Oh Tubby Tubby Tubby...


New member
Jan 7, 2010
Reaction score
I’ve witness Minnesota take there fifth close call Loss this year to Mich. st. Let me show you how this happens.

Step 1: The nature ability that the Gophers have offensively gives them a lead during the first 25mins of the game. But panic begins to set-in and the sporadic substitutions by coach begins to break the rhythm the players.

Step 2: Where’s the Play calling? Westbrooks and Josephs both had one-on-one situations at least 7 times during the game. Sure it works the first few times because those kids are talented scorers. But coach Izzo recognized that the Gophers do not have an offensive scheme and changes his defensive strategy to cater strictly to Westbrooks and Josephs.

Step 3: mismatch recognition. Mich. St. shot the lights out from deep in the second half; it would only be smart to put bigger lineup out there to deter some of there attempts. Our sharp shooter Blake wasn’t so Sharpe this game nor could his 6-2 stature match up defensively against State. Hoffbarber played 36 mins. 36!!! and scored 6pts while giving up two 3-point plays because of size. Williams and Carter (6'6 and 6'8), would have been a better match up defensively but yet they played a combined 18mins (Carter had 6 points and 4 rebounds in 14 mins, Williams had a block in 4 mins). More time equals better production.

Step 4: Minnesota is known for their vicious full court press defense but yet I did not see it ran once Saturday. I wonder why?

Step 5: Last Shot. We are down by 1 point on our home court and you draw up a play for Blake for a 24-foot jumpshot???? (Nice Tubby). Of course it didn’t work! Blake’s 6'2 frame trying to shoot off of a high screen? We all know State is going to switch all screens in the last minute of the game (shaking my head). So now were forced to have ANOTHER one-on-one play where Westbrooks is forced into a double team. Game over. Sounds familiar? That’s because the same thing happened against Indiana just last week. Except it was Devoe with the last shot.

Only once this year did coach mention that "I made a mistake" and that was not playing Carter more during the Purdue game. Funny how you recognized that and yet nothing has changed. I have a suggestion coach. Stop mental abusing your own athletes to the point where there scared to play. Encourage them, and trust that they know how to play the game that you taught them.


Newbies unite!!

also, we were only in the game because everything we tossed up in the first 30 minutes went in.

Perhaps You Should Apply For The Position

Pretty idiotic comments.

Tubby has NC ring. Do you?

I didn't see us attack Raymar Morgan

If I had to ask one question about Saturday's game, it would be:

Did we make any effort whatsoever to foul Raymar Morgan out of the game? He got his fourth foul with a lot of time left in the game, yet I did not see us make a concerted effort to get Morgan's man/area (usually it was Damian) the ball.

Morgan is the key cog to that team, not many 6-8 guys can do what he can, yet I didn't think we attacked him once he got his fourth foul. Maybe I missed it, I don't know. Just one thought that popped into my head as the game wore on.

Morgan and Lucas just killed us when the game was on the line, and as Sparty was making the comeback I couldn't figure out why we weren't going after Morgan when he was on the defensive end.

If I had to ask one question about Saturday's game, it would be:

Did we make any effort whatsoever to foul Raymar Morgan out of the game? He got his fourth foul with a lot of time left in the game, yet I did not see us make a concerted effort to get Morgan's man/area (usually it was Damian) the ball.

Morgan is the key cog to that team, not many 6-8 guys can do what he can, yet I didn't think we attacked him once he got his fourth foul. Maybe I missed it, I don't know. Just one thought that popped into my head as the game wore on.

Thank you. This is the only post that I liked after MSU game. I asked myself the same question. I was so frustrated that he had 4 really easy points with 4 fouls.

PB: try this to add menial credibility to your posts: basketball content.

I chuckled at that one, despite.....

sew he kant spel.. sew whatt.

...completely disagreeing. When someone can't spell or construct a coherent sentence, it makes me question how smart he/she is. And when I do that, I tend to dismiss their commentary. I can tolerate a typo (it's just a bulletin board for God's sake), but elementary grammatical errors, horrendous spelling and a complete lack of formatting I can't take. Sorry.

One other thing, to the OP: Tubby said the last second play was designed to get the ball to Sampson in the post. But as we all know, once the ball gets to LW and the clock is running down, he is going to take some sort of wild-ass shot in hopes of being the hero......


I chuckled at that one, despite.....

...completely disagreeing. When someone can't spell or construct a coherent sentence, it makes me question how smart he/she is. And when I do that, I tend to dismiss their commentary. I can tolerate a typo (it's just a bulletin board for God's sake), but elementary grammatical errors, horrendous spelling and a complete lack of formatting I can't take. Sorry.

One other thing, to the OP: Tubby said the last second play was designed to get the ball to Sampson in the post. But as we all know, once the ball gets to LW and the clock is running down, he is going to take some sort of wild-ass shot in hopes of being the hero......

