On KQRS this morning...

Breakin' The Plane

Well-known member
Jan 15, 2010
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During the 6:00 a.m. "sports" (and I use that term loosely) Bob Sansavere reported that the Gophers had Al Golden as one of the frontrunners for the job. Then he went on to mock Golden's overall record, obviously having no clue about the state of Temple football before Golden took over. Take a guess who he suggested the Gophers should hire immediately. That's right. Marc Trestman. This guy is a columnist and he's so far out of the loop that it's laughable. I'd love for dpoll to engage Sansavere in a little Golden vs. Trestman debate.

Golden's record at Temple doesn't look impressive, until you realize it's freaking Temple! That's like winning at Duke.

Sansavere is the worst "columnist" in this market. I mean THE WORST. By a large margin. If you've ever heard him talk about sports on the radio or read his writing (i use that term loosely) he makes it obvious that he knows NOTHING about sports. I'm not saying he knows a little but not enough to write a sports column, I'm saying he knows NOTHING about sports. Any of them. He's awful and the fact that he has a job where some consider him a sports expert is a crime against humanity.

Remember his "move Jake Reed to tight end" campaign from yesteryear? That told me all i needed to know about his "expertise".

If anyone else in the media suggests Trestman as a candidate, I will find them, and put sugar in their gas tank.

they were 3-31 the 3 previous years before he took over and they were bad his first year. Then a major turn around since.

May this be the first and only time Bob Sansavere's name is mentioned regarding sports on this website. He is a complete moron.

they were 3-31 the 3 previous years before he took over and they were bad his first year. Then a major turn around since.

Plus, this is what he looks like in Gopher boxers...


Caught the tail end of PA yesterday. He was ranting on why Linehan should be the HC and Horton OC. He needs to get some new material! He's getting as bad as common.

Sansavere is the worst "columnist" in this market. I mean THE WORST. By a large margin. If you've ever heard him talk about sports on the radio or read his writing (i use that term loosely) he makes it obvious that he knows NOTHING about sports. I'm not saying he knows a little but not enough to write a sports column, I'm saying he knows NOTHING about sports. Any of them. He's awful and the fact that he has a job where some consider him a sports expert is a crime against humanity.

Remember his "move Jake Reed to tight end" campaign from yesteryear? That told me all i needed to know about his "expertise".

+1. Sansavere is a moron. Souhan is frustratingly clueless about anything Gopher-related but he's generally good on the Twins and OK on the Vikings. Reusse's actually quite good, he was right about Brew and this board needs to get over it. Sid is what he is at this point. Powers is OK I guess. But Sansevere truly seems to know nothing about anything. I rarely see him write anything for the PP anymore. What does the man do besides appear on KQRS?

+1. Sansavere is a moron. Souhan is frustratingly clueless about anything Gopher-related but he's generally good on the Twins and OK on the Vikings. Reusse's actually quite good, he was right about Brew and this board needs to get over it. Sid is what he is at this point. Powers is OK I guess. But Sansevere truly seems to know nothing about anything. I rarely see him write anything for the PP anymore. What does the man do besides appear on KQRS?

Plus his initials are BS

+1. Sansavere is a moron. Souhan is frustratingly clueless about anything Gopher-related but he's generally good on the Twins and OK on the Vikings. Reusse's actually quite good, he was right about Brew and this board needs to get over it. Sid is what he is at this point. Powers is OK I guess. But Sansevere truly seems to know nothing about anything. I rarely see him write anything for the PP anymore. What does the man do besides appear on KQRS?

I agree with this.

Souhan has his moments, but I think he was a much better reporter than columnist. Reusse is good, Barreiro was good during his newspaper days (I generally like him on the radio). I try not to be completely negative -- every writer has his or her moments -- but then there are exceptions.

Exceptions like Bob Sansavere.

Sansavere is a hack in the biggest sense of the word. They should have sh**-canned him years ago. His "columns" provide nothing original, nothing thought-provoking, nothing more than write-ups consisting of six paragraphs in entirety.

The PiPress has had some great journalists walk through its doors. They've also had Sansavere and Shooter there to take a horse-sized dump over the sports department's otherwise quality reputation.

Dan Brurrito is a close second to BS, but I don't think he writes anymore.

Its disappointing to see the number of Journalist in this town who fail to do their due diligence!!

Nobody in the market, lumping print, TV, and radio together, knows as little about sports as Randy Shaver. Not anyone close to him. It's amazing how little he knows. He doesn't even try. I'm convinced he doesn't like watching or following sports.

Nobody in this market knows more than Pat Reusse. His memory is amazing. His reference points are just spectacular. Too bad he's a bitter old man with a ton of grudges but his sports knowledge is unquestioned, as is his writing skills.

Nobody in the market, lumping print, TV, and radio together, knows as little about sports as Randy Shaver. Not anyone close to him. It's amazing how little he knows. He doesn't even try. I'm convinced he doesn't like watching or following sports.

Nobody in this market knows more than Pat Reusse. His memory is amazing. His reference points are just spectacular. Too bad he's a bitter old man with a ton of grudges but his sports knowledge is unquestioned, as is his writing skills.

Well, I wouldn't go as far as to lump Shaver in with the morons of the sports market here in MN.

