One positive note

Mark in Chicago

New member
Jun 7, 2009
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Although I am not happy with the direction of the program according to the Chicago paper and the Northwestern players whey were exhausted and beat up in a very hard fought game. My hats off to the players for there effort and not giving up!

we are at the point where some are pointing out that our opponents were tired after the game? really? we can't have fallen that much can we? are they supposed to be after a FOOTBALL GAME?

we are at the point where some are pointing out that our opponents were tired after the game? really? we can't have fallen that much can we?

No kidding. Forget about that winning stuff. The other team was tired after the game, which was a good sign. Talk about reaching.

No kidding. Forget about that winning stuff. The other team was tired after the game, which was a good sign. Talk about reaching.

I agree, this has got to be the most hilarious spin of a moral victory I have ever heard in my life...

I'm tired of feeling like I've been kicked in the seeds after every game if that counts for anything.

LOL thanks but no thanks Mark. Its football, usually it hurts to even get out of bed the next day at every level!!

It was a hard fought contest and in spite of another L; entertaining. Thats why I go to the games.

Thanks for reporting that Mark as I am sure NU is very happy to get away with a W. We all know how the Gopher fans feel.

didnt he drop a sure TD catch vs USD?

No that was Eure the JC transfer. Man that might have turned the game in our favor. Instead we miss a FG and they march down and score. The defense played significantly better this week. A lot of different guys played in the front seven. I saw Reeves, Hill, and Grant and KGM, Hageman, and Garin. Grant really impressed me. He can tackle.

Our best game of the year - some imagination on offense for once (the bootleg, the halfback pass, better use of the tight ends) and good defense at times. But the two-minute drill was a disaster and play calling suspect at crucial times. So who do we beat? Purdue?

Did 2 bad passes have anything to do with the result of the play calling?? Just asking!!

Did 2 bad passes have anything to do with the result of the play calling?? Just asking!!

The running plays that lost yardage when there was less than 2 minutes to play would be my guess.

The game saturday was proof that Brew should not be fired till after the season. He clearly still has his team playing hard and he has not lost them. The only way he should be fired mid-season is if this changes. In college sports, when the team quits, you can fire a coach mid-season.

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