One guestion about TCF


Active member
Nov 21, 2008
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Nothing to do with the seating, tickets, scoreboard.

Field markings. I want to know that ghosts will be a dome nightmare,has no chance of screwing the home team, and will be buried in the Dome. Endzones, sidelines, clearly marked? I know its a simple thing but has anyone seen the field layout? Proposed, actual, or rendering? Is in bounds clear from the field where the officials will be, or should be. Maybe a close look down the sidelines for the trailing official, or possibly the back judges view of the end zone itself. Goal Line, endzone, out of bounds. We cannot afford to have any question of how clearly its marked.

And while we don't have the coaches who roamed the sidelines, got head phone cords tangled, screamed at officials from the field. Those sideline boxes are clearly marked as well. And while marking them do not conflict or confuse the sidelines. Tell me that won't happen.

Everything else about TCF is first rate, don't screw this up.

Probably Just Like On The Virtual Tour Links

Can't imagine it would change.

Go back and review the panoramas from the ticket selection process, and "zoom in".

No ghosts, or other weird $#!+ in TCF. The Football Gods are much pleased about our move back to campus and outside.


I'm hoping we do gold endzones but the gold doesn't touch the out of bounds. The gold portion of the endzone should stop about 18 inches from the out of bounds so that a WR can get a whole foot in to the green turf and confuse the refs in to whether green is in or out.

Don't even think such a thing grunkiejr

I think part of the issue with the field markings at the Dome was that it was a shared facility. They never really painted in the lines until the Twins season was done, and they had to swap out the endzone graphics for the Vikes.

I know TCFBS will be used for things like rec soccer, but I think they will have the football lines cleanly and permanently in place. The full 6-foot-wide white sidelines, NCAA and not NFL hashmarks, etc.

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