+1 and +1


I'm on another post, but it's appropriate to mention it here- Tubby's NC ring was accomplished with Patino's recruits.

I chuckled at that one, despite.....

...completely disagreeing. When someone can't spell or construct a coherent sentence, it makes me question how smart he/she is. And when I do that, I tend to dismiss their commentary. I can tolerate a typo (it's just a bulletin board for God's sake), but elementary grammatical errors, horrendous spelling and a complete lack of formatting I can't take. Sorry.

One other thing, to the OP: Tubby said the last second play was designed to get the ball to Sampson in the post. But as we all know, once the ball gets to LW and the clock is running down, he is going to take some sort of wild-ass shot in hopes of being the hero......

it's like having a 3rd grade teacher look over your shoulder..
i find those who are spelling freaks have never played the game.. they spend their childhoods/teenage years cramming for tests.. please don't vent all that on us now.. i'm not your father... i didn't force you to study.. don't take that out on the real ballers.. most who balled rather than studied..

this would be like a baller going to a grammar site... and dissing a grammer-guy for not being able to ball..

go away. find a grammar site

I chuckled at that one, despite.....

...completely disagreeing. When someone can't spell or construct a coherent sentence, it makes me question how smart he/she is. And when I do that, I tend to dismiss their commentary. I can tolerate a typo (it's just a bulletin board for God's sake), but elementary grammatical errors, horrendous spelling and a complete lack of formatting I can't take. Sorry.

One other thing, to the OP: Tubby said the last second play was designed to get the ball to Sampson in the post. But as we all know, once the ball gets to LW and the clock is running down, he is going to take some sort of wild-ass shot in hopes of being the hero......

"there" for "they're" makes it uncoherent??? wow... good luck in the real world.

I'm on another post, but it's appropriate to mention it here- Tubby's NC ring was accomplished with Pitino's recruits.

Exactly. The same as Jon Gruden's Super Bowl Championship was won with Tony Dungy's players.

As Janet Jackson said in song: "What have you done for me lately?"

I wondered about that too. With his and the team's foul trouble we should've been driving nonstop the last 10 min of the game instead of settling for crappy jumpshots. I'm sick of us just using up the clock when we get the lead and doubling on the center for no reason when what we really need to worry about is defending the 3.

If I had to ask one question about Saturday's game, it would be:

Did we make any effort whatsoever to foul Raymar Morgan out of the game? He got his fourth foul with a lot of time left in the game, yet I did not see us make a concerted effort to get Morgan's man/area (usually it was Damian) the ball.

Morgan is the key cog to that team, not many 6-8 guys can do what he can, yet I didn't think we attacked him once he got his fourth foul. Maybe I missed it, I don't know. Just one thought that popped into my head as the game wore on.

Morgan and Lucas just killed us when the game was on the line, and as Sparty was making the comeback I couldn't figure out why we weren't going after Morgan when he was on the defensive end.

it's like having a 3rd grade teacher look over your shoulder..

You still getting that, dboy?

most who balled rather than studied..

Some of us could do both.

this would be like a baller going to a grammar site... and dissing a grammer-guy for not being able to ball

Not quite. This is a bulletin board, not the hardwood. A bulletin board requires writing.

go away. find a grammar site

At least I can understand what they are saying on one! Even if it is just barely better than watching paint dry or you attempt a post move.

it's like having a 3rd grade teacher look over your shoulder..
i find those who are spelling freaks have never played the game.. they spend their childhoods/teenage years cramming for tests.. please don't vent all that on us now.. i'm not your father... i didn't force you to study.. don't take that out on the real ballers.. most who balled rather than studied..

this would be like a baller going to a grammar site... and dissing a grammer-guy for not being able to ball..

go away. find a grammar site

Idiotic post of the year before the end of the January. Nice!

So much stupidity and nonsense in one post is impressive.

Basketball is one of the least complicated sports around. The "complexity" of things like the 1-3-1 zone, help-side defense, the motion or flex offense, breaking Louisville's press, or stepping out to defend the screened ball just blows my mind. Thankfully we have some "ballers" on this board to correct the "grammer-guys." The only time I would question someone's ability to understand the game of basketball is when they write posts at a 3rd grade level. I was just learning about boxing out when I was 8 years old.

The "you're not a baller so leave the debate to us" people make me laugh. I've played basketball almost my entire life and I've learned more from watching the game on TV than I ever did playing it. I have absolutely no problem trusting someone that's a scout, coach, GM, etc that never really played the game because it's just not that complicated. Michael Jordan is a "baller" but he made an awful GM and evaluator of talent. There are literally hundreds of people I would trust to break down a game or judge a player than the greatest "baller" of all time.

What's complicated is the English language and the thousands of exceptions to the rule. I welcome anyone that loves the game to comment on this board because they can all add something to the debate other than people who claim superiority due to their "baller" status.

Pretty idiotic comments.

Tubby has NC ring. Do you?

FOT, I respect you as a loyal poster who has brought many good opinions to this board since Tubby's arrival. However posts like this drive me nuts. If we go by your post then we can't criticize players or coaches at all because most of them are better players and coaches than we will ever be. If this was the case then why do bother having GopherHole at all?

it's like having a 3rd grade teacher look over your shoulder..
i find those who are spelling freaks have never played the game.. they spend their childhoods/teenage years cramming for tests.. please don't vent all that on us now.. i'm not your father... i didn't force you to study.. don't take that out on the real ballers.. most who balled rather than studied..

this would be like a baller going to a grammar site... and dissing a grammer-guy for not being able to ball..

go away. find a grammar site

I don't even know what to write this is so funny. Real ballers...:clap:

Idiotic post of the year before the end of the January. Nice!

So much stupidity and nonsense in one post is impressive.

Basketball is one of the least complicated sports around. The "complexity" of things like the 1-3-1 zone, help-side defense, the motion or flex offense, breaking Louisville's press, or stepping out to defend the screened ball just blows my mind. Thankfully we have some "ballers" on this board to correct the "grammer-guys." The only time I would question someone's ability to understand the game of basketball is when they write posts at a 3rd grade level. I was just learning about boxing out when I was 8 years old.

The "you're not a baller so leave the debate to us" people make me laugh. I've played basketball almost my entire life and I've learned more from watching the game on TV than I ever did playing it. I have absolutely no problem trusting someone that's a scout, coach, GM, etc that never really played the game because it's just not that complicated. Michael Jordan is a "baller" but he made an awful GM and evaluator of talent. There are literally hundreds of people I would trust to break down a game or judge a player than the greatest "baller" of all time.

What's complicated is the English language and the thousands of exceptions to the rule. I welcome anyone that loves the game to comment on this board because they can all add something to the debate other than people who claim superiority due to their "baller" status.

you trust a scout... congrats.
you watch hoops on tv... great.
MJ was a bad GM... okay..

"you're not a baller so leave the debate to us" huh? I don't even know you.

and all this has what to do with spellchecking?

I don't even know what to write this is so funny. Real ballers...:clap:

wow, i've run into the Geek Squad getting fitted for their first real jocks.. pardon me, i'll try the next door.

I’ve witness Minnesota take there fifth close call Loss this year to Mich. st. Let me show you how this happens.

Step 1: The nature ability that the Gophers have offensively gives them a lead during the first 25mins of the game. But panic begins to set-in and the sporadic substitutions by coach begins to break the rhythm the players.

Step 2: Where’s the Play calling? Westbrooks and Josephs both had one-on-one situations at least 7 times during the game. Sure it works the first few times because those kids are talented scorers. But coach Izzo recognized that the Gophers do not have an offensive scheme and changes his defensive strategy to cater strictly to Westbrooks and Josephs.

Step 3: mismatch recognition. Mich. St. shot the lights out from deep in the second half; it would only be smart to put bigger lineup out there to deter some of there attempts. Our sharp shooter Blake wasn’t so Sharpe this game nor could his 6-2 stature match up defensively against State. Hoffbarber played 36 mins. 36!!! and scored 6pts while giving up two 3-point plays because of size. Williams and Carter (6'6 and 6'8), would have been a better match up defensively but yet they played a combined 18mins (Carter had 6 points and 4 rebounds in 14 mins, Williams had a block in 4 mins). More time equals better production.

Step 4: Minnesota is known for their vicious full court press defense but yet I did not see it ran once Saturday. I wonder why?

Step 5: Last Shot. We are down by 1 point on our home court and you draw up a play for Blake for a 24-foot jumpshot???? (Nice Tubby). Of course it didn’t work! Blake’s 6'2 frame trying to shoot off of a high screen? We all know State is going to switch all screens in the last minute of the game (shaking my head). So now were forced to have ANOTHER one-on-one play where Westbrooks is forced into a double team. Game over. Sounds familiar? That’s because the same thing happened against Indiana just last week. Except it was Devoe with the last shot.

Only once this year did coach mention that "I made a mistake" and that was not playing Carter more during the Purdue game. Funny how you recognized that and yet nothing has changed. I have a suggestion coach. Stop mental abusing your own athletes to the point where there scared to play. Encourage them, and trust that they know how to play the game that you taught them.

I can see Tubby signing up for your coaching clinic as we speak. He obviously needs your help desperately.

I don't soppose there is any chance that the teams that are beating us are just putting better players on the court than we have available?

Step 4: Minnesota is known for their vicious full court press defense but yet I did not see it ran once Saturday. I wonder why?

We didn't have the main component of our full court press in Nolen. He is what makes the press work. Devoe does fine in half court defense but he is still a step behind Nolen in the full court.

Also with the starting 5 playing over 30 minutes each we needed to save their legs as much as possible.

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