Ohio State penalties......How much more?


Aug 5, 2009
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Hello all my Gopher brothers and sisters. Just got a (finally) reliable computor, an HP so I can finally be a member of the human race again.

My question: Besides the game suspensions of several OSU players, what in the hell kind of sanctions will the NCAA nail down the Buckeyes with?
Will there be any forfeitures of Big Ten titles or how about the National BCS title in 2000?

Does anyone believe that OSU will be as hard or harder than USC?

I think they (NCAA) will have to make an example of a big-time program just like USC's penalties.

Would love to hear some feedback on my questions. Thanks!

Froggopher is officially back from the dead.

Go Go Gophers!!!!!!:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

Vacate 03-present
Vacate national and big ten titles
2-3 year postseason ban
Loss of 60 scholarships over 4 years

Just my opinion though

I don't know...

Vacate 03-present
Vacate national and big ten titles
2-3 year postseason ban
Loss of 60 scholarships over 4 years

Just my opinion though

Is the NCAA going to admit that they either totally under punished tBTC (big time cheaters) for the Clarrett sins, or that the NCAA will drop the statue of limitations for punishments?

They wouldn't have to drop the statute of limitations. The clarrett fiasco gets labeled as enough to make them repeat offenders. They get hit with everything that's happened the past 4-5 years...cars, tatoos, ect

If that stuff all dates back ten years, it could all be labeled as part of the same violations and the statute would not apply.

Ohio State penalties......

It sounds as if the NCAA will really sock it to them. I forgot about the Clarrett disaster. Overall it does not look too good for the Buckeyes.

Probably have to vacate several titles, trophies and tatoo joints.

Go Go Gophers!!!!:pig:

For some reason I have a feeling that the NCAA is not going to hammer them too hard on this. With Tressel gone and now Pryor out they are going to take away a few scholorships and a ban on post season for a year or two and try to sweep this under the rug. Christ sakes, Newtons dad sold his son to the highest bidder and they looked the other way.

I hope I'm wrong on this but with the track record that the NCAA has, this will all be an afterthought in 6 months.

My guess is there will be more infractions uncovered and OSU will be hit at least as hard as USC.

The more allegations that come up just makes one shake their head about allowing the five players to play in the bowl game.

Ohio State

Thanks for the updated opinions on OSU.
I really can't remember when OSU had any previous dealings with the NCAA on their football program.
Nebraska has always seemed to get away from any penalties from the NCAA. At least they don't get caught.
Go Gophers!!!!!:eek::cry::confused:

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