When you do TV only and don't have dedicated sports show (like Rosen and Schmitt) you can come off as not knowing much because you have no on air time to analyze something. Rosen does radio/News/sports sunday and Schmitt has his show as well.

I'm not saying Shaver is better than Schmitt or Rosen or anyone else just that we don't hear or see enough to know about his sports knowledge.

Well, I wouldn't go as far as to lump Shaver in with the morons of the sports market here in MN.

When you do TV only and don't have dedicated sports show (like Rosen and Schmitt) you can come off as not knowing much because you have no on air time to analyze something. Rosen does radio/News/sports sunday and Schmitt has his show as well.

I'm not saying Shaver is better than Schmitt or Rosen or anyone else just that we don't hear or see enough to know about his sports knowledge.

Shaver is on the 93x (93.7) morning show every morning, totaling about an hour of air time. The hosts know more than he does and it's embarrassing.

Shaver is on the 93x (93.7) morning show every morning, totaling about an hour of air time. The hosts know more than he does and it's embarrassing.
To be fair, Shaver does devote more of his time to high school sports than the other guys in town do. I don't get it. You've gotten a job in sports, most of us would kill to be in your position, and you just come off as clueless when you don't know even the most basic sports news of the day. Doogie takes his fair share of abuse on here, but I'd be willing to bet he could tell you who's playing in the SEC championship without looking it up first. Can't say that for the majority of sports anchors and columnists in the Cities.

Shaver is on the 93x (93.7) morning show every morning, totaling about an hour of air time. The hosts know more than he does and it's embarrassing.

True, but they spend more time talking about non-sports stuff than sports

I know Sansavere has been pushing Trestman since the job opened up, but I thought this morning he was pushing for Leach.

This afternoon Common was also pushing for Leach.

And the one that really suprised me was Chad Hartman who was also saying they should hire Leach. He was on with Sid who of course said no-way to Leach and couldn't understand why Chryst hasn't been given the job already.

Maybe the longer this drags out more of the media will get on board the Leach bandwagon and that combined with the overwhelming Leach support shown by fans in the recent polls here and on the Strib website Maturi will realize he could look like a hero by getting it done. Then he can resign from the AD position and not have to deal with any fallout that may occur down the road.

Well, I wouldn't go as far as to lump Shaver in with the morons of the sports market here in MN.

When you do TV only and don't have dedicated sports show (like Rosen and Schmitt) you can come off as not knowing much because you have no on air time to analyze something. Rosen does radio/News/sports sunday and Schmitt has his show as well.

I'm not saying Shaver is better than Schmitt or Rosen or anyone else just that we don't hear or see enough to know about his sports knowledge.

Once Randy went through his cancer scare - IMO his priorities changed. He still does a solid job on HS football, but his energy for the total sports scene seems low on gas....and I can't blame him for that.

I know Sansavere has been pushing Trestman since the job opened up, but I thought this morning he was pushing for Leach.

This afternoon Common was also pushing for Leach.

And the one that really suprised me was Chad Hartman who was also saying they should hire Leach. He was on with Sid who of course said no-way to Leach and couldn't understand why Chryst hasn't been given the job already.

Maybe the longer this drags out more of the media will get on board the Leach bandwagon and that combined with the overwhelming Leach support shown by fans in the recent polls here and on the Strib website Maturi will realize he could look like a hero by getting it done. Then he can resign from the AD position and not have to deal with any fallout that may occur down the road.
He said Trestman and Tommy B. has been pushing for Maturi to go and be replaced by Jeff Diamond. Sansavere did say that Leach has said he'd take it, then they played the "fat little girlfriends" soundbyte.

I have to say I have Schmit a lot of crap for his Shannon call, but his rumor call ended up right. I still think it's a longshot for Shannon to come here, but Schmit called it awhile ago and deserves credit for his take being even somewhat credible compared to what some rumors people have been floating.

If this coaching search has proven one thing it's that apart from Pat Reusse and a couple of others the media in this town knows NOTHING about college sports!

Mark Rosen was on KFAN yesterday with Dan Cole when someone emailed in that Maturi might be on a flight to Philly to visit with Al Golden. Neither of them had any idea who Golden was. Now, I'll admit I didn't know who Golden was before this season but if you've spent more than 30 seconds researching gopher coaching prospects you'd know who he is.

Can't say I'm surprised though.

If this coaching search has proven one thing it's that apart from Pat Reusse and a couple of others the media in this town knows NOTHING about college sports!

Mark Rosen was on KFAN yesterday with Dan Cole when someone emailed in that Maturi might be on a flight to Philly to visit with Al Golden. Neither of them had any idea who Golden was. Now, I'll admit I didn't know who Golden was before this season but if you've spent more than 30 seconds researching gopher coaching prospects you'd know who he is.

Can't say I'm surprised though.

What does Reusse know about college sports, other than knowing how to talk trash? This guy should stick with Twins baseball coverage and nothing else.

I agree with the guys bashing Sansevere 100 per cent. He is the WORST sports guy that I have ever seen. I go out of my way to skip anything he writes, even if it is about the Gophers.

They have him doing this "public interest" piece where he asks stupid questions of a local sports figure but I can't read that either. I know I could do a lot better than him but that isn't saying very much!!

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