Ok Doogie


Jul 11, 2010
Reaction score
Thursday Nights, 6-8 on 1500 ESPN, we should be listening for some insightful talk about Gopher Football. Hey, tomorrow is Thursday, I will be listening.

Wait, is this something that is going to happen or something you wish would happen?

Last night Joe Anderson had Phil Miller on his show for a segment. Actually not too bad, nothing in depth or memorable that I heard. But also, not a mock fest.

It's awesome that Doogie is a Gopher fan who cares about the program and spends a lot of his airtime (and free time) covering and discussing the teams.

But we need to stop telling him what to put on air/in print. We are not the professionals - he is, and the posts from all of the so-called experts out there telling him what to cover and talk about are getting really old.

The fact of the matter is that Gopher football is far down the list of sports priorities in this town, and many of the fans on this site are dilusional and think that there is a huge market out there of diehard fans. It's great that we can get 40,000+ to a game at TCF, but a lot of those fans either still put the Vikings (or Twins) as their #1 team in this town, or (students) wouldn't read or listen to stories anyway.

It's awesome that Doogie is a Gopher fan who cares about the program and spends a lot of his airtime (and free time) covering and discussing the teams.

But we need to stop telling him what to put on air/in print. We are not the professionals - he is, and the posts from all of the so-called experts out there telling him what to cover and talk about are getting really old.

The fact of the matter is that Gopher football is far down the list of sports priorities in this town, and many of the fans on this site are dilusional and think that there is a huge market out there of diehard fans. It's great that we can get 40,000+ to a game at TCF, but a lot of those fans either still put the Vikings (or Twins) as their #1 team in this town, or (students) wouldn't read or listen to stories anyway.

It shouldn't be this far down the list. Not to pick solely on KFAN but I hear more about spouses (potatoe) children (duece) golf game (commons) dogs (bareiro) Farts (Morris), unfortunate war casualties (again morris) music (bareiro) and movies (morris) than I do about the gophers. I serious doubt there is more fan interest for those items on a sports network than gopher sports.:cool02:

It's awesome that Doogie is a Gopher fan who cares about the program and spends a lot of his airtime (and free time) covering and discussing the teams.

But we need to stop telling him what to put on air/in print. We are not the professionals - he is, and the posts from all of the so-called experts out there telling him what to cover and talk about are getting really old.

The fact of the matter is that Gopher football is far down the list of sports priorities in this town, and many of the fans on this site are dilusional and think that there is a huge market out there of diehard fans. It's great that we can get 40,000+ to a game at TCF, but a lot of those fans either still put the Vikings (or Twins) as their #1 team in this town, or (students) wouldn't read or listen to stories anyway.

I don't think it's a bad thing for him to hear from other fans what they would like to hear or see in print. That doesn't mean he has to listen to everything, but there may be a topic that otherwise would be overlooked or something that he didn't think was that important but others feel it is.


It's awesome that Doogie is a Gopher fan who cares about the program and spends a lot of his airtime (and free time) covering and discussing the teams.

But we need to stop telling him what to put on air/in print. We are not the professionals - he is, and the posts from all of the so-called experts out there telling him what to cover and talk about are getting really old.

The fact of the matter is that Gopher football is far down the list of sports priorities in this town, and many of the fans on this site are dilusional and think that there is a huge market out there of diehard fans. It's great that we can get 40,000+ to a game at TCF, but a lot of those fans either still put the Vikings (or Twins) as their #1 team in this town, or (students) wouldn't read or listen to stories anyway.

So, we should accept this b.s., smile, and say thanks? We know that the negative crap only plays here because of people like you. Oh, don't print anything positive, nobody reads it anyways? Maybe if it wasn't all crap, all the time, maybe readership would improve. It is the idea that Doogie feels he can't write anything without the cheap shots shows just how poor media is these days. The idea that Doogie and everybody else in the media can't improve is laughable, and I would be out of a job, since I get paid to go places and make employees, from new to 20+ years of experience, better.

It shouldn't be this far down the list. Not to pick solely on KFAN but I hear more about spouses (potatoe) children (duece) golf game (commons) dogs (bareiro) Farts (Morris), unfortunate war casualties (again morris) music (bareiro) and movies (morris) than I do about the gophers. I serious doubt there is more fan interest for those items on a sports network than gopher sports.:cool02:
It shouldn't be this far down the list - but it is. The media will cover what is most relavent at the time according to ratings. It should be very easy to see that if the Vikings were not here, KFAN would have a lot more airtime to cover, and Gopher Football would be a relavent topic to fill that void. KFAN tried Gopher fanline in the past, but guess what - it wasn't successful. By-and-large, people didn't care.

