crushed the aura of the Packers, and for that alone I feel the need to watch them.

Matthews is making himself a ton of money tonight. What an amazing game to have his first catch and more.

Go Gophers!!

I don't know, man...the Seahawks crushed the aura of the Packers, and for that alone I feel the need to watch them.

Ha so true. Most crushing loss in packer history. Kind of interesting, Lions lost to cowboys with a BS call, Cowboys lost to packers on a bs call and Packers melt down and lose to Seattle on some fluke plays. Never seen anything like it.

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Chris Mathews reminds me a lot of what Hunter Register looks like in his hudl.

Aparrently Baldwin did a Randy Moss on his td and pooped out a football. NBC strategically ignored.

Terrible call. At least it happened to a badger.

Its amazing how cavalier these NFL teams are about using timeouts. Seattle took two for absolutely no reason and now they can't stop the clock. Ballgame.

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Go Gophers!!

The Seattle players should be punching Darrell Bevell instead.

I could watch this all day.

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If anybody ever wants to question coaching decisions ever again, first watch Bevell's decision to throw the ball there and realize that whatever our coaches have just done, it will never be that bad

Nice call Darrell. Get the break of the year and then shart it away with a stupid play call. HaHa

If anybody ever wants to question coaching decisions ever again, first watch Bevell's decision to throw the ball there and realize that whatever our coaches have just done, it will never be that bad

Might be the dumbest big play call ever. Plenty of dumb player decisions throughout history, but I can't recall a dumber play call.

If anybody ever wants to question coaching decisions ever again, first watch Bevell's decision to throw the ball there and realize that whatever our coaches have just done, it will never be that bad

What's funny is that that terrible decision covered up the equally terrible Belichick decision of sitting on two timeouts, and watching the clock run out. If Seattle runs it in for a TD there, the wasted 30 seconds would have been huge. Brain farts all around!

Not a good day for former Badger quarterbacks. I hate the Patriots, but I love seeing Bevell and Wilson be Super Bowl goats!

What's funny is that that terrible decision covered up the equally terrible Belichick decision of sitting on two timeouts, and watching the clock run out. If Seattle runs it in for a TD there, the wasted 30 seconds would have been huge. Brain farts all around!

If he takes a timeout Carroll & co. probably talk themselves out of that call.

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