Official Maturi response thread

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Wild animal with a keyboard
Jan 17, 2010
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I would guess most people who wrote to Maturi echoed the same thoughts that have been discussed here, so I thought that I would start a thread to put Joel's responses.

Hey @sshole,

[O.K. I made that part up]

Thanks for the email. You are right, the process is not easy as we have 12 institutions who all want something a little differently. We have established our principles as 10 competitive equality and 20 preserve historical rivalries. Two good principles we will do our best to follow. Not everyone at any institution will be totally pleased because we all feel a little differently. Hang in there – it is an exciting time.

Joel Maturi

Stole this one from a different thread:

Maturi responded to my e-mail. Here is what he wrote

'I am doing my best. I received 10 emails today from Ohio State fans telling me
Ohio State and Michigan must play the last game. Point - none of us will get
all we want. 12 institutions have desires - we have worked hard to come to an
agreement. Appreciate the email and the support.

Joel Maturi'

I wrote him yesterday and basically said I understand Rittenberg's possible alignment was speculation on his part but that would be the worst possible scenario for the Gophers. Maturi basically wrote back the same thing he said to you and then he added the "don't believe everything you read" line.

I got the competitive equality and preserving traditions standards, too. He also said to expect a decision within the next several weeks, and that the decision "will not please all, impossible, but for the most part it will be acceptable."

I could live with what Rittenberg proposed if it switched the U with either Illinois or MSU. I just don't understand putting the U with the eastern most schools.

I've become more convinced that they are actually deadlocked and that these leaks are just things whispered to the media to help sway public opinion, and this bring the other representatives in line.

I know people have mixed feelings on Maturi and the fact that he responds to us all, but I think it is pretty sweet. In addition to what others have posted my response included

"I have and will continue to do my best at representing Minnesota in this football only division. I truly believe we will come out all right."

Another thing the east-west split does is minimize travel for fans. Scrambling things up ads additional cost and time for fans who want to travel to road games. If Minnesota is in the east, that is a large burden.

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