So, we should accept this b.s., smile, and say thanks? We know that the negative crap only plays here because of people like you. Oh, don't print anything positive, nobody reads it anyways? Maybe if it wasn't all crap, all the time, maybe readership would improve. It is the idea that Doogie feels he can't write anything without the cheap shots shows just how poor media is these days. The idea that Doogie and everybody else in the media can't improve is laughable, and I would be out of a job, since I get paid to go places and make employees, from new to 20+ years of experience, better.
I wasn't talking about negative coverage - I was talking about coverage in general. I'd rather have 10,000 negative articles written about Gopher football than none at all. At least it shows people care. The lack of coverage in this town means people don't care, which is the situation happening currently. My point is that there isn't some hidden agenda in the media. They are going to cover what is most popular to get the highest ratings. Ordering Doogie to cover the Gophers more - and, by the way, only cover them positively please - is a completely absurd and ignorant viewpoint.

I don't want to speak for him, but I would guess he would be open to suggestions for stories rather than being ordered to talk Gophers on the air, or being told that there are a huge number of Gopher fans out there that ignore all media because it is negative all the time - and that all he needs to do is talk positively about them and the viewership will come in droves. That idea is also laughable.

No one is demanding that all coverage of the Gophers be positive.
No one is demanding that all coverage of the Gophers be positive.
No one is demanding that all coverage of the Gophers be positive.

Hopefully that will sink in.

What people are demanding is that the media refrain from cheap potshots. The Gophers may rank behind the Vikings, but that doesn't mean that support is "miniscule". There are close to 50,000 people in the stands, that isn't miniscule. There are 37 radio stations that cover Gophers football, compared to 25 that cover basketball and hockey. That isn't miniscule.

It shouldn't be this far down the list - but it is. The media will cover what is most relavent at the time according to ratings. It should be very easy to see that if the Vikings were not here, KFAN would have a lot more airtime to cover, and Gopher Football would be a relavent topic to fill that void. KFAN tried Gopher fanline in the past, but guess what - it wasn't successful. By-and-large, people didn't care.

Ugh. The Vikings leaving won't solve anything. Would it mean marginal increase in coverage for Gopher Football? Maybe. But they also might just talk that much more about the Twins or worse yet, start covering the Packers. It might also mean either KFAN or KSTP would drop sports altogether. How is that going to lead to more coverage. The only thing that will really change matters is winning. And the sound of wind blowing through an empty Dome on Sunday doesn't lead to Gopher wins on Saturday.

Just a little glimpse on the local newspaper website coverage.

Star Tribune 10 most viewed stories:
2 pit bulls maul Minneapolis mail carrier
Jackson ready if Favre is no-show
Getting all starters back sets stage for big finish
Mom, kids rescued from sinking car
Grizzly, 2 cubs caught after MT campground mauling
Vikings learn from past, prepare for future
Bad news: Zebra mussels in Lake Minnetonka
Baby left in sweltering car; Mpls. parents arrested
Blog: Thursday (Delmon in MVP conversation?) edition: Wha' Happened?
Batters' eye gets darker paint job
I guess the other story by Reusse got pushed down since this morning

PressPatch Top 10:
Brett Favre's coming back ... to shoot that armadillo!
Charley Walters: Timberwolves giving out plenty of second chances...
Survivor of Montana bear attack says she played dead
Wisconsin teen pulls toddler out of traffic, breaks leg
Minnesota Vikings sign quarterback Joe Webb
1 dead, 2 injured in bear attack in campground near Yellowstone
Mankato recycling worker accused of standing on scale, splitting...
Jerry Hurley: A life of hard work made him St. Paul's 'Mozzarrella...
Puppy causes car to smash into Woodbury liquor store
Twins make a timely U-turn with 6-1 road trip

Now...if you go to the PressPatch Gophers football page

1. Gophers suspend football recruiting coordinator for Seantrel Henderson incident - A link to Joe Schad at the ESPN site - May 24th, 2010
2. Interactive: Explore the University of Minnesota's new TCF Bank Stadium - A link from September of LAST FRIGGIN' YEAR

Top Blog posts (on the football site, mind you)
Royce White just wants to play - December 10, 2009
Brewster staying and Weber vs. Gray ... I cannot keep up - December 9, 2009
UPDATE Royce White on Royce White at midnight - December 9, 2009

Ugh. The Vikings leaving won't solve anything. Would it mean marginal increase in coverage for Gopher Football? Maybe. But they also might just talk that much more about the Twins or worse yet, start covering the Packers. It might also mean either KFAN or KSTP would drop sports altogether. How is that going to lead to more coverage. The only thing that will really change matters is winning. And the sound of wind blowing through an empty Dome on Sunday doesn't lead to Gopher wins on Saturday.

