Oct. 30 Ohio State at 7 p.m.

thats a nice slot for minnesota to get! hopefully they can show the nation they are a better team. And more importantly show the recruits they are an up and coming program thats not playing around. Or that could be the game the Tim Brewster shows he might not be fit to be a head coach and just needs to stick to recruiting. Can't wait to find out!

How about PSU?

What are the odds of getting that to be a primetime or late afternoon game?

I just ask because I'm running the Mankato Marathon in the morning, and currently dread missing the game.

thats a nice slot for minnesota to get! hopefully they can show the nation they are a better team. And more importantly show the recruits they are an up and coming program thats not playing around. Or that could be the game the Tim Brewster shows he might not be fit to be a head coach and just needs to stick to recruiting. Can't wait to find out!

LOL...I like your optimism.

What are the odds of getting that to be a primetime or late afternoon game?

I just ask because I'm running the Mankato Marathon in the morning, and currently dread missing the game.

Cmon man, we need the help holding down the fort in 232!

Am I the only one here REALLY likes the Halloween weekend night games? I thought the crowd for the MSU game last year was superb.

Am I the only one here REALLY likes the Halloween weekend night games? I thought the crowd for the MSU game last year was superb.

Nope, I love it and hope it becomes a TCF tradition. I wouldn't want a full schedule of night games, but 2-3 a year is perfect (in my opinion).

What are the odds of getting that to be a primetime or late afternoon game?

I just ask because I'm running the Mankato Marathon in the morning, and currently dread missing the game.

I would guess Wisky at Iowa would get either the 2:30 ABC or 7:00 ESPN game that day.

Who knows how it will fill in after that

Not much else exciting in the BT that day, Ohio St/Purdue, Mich St/NW, Indiana/Illinois, Mich-Bye

What are the odds of getting that to be a primetime or late afternoon game?

I just ask because I'm running the Mankato Marathon in the morning, and currently dread missing the game.

I am considering running that same marathon, although I had not yet realized it was the same day as the PSU game.... Let's see, drinking beer, tailgating, cheering the Gophs on to victory vs. nearly decimating myself with exercise.... tough choice.... :)

I am considering running that same marathon, although I had not yet realized it was the same day as the PSU game.... Let's see, drinking beer, tailgating, cheering the Gophs on to victