Offensive Line is Brutal


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
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That's the bottom line. Doesn't matter who's at QB, WR, etc. Now it's worse with Pirsig out. I spoke with a former Gopher All B10 lineman and he agreed this is worst O-Line in last 20 years. Three B10 wins is over achieiving this year.

That's the bottom line. Doesn't matter who's at QB, WR, etc. Now it's worse with Pirsig out. I spoke with a former Gopher All B10 lineman and he agreed this is worst O-Line in last 20 years. Three B10 wins is over achieiving this year.

I thought it might get better with Pirsig out. I've never been that impressed with him.

Our LT holds a lot. The OL recruiting under Kill and Limgrover left a lot to be desired.

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There isn't any talent on the OL and it doesn't help our WRs are slow and can't get open

There isn't any talent on the OL and it doesn't help our WRs are slow and can't get open

WR's are hurt by no TE threat.

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I thought it might get better with Pirsig out. I've never been that impressed with him.

That'a how bad it is. Pirisg is the best we have. And there is absolutely no depth. This should not happen in here, O-lineman are the one position that are readily available in the Midwest.

That's the bottom line. Doesn't matter who's at QB, WR, etc. Now it's worse with Pirsig out. I spoke with a former Gopher All B10 lineman and he agreed this is worst O-Line in last 20 years. Three B10 wins is over achieiving this year.

How dare you blame someone other than liedner

Our O-Line is actually great! ML is just so bad he brings them down

There isn't any talent on the OL and it doesn't help our WRs are slow and can't get open

I would argue both TJ6 and RS88 are legit.

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Five years of wishful thinking about recruiting have been dashed by reality.
The team on the field today was almost all Kill's team.

Man the Kill era had a lot of talk about bringing in big OLmen.... did not pay off :(

That's the bottom line. Doesn't matter who's at QB, WR, etc. Now it's worse with Pirsig out. I spoke with a former Gopher All B10 lineman and he agreed this is worst O-Line in last 20 years. Three B10 wins is over achieiving this year.

Well, what did you expect? There are three JUCO O-Lineman in the two deep. That should have been the first clue when the first depth chart came out. Or when two of them were starting in the spring game.

I have to laugh. How people on here wanted to put a statue of Kill out front of TCF and how you could not disparage him on this board without getting the wrath of g'holers. Now that Claeys sucks it's no holds barred. Everyone is ripe for the wrath, including Kill.

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Well, what did you expect? There are three JUCO O-Lineman in the two deep. That should have been the first clue when the first depth chart came out. Or when two of them were starting in the spring game.
That's what I said before the season started.

I was pleasantly surprised by the O line play in the non-con. I thought their were good signs. I think though that when you get a new coach, new scheme, their will be some bumps. Yesterday was a bump. Honestly I thought it would have come earlier in the year, so I guess that's a credit to the O Line and the O Line Coach.

Our WR's are average at best. I watched a lot of football last night and we just don't have straight line speed. Heck, even UNLV had a couple of guys who could really fly. Most of the time Mitch has a real small window to throw into.Not good for an average passer. Lingen is our best receiver, and it looks like he is out a couple more weeks. Agree with Les on the OL. At the game yesterday I noticed the OL didn't get to the second level on blocks on running plays. They pretty much got stood up. Give Brooks and Smith a good OL to keep Mitch from passing and we might be 2-0. Two coaches I wish we had: Mitch Browning QB/OC and Gordy Shaw as OL coach.

Do you think this line is worse than a bunch of Navy cadets?
Not likely, but they known how to run the ball and to scheme
their blocking, that's what Mason did and it's something we
haven't done with similar o-line talent since the early 2000s.

It worked, but we don't do it, hardly ever pull a guard or
run outside the tackles. When we do, it works, but we never
do. It's ALWAYS rutm.

The problem is the scheme doesn't help ANY of our players. The WRs seem to run predictable routes at predictable times. Our play actions are poorly executed more often than not. They aren't sold well. We don't really run any plays to catch the defense off guard. Very few screens, no jet sweeps to Tyler Johnson, few designed runs to the outside. It's all just vanilla. And when Mitch isn't hitting receivers when they are open, or forcing throws, you get yesterday's result.

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I have to laugh. How people on here wanted to put a statue of Kill out front of TCF and how you could not disparage him on this board without getting the wrath of g'holers. Now that Claeys sucks it's no holds barred. Everyone is ripe for the wrath, including Kill.

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Agree. I've never heard someone get so much praise for two above average seasons.

I am of the opinion that Claeys, if he retains his job, will make some more staff changes. I could see another newoffensive line coach as well as new OC. Keep changing until he recognizes that perhaps he is the problem. Average players who are motivated will beat good players not motivated. Everyone on the GH has seen talented teams and individuals not succeed because they didn't play with effort, energy, or passion. Until we get a coaching staff that motivates, our average players will have trouble succeeding. Watching TC on the sideline on Sat. I sure didn't see a lot of fire and determination. Average teams trying to out scheme good teams just doesn't happen. With what I saw on Sat.n neither team was what I would call good. Iowa was more motivated than the Gophers. Actually that game probably set Big Ten football back 10 yeare.

I am of the opinion that Claeys, if he retains his job, will make some more staff changes. I could see another newoffensive line coach as well as new OC. Keep changing until he recognizes that perhaps he is the problem. Average players who are motivated will beat good players not motivated. Everyone on the GH has seen talented teams and individuals not succeed because they didn't play with effort, energy, or passion. Until we get a coaching staff that motivates, our average players will have trouble succeeding. Watching TC on the sideline on Sat. I sure didn't see a lot of fire and determination. Average teams trying to out scheme good teams just doesn't happen. With what I saw on Sat.n neither team was what I would call good. Iowa was more motivated than the Gophers. Actually that game probably set Big Ten football back 10 yeare.

I posted this comment yesterday after hearing at the game: " Does Claeys ever move from the same spot? So I watched the second half to see what he was talking about. I don't think Claeys moved more than 10 feet in either direction.

Remember when folks on here thought our OL would suddenly be good because Bart Miller kept saying "nasty" at his presser? A position coach and people bought it. Not as cute as those that thought the Manning Camp would transform ML7, but close.

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More jet sweeps! We run 10 or more per game and this squad goes undefeated.

How long is Pirsig out for? I think the TE position is the single biggest weakness on the team for what it's worth. No Googder or Plsek types and currently without a pass catching tight end as well.

How long is Pirsig out for? I think the TE position is the single biggest weakness on the team for what it's worth. No Googder or Plsek types and currently without a pass catching tight end as well.
Bingo. This is a probably a much bigger problem than people realize. We basically played with 6 O linemen a lot of the first 5 years under Kill thanks to those monster TEs. Wozniak, while a fun story with his crazy height, often gets dominated at the point of attack...he's not a run blocker. Beebe is probably the future at that position...can't come soon enough.

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I wouldn't call the O-line brutal, but they did not get any push against Iowa, and were getting beat off the snap of the ball a lot. That was just a bad football game for the offense overall. First bad game in my opinion by the offense all season. It happens.

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