Bingo. Should it occur that the Vikings relocate, fans aren't going to unanimously give up on the NFL and shift their allegiances solely to the Gophers. The Packers would--and I cringe at the thought of this--simply have a larger presence here.

The whole Vikings-leaving-translates-to-Gophers-success argument is utterly asinine.

Ugh. The Vikings leaving won't solve anything. Would it mean marginal increase in coverage for Gopher Football? Maybe. But they also might just talk that much more about the Twins or worse yet, start covering the Packers. It might also mean either KFAN or KSTP would drop sports altogether. How is that going to lead to more coverage. The only thing that will really change matters is winning. And the sound of wind blowing through an empty Dome on Sunday doesn't lead to Gopher wins on Saturday.
This is so easy to see - but still, very few people get it. Think about it logically please people.

No Vikings = Marginal increase in coverage for Gopher Football = a few more people start to care and follow the team more closely = a few more people watching on TV and going to games at TCF in lieu of the Vikings = more revenue for football = increased budget = more advertising = children of MN will start to care about the Gophers again instead of the Vikings = in another 15 years we might get a couple of those 4 and 5 star instate recruits to stay and want to help the hometown team instead of bolting for a higher profile program with only the NFL in mind = better talent along with an increase in recruiting budget due to better attendance = better players or more established coaches = a potential for more wins down the line

1. Gophers suspend football recruiting coordinator for Seantrel Henderson incident - A link to Joe Schad at the ESPN site - May 24th, 2010
2. Interactive: Explore the University of Minnesota's new TCF Bank Stadium - A link from September of LAST FRIGGIN' YEAR

Top Blog posts (on the football site, mind you)
Royce White just wants to play - December 10, 2009
Brewster staying and Weber vs. Gray ... I cannot keep up - December 9, 2009
UPDATE Royce White on Royce White at midnight - December 9, 2009

Did someone at the Pioneer Press/Star Trib fall asleep at the switch with Kent Youngblood and the Pioneer Press writer? I always felt Kent was acting like it was so difficult to maintain a blog...maybe they need to get someone in there that can handle the job responsibilities. If the prolific Fringe Bowl Team Blog can put up 1-2 well though out/researched posts rather than just blather just about every day (when he has a day job), surely the man whose job it is to blog about the Gophers can put in a few minutes per day. Always astonished at this.

No one is demanding that all coverage of the Gophers be positive.
No one is demanding that all coverage of the Gophers be positive.
No one is demanding that all coverage of the Gophers be positive.

Hopefully that will sink in.

What people are demanding is that the media refrain from cheap potshots. The Gophers may rank behind the Vikings, but that doesn't mean that support is "miniscule". There are close to 50,000 people in the stands, that isn't miniscule. There are 37 radio stations that cover Gophers football, compared to 25 that cover basketball and hockey. That isn't miniscule.

I respectfully disagree with the positive coverage statement. From most of the posts on this subject it appears to me that the general feeling on this board is anything other than positive coverage is not acceptable. IMO

Secondly, the masses get to demand and dictate what the free press should do? Don't think so.

There might be a starting of the chicken and the egg syndrome. I am not the first person nor am I the last person that has stopped paying for the papers, and turned off local sports talk. So it might be true that the numbers coming in say not a lot of Gopher fans are listening or buying. However, I've decided that I'm not going to support a product that isn't done as professionally as other teams in this city. I can get light vague coverage from better sports markets via XM/Sirius, and I can find more in depth print information online at specialty sites like this one here and now FBT.

