The offensive problems all start up front that should be painfully obvious
We do not have a group of five that play well together a good mix of ingredients if you will. A group right now who has strengths that do not seem to compliment each other. Where we are weak we need to be strong, where we are not overly quick we need to be quick. I'm not saying there all bad ingredients but right now they do not play well or work well together. We are neither quick or strong, just large sized and a little slow. Sometimes this mass thing works when you can get a good lean, but when they can attack your weakness not being real quick or strong, slow in getting off the snap, being able to slide and hit, keeping your hands hitting your mans chest like a boxer, and blocking your assignment, staying on your guy, we block down or double a lot, without changing the call at the line letting blitzers come free. To many empty guy's coming free without a hat on them, to much doing the oposite of what needs to be done and a lot of thinking or cloudy mind syndrome of not just staying with your guy. I don't like what the teacher in charge of the O is doing right now because, the lack of success say's to adjust find something base that works and kind of cling to it.
You can see the communication between the positions seems to be mixed up. The backs always step to the inside guy instead of picking up the edge blitzers, or at least chipping the open man and then releasing. Backs, TE's and lineman are not working together, we have a lot of elements not working well together. We have a TE who is real strong you can see that, # 96 but he get's stood up a lot and is not able to drive forward because he stands up to straight and is using his upper body to much, rendering the lean in his legs kind of useless. We always run when he is in there too so that is kind of a tell. Anyone notice this, with Carufel not in there yesterday, how we were getting beat on that side of the line more not so much the guy, but they would find the mismatch the overload and then this just snowballed into bad line play? Lack of continuity and play together has hurt, Weber got sacked four times sometimes with three man fronts. The QB runs into the back on one play after getting flushed out, another example of not working together or a system breakdown. I like the food analogy used by Rodent Rampage, it is reallly analogous to what is going on, we have some good ingredients, but were asking those ingredients to try and do things there neither designed to do or can do right now. When you break down a cake and find that something is off or taste bad, what do you do? Find out what your doing wrong and try to correct it. Right now we have a lot of cook's that are trying to correct many things all at once. These cook's need to come together and get on the same page. This week should be simple, design a recipe that your all on the same page with. You have made this well, done well with this , try to repeat that, as the game goes on, try to use a little flavor changes that have worked well during the game that do not screw up the cake to much. The coaches need to give the kids some confidence and feel good about playing football again, make it fun, but try to win the little stuff and stop letting the QB get hit so much.