One Year Later


Active member
Nov 26, 2008
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Hear it is a year after Coach K flew in in a snow storm. What a change a year makes.

1. We have retained virtually ALL of our assistant coaches. The players will have a second spring, a second fall and a second season within the same systems, taught by the same people.

2. We are on the cusp of having a very strong and deep offensive line for the first time in about ten years. In addition to being good, the OL will be young.

3. We see, at least in mt mind, a major improvment in focus within the recruiting process. It appears that the coaching staff knows what qualities they want in their young athletes and are focused on these kind of young men.

4. We have been immensly succesful keeping Minnesota kids in Minnesota.

There are still a lot of holes. Hey, we only won three games! There is also little doubt that the quality of our football program is on the rise and rapidly so.

Please knock on wood somewhere.
My greatest fear right now is a coach leaves and messes up the continuity.

I feel the same about the hire now that I did a year ago.
Hopefully he gets it done.

I think you hit everything right on the head with your post. The biggest things that will contribute to our success going forward will be:

1) Continued QB development of Marquies Gray. If he can continue to improve his accuracy and continue to be effiecent within the offense, he could be even more dangerous. (WR need to improve on catching the football also!)

2) The development of our defense next will have to improve greatly. Mainly, finding DT's that can penetrate the line of scrimmage to help pressure the QB. This can help ease some of the coverage issues we had this year. Less time to throw = Less time to get open WR. IMO.

There is also little doubt that the quality of our football program is on the rise and rapidly so.
C'mon......I don't really like being the negative nancy who gets crap thrown at them, but tons of people said this when Brewster was coach too. "Just wait until all of these top recruits are juniors...."

Let's hope the program turns around, let's be encouraged by some of the things Kill is doing, but the only thing that will end all doubts is winning games. Until that actually happens, Kill and the program are a question mark.

C'mon......I don't really like being the negative nancy who gets crap thrown at them, but tons of people said this when Brewster was coach too. "Just wait until all of these top recruits are juniors...."

Let's hope the program turns around, let's be encouraged by some of the things Kill is doing, but the only thing that will end all doubts is winning games. Until that actually happens, Kill and the program are a question mark.

Would it be alright if everyone formed their own opinions? Let us know.

I believe there is legitimate reason for optimism and not just wishful thinking masquerading as hope.

C'mon......I don't really like being the negative nancy who gets crap thrown at them, but tons of people said this when Brewster was coach too. "Just wait until all of these top recruits are juniors...."

Let's hope the program turns around, let's be encouraged by some of the things Kill is doing, but the only thing that will end all doubts is winning games. Until that actually happens, Kill and the program are a question mark.

You seem to enjoy being the negative nancy quite a bit...

You could ask that question in response to almost every post on this board on any day of the week.
which would also be okay. Having strong opinions is great, letting others have their own is also great. Requiring proof is fine, and so is believing in someone.
None of those positions indicate superior intellect or experience.

Would it be alright if everyone formed their own opinions? Let us know.
Yeah, but when you say something is "clearly" happening, that doesn't really allow much room for debate. Am I allowed to have my own opinion that maybe we should expect some results before making any declaratory statements? It goes both ways.

I like the direction that we are heading, but I sort of agree with GopherProf, if the wins don't start to come, we are in a worse position than we were a year ago. I am confident that they will because I think Kill and his staff are quality coaches. However, if we don't start winning (i'm patient, i'm not calling for 10 wins next year), things won't be better.

I do disagree with GopherProf on one thing though, I do believe that you can only really judge a coach by how his players perform when they are upperclassmen though. College football (more than any other sport) is DOMINATED by upper classmen. You can't win playing a lot of FR and SO.

You can judge a coach on many things before his players are upperclassmen.
You can't get a complete picture though.

I think the main point from the OP is continuity. We are actually going to see the same system for a second straight year! It appears we are heading on the same course and most people have to like the direction we are heading. That's all. Where we end up has yet to be determined but this staff sure seems to have a plan. That's a refreshing change.

What I like about the past season is that we improved. Some of the young guys developed and we actually got some pressure on the opposing QB toward the end. The O-line also improved, even though it was a patched-up unit at season's end, and Gray was much better in late games than early ones. Now, if that improvement continues next year we might have something. Yes I drink the coolaid, I would have quit being a fan long ago if I didn't. Go gophers!

So far Coach Kill and his staff have looked very good. In the beginning, I was starting to wonder, but by the end of the season, I could see an outline of the program they have in mind. The most positive thing is seeing players in the proper position to make plays. Even when the play isn't made it means the concept is sound. In recruiting I start counting the DTs and come up short one then look at the recruiting news and we have offered three JUCO DTs. The defensive backfield is weak and we've got two DB commits. Everything is focused and precise, it doesn't mean the job will get done, but it's not an amateur effort either.

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