I tried the "i'm just giving my opinion" approach. Since I didn't care for it, I tried to offer suggestions and I didn't see any change (to Josh's point there doesn't have to be) So I have just chosen to stop supporting it. Therefore I'm off the grid of rating numbers. I think that is the problem some companies create for themselves. They are not dialed into their consumers and there fore don't respond to their demands. The consumer ends up taking their business somewhere else. So Josh, that company doesn't have to respond to my suggestions, but I also don't have to boost its ratings so it can make more money off advertising either.

Every once in awhile I end up listening again for various reasons: working in the garage as I don't have a xm radio not in the car, when my car is in getting work on it, etc. I had that situation come up again this week. I spent 3 days listening to 1500. I got my car back today and I was not impressed the last 3 days, so I'm back to XM.

I respectfully disagree with the positive coverage statement. From most of the posts on this subject it appears to me that the general feeling on this board is anything other than positive coverage is not acceptable. IMO

Secondly, the masses get to demand and dictate what the free press should do? Don't think so.
Agreed. It does seem like the general feeling is that the majority only want positive coverage. I am in the minority.

I respectfully disagree with the positive coverage statement. From most of the posts on this subject it appears to me that the general feeling on this board is anything other than positive coverage is not acceptable. IMO

"General feeling" is awfully fuzzy. Is it something other than what people are saying? What people are objecting to are cheap potshots instead of providing information.

Secondly, the masses get to demand and dictate what the free press should do? Don't think so.

Of COURSE we do. Re-read the First Amendment. We have freedom of press and freedom of speech. That means we are free to criticize the press. We can demand anything we like. We just can't force them to do anything, which no one is attempting to do. We have as much right to criticize the media as we do to breathe.

This is so easy to see - but still, very few people get it. Think about it logically please people.

No Vikings = Marginal increase in coverage for Gopher Football = a few more people start to care and follow the team more closely = a few more people watching on TV and going to games at TCF in lieu of the Vikings = more revenue for football = increased budget = more advertising = children of MN will start to care about the Gophers again instead of the Vikings = in another 15 years we might get a couple of those 4 and 5 star instate recruits to stay and want to help the hometown team instead of bolting for a higher profile program with only the NFL in mind = better talent along with an increase in recruiting budget due to better attendance = better players or more established coaches = a potential for more wins down the line

It's like Aesop's fable about counting chickens before they hatch. If the Vikings leave, the state will move Heaven and Earth to get another team here. If the Vikings leave, a new team will be here long before 15 years has passed.

One reason that I am so glad that we have the new stadium is that we would again be used as a revenue for a new NFL team.

Thursday Nights, 6-8 on 1500 ESPN, we should be listening for some insightful talk about Gopher Football. Hey, tomorrow is Thursday, I will be listening.

I am in Mankato for the main job... Joe Anderson is broadcasting from the Span/Hudson charity event anyway... but there will be regular Gophers discussion on Anderson's show after camp starts... and throughout the season... and when the Twins season is done, hopefully more coverage on the weekends.

Giving the gopher football fans coverage they want to see increased readership by gopher football fans.

Giving Vikings football fans coverage they want to see increases readership by Viking football fans.

I fail to see the logic that people seem to want to assert, that from these two obvious truths taking pot shots at the gophers enhances vikings readership and doesn't diminish readership by gopher fans.

Let's try this, Twin Cities Media.

Let's make the Twins fans happy, let's make the vikings fans happy, let's make the T-wolf fan happy, let's make the Wild fan's happy, AND let's make the Gopher fans happy. Instead of playing to one type of reader, let's play to all fan bases and see if that approach brings in a more readers.

It's like there's a limited amount of respect that can be used and the Vikings and some times Twins are using it all up. I think we can find a way if we really try, to be respectful to all the teams and all the fan bases.

Agreed. It does seem like the general feeling is that the majority only want positive coverage. I am in the minority.

I get the general feeling that people are sick of the cheap shots.

Secondly, the masses get to demand and dictate what the free press should do? Don't think so.

Yes, the masses do. I am telling the Strib via not having a home delivery subscription any longer. I can still "tell" them what I'm reading, and what I'm interested in by clicking on stories on their site. I imagine they get more click-throughs on the negative crap, mostly because the "oh so clever" posters there want to stroke themselves and see if anyone has responded to their latest nugget of knowledge.

Harvesting clicks can be a very powerful engine in determining what gets posted, and where it gets posted. Why do you think that the Vikings site on the Strib is paid content?

I think the majority want to learn something new from an article. Cheap shots and unsupported comments don't do this, but factual evidence, interviews, and real analysis do.

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