OK, now I'm sweating like I was
at the FAU game in 07. Nice 4 mile run in 80 degree heat will do it. Will check the Armory and report back. Downtown is easy 5 minute drive from airport south on 81. CDW on rental cars is limited by law to 9 bucks, so drive it like you stole it (but remember DWI voids the CDW). They have an ad running on the radio stations touting Paulus and a couple of other players like it's some Vegas UFC fight or something. Did Paulus play in some CFL or CBA or something cause it was like " and see Greg Paulus former CBA star" or some crap like that. Can't wait till he gets his head popped off on his first dropback. Gonna have a steak and then see Inglorious Basterds. Later.