Oklahoma getting back a "super, super kid"

IANAL but how the heck did he get misdemeanor assault, and not aggravated assault and battery (felony), when the victim had to go to the hospital for multiple facial fractures and it was caught on tape? Weird...must be more to the story than ESPN has shared there, or he has a really excellent lawyer.

IANAL but how the heck did he get misdemeanor assault, and not aggravated assault and battery (felony), when the victim had to go to the hospital for multiple facial fractures and it was caught on tape? Weird...must be more to the story than ESPN has shared there, or he has a really excellent lawyer.

Or, they have a police department and district attorney's office that uses Tallahassee, Florida as a model of excellence. "Little lady, you know that Joe is just a super kid who made a mistake. What do you say we not go all crazy and prosecute him. You'd hate to wreck his career, right? Not to mention, we all like to see the Sooners win those games!" he says nudging the girl and a little laugh.

And reading some of those comments, mostly from OU fans either justifying his behavior, or criticizing people for being too harsh??? Implying that we've all made mistakes in the past? Sorry, but alot of people go through life without sending anyone to the hospital. Just sad how immoral society has become.

And reading some of those comments, mostly from OU fans either justifying his behavior, or criticizing people for being too harsh??? Implying that we've all made mistakes in the past? Sorry, but alot of people go through life without sending anyone to the hospital. Just sad how immoral society has become.

Hmmmm- where have I heard these comments before. Wonder if their message boards will get as packed vitriol as ours was.

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I guess that means Daquon McNeil is a super super kid too. I used to think Stoops was an excellent coach and a classy guy. I don't believe either anymore.
Decent people don't punch girls, let alone punch them so hard he breaks their face.

I get the impression that if you are a college football superstar, you can pretty much get away with anything in Talahassee Florida and Norman Oklahoma.

And reading some of those comments, mostly from OU fans either justifying his behavior, or criticizing people for being too harsh??? Implying that we've all made mistakes in the past? Sorry, but alot of people go through life without sending anyone to the hospital. Just sad how immoral society has become.

I always hate that argument. I don't think anyone is saying the kid should be locked up forever or should never get another chance at success in his life. There are consequences to every mistake and some people don't think the consequences have been severe enough. It can be that simple.

When Gundy is busy excusing Mixon's behavior, he describes him as a kid:

"He is a super, super kid. And I use the term 'kid' because he still is like a kid. He's still very young."

But when it comes to football, Gundy's description probably explains why he got off so easy when just about anyone else when have been kicked out of school and likely spent some time in jail:

"He's been like a caged tiger, I can tell you that," Gundy said of Mixon. "Whenever we cut that lock off that cage, my man came out running."

Grundy is right, he is an animal and I'm not talking about his football talents.

It may change someone's opinion that it was not an unprovoked assault, but the kid has no idea about appropriate responses to minor provocations. The girl was so drunk she could not stand up, no way she cold have delivered enough force for any real pain or damage.
If he has missed a season of football, I would consider that punishment enough for him to return.
Maybe he has the potential to be a super kid in the future, but he is not one now. Gandy is an idiot for saying it, although I believe he has been an idiot on other subjects before.

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