Off. Cord. Idea


Nov 20, 2008
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I don't know if this idea has been brought up yet, but with the possible retirement of Tony Dungy and an Off. Cord. vacancy, how about luring Tom Moore back to his home state.... I wasn't alive during the 75'-76' season but it looks like he did a decent job as the OC.

I don't know if this idea has been brought up yet, but with the possible retirement of Tony Dungy and an Off. Cord. vacancy, how about luring Tom Moore back to his home state.... I wasn't alive during the 75'-76' season but it looks like he did a decent job as the OC.

You think he walks away from the best QB in the NFL to coach 19- and 20-year olds? He's getting along in age, too. 70 years old is too old to be a college coach and recruiter (when you haven't done it in 32 years).

Good point, but Monte Kiffin and Norm Chow aren't spring chickens either... It was just a thought, trying to work the MN angle.....

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