Ohio State: More Mess

Anything short of the "death penalty" would be a joke... which is what I fully expect.

I do, however, think that Jim T's days at Ohio State are numbered.

Paging Glen Mason...

Anything short of the "death penalty" would be a joke... which is what I fully expect.

I do, however, think that Jim T's days at Ohio State are numbered.

Paging Glen Mason...

The Vest out the door, in walks Urban Meyer. They won't miss a beat unfortunately.

Can we revisit the whole Maurice clarett mess the ncaa ignored too while we r at it......

Boise st tennis players sleeping on dorm room floors seems to be more important to the NCAA

The NCAA will drop the ball on this since OSU is one of the big boys!!! If they bring the hammer down on OSU they will have to do that with Auburn and half the SEC schools too. They don't have the marbles to do that!!!

Anything short of the "death penalty" would be a joke... which is what I fully expect.

I do, however, think that Jim T's days at Ohio State are numbered.

Paging Glen Mason...

You will never see the Death Penalty in College Sports ever again, SMU was the only program ever to get it in College Football and they still trying to get over it.

Power begets power...more of the same old, same old.

The Vest out the door, in walks Urban Meyer. They won't miss a beat unfortunately.

Would Meyer go to a school facing big time sanctions? Maybe but doubtful. Either way, no school can just bounce back. They won't be the same Ohio State. Michigan fans are enjoying some serious Schadenfreude. Sadly all my hatred is focused on Wisconsin and Iowa to care too much about what happens to tOSU.

Would Meyer go to a school facing big time sanctions? Maybe but doubtful. Either way, no school can just bounce back. They won't be the same Ohio State. Michigan fans are enjoying some serious Schadenfreude. Sadly all my hatred is focused on Wisconsin and Iowa to care too much about what happens to tOSU.

I just don't see Meyer going to OSU. He hated the pressure of coaching Florida. The stakes are just as high at O$U.

The Vest out the door, in walks Urban Meyer. They won't miss a beat unfortunately.

The UF folks I've talked to swear up and down Meyer won't go there. That may just be what they want to believe. I do think it would be 2012 at the earliest though.

The NCAA will drop the ball on this since OSU is one of the big boys!!! If they bring the hammer down on OSU they will have to do that with Auburn and half the SEC schools too. They don't have the marbles to do that!!!
Yeah after all the problems USC is causing them, I doubt we see them going after another big named program any time soon.

If Mason had the resources Tressel has at OSU, he would do a great job. He just did not want to work hard enough to overcome the lack of support here.

tough NCAA punishment

as part of his punishment for not revealing his knowledge of his players' NCAA violations, Ohio State coach Jim Tressel will attend a five-day compliance seminar in June in Tampa, Fla. Ohio State spokesman Jim Lynch confirmed Saturday that Tressel would take part in the NCAA-sponsored event June 6-10 at a resort hotel on the waterfront.
Really tough starting punishment!!!!

Has anybody been checking OSU boards? Curious what is being said in Ohio.

Has anybody been checking OSU boards? Curious what is being said in Ohio.

I checked Hineygate today. Very interesting. A lot of realists who see what's coming and advocate for dismissing Tressel to stem the damage. And the rest are deluded and accuse those who are pragmatic of being disloyal. In general a lot of sadness that a guy that seemed like such a good guy made such a terrrible mistake.

There is no way Tressel survives this. He'll take a couple of years off and end up on EPSN.

Leaders Division

Leaders Division has been a disgrace to the B10 since day one.

Glen Mason

I hope smilin' Glen Mason gets his chance at becoming the head coach at Ohio State. He has spent his time in purgatory, now, he needs his redemption.

"We'll take a step back, we'll take a look at the transactions and the values, and we'll make some determinations in consultation with the (Big Ten) conference office and go from there," said Doug Archie, associate athletic director and head of compliance at OSU.

"I have nothing to believe a violation has occurred," he said.

Nothing to believe....

I get it that this guy has to say that, but at what point did HE realize that his AD/compliance title will likely limit him from getting employment again...

They won't give OSU the death penalty, but the USC sanctions have to be the starting point of the penalties here. Something about double that maybe.

Here's a thought. If Tosu gets some sort of bowl ban and other punishments from the NCAA, does the B1G allow Tosu to play in the new "B1G Championship Game" or do they exclude them regardless of their record in the "Cheater's Division"? I could see it going either way, since Tosu is such a cash cow for the B1G and they want as many people watching the "B1G Game"* (*Copyright 2011 FarmGopher) but they also probably don't want to sent out the message that cheaters win in the B1G.


A Columbus Dispatch article on the car situation - a bit more detail than the ESPN one


Something is really starting to smell here.

I love the mention how Pryor had a "3 day test drive" on vehicle while going to Pennsylvania. Any one know of a dealer that allows a 3 day test drive?[/QUOTE]

Yeah, most dealers have another term for a 3 day test drive. It's called "Grand Theft Auto". Taking the vehicle across state lines makes it worse.

Let's face it....College athletes and cars beyond their means is nothing new. I find it interesting that it was a local paper who 'broke' this story. This is an easy journalistic target, akin to "dirty hotel rooms" you will see on local news during sweeps week. I must admit, it takes some stones to go after Tosu if you make your $ covering the athletics of that school for a local paper.

to the man on the street, having 20 players get sweetheart deals would show 'lack of institutional' control, but not as the NCAA will likely see it. Don't get your hopes up for anything happening to the program outside of a new coach.

The max penalty will be to use a needle-nose pliers and pull a fingernail off the little finger of one of the Buckeye cheerleaders. (Without a local anesthetic of course)

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