One year anniversary for FBT

Wow, I guess it has been a year. Great stuff!

Awesome. MV's site is now the first place I go for Gopher news. I hit the refresh button on the page about every fifteen minutes in the morning to see if it's been updated. I love not only how every article and bit of news is consolidated into one spot and commented on, but also his original content and analysis.

He should open up a web store with mugs, bumper stickers, etc. for FBT. I think it's pretty easy and cost-free to do nowadays. I'd for sure buy a coffee mug.

Beat me to the thread! MV does a hell of a job, and is one of my favorite writers. A Gopher fan through and through, but not afraid to criticize deficiencies. A perfect combination.

First thing I read in the morning as well and love going back in the afternoon to see if he has added any opinion pieces so to speak. Keep up the great work MV!

Love the site. He really loves the team as a fan and not with an agenda.

He has quickly become the voice of Gopher football and is a must read for anyone interested in the program.

Great name and great content! Congrats on 1 year!

MV's done top notch work the whole time

I think you also deserve some credit, oleboy. I hope you guys find time to do another podcast (perhaps post-Spring ball?) soon.

Thanks for the props but I can't take any credit. The podcasts are a small part of FBT and all of it is great. MV has put a ton of time and work into the site and deserves all the credit.

Can't wait for the podcasts again, found myself totally engaged the entire hour

Keep up the great content and congrats on 1 year!

Love the site, hope MV and Oleboy can get even more coverage on the Kill Era with great interviews, press conferences, etc.

I love the site too. I can't wait until it's renamed JBT...January Bowl Team.

Congrats to MV and his excellent site. Any Gopher that doesn't read FBT is missing out on some well thought out Gopher analysis.

The fact that the site's content hasn't fallen off since the begining speaks to MV's dedication to our favorite football team. Keep up the great work!

Congratulations on the anniversary! As a Gopher junkie it's great to have a place to go that offers fresh and insightful content that is not filled with the bickering of message boards. I love your work and look forward to many more AM Coffee Links and Mail Bags!

Love the site. He really loves the team as a fan and not with an agenda.

No, he's got an agenda, and we're all in agreement that it's a positive one for Gopher football. I enjoy the site MV. Keep it up dude! :clap:

Go Gophers!

Great site. Well written with solid angles.

Congratulations. Hope this is a start to a long run on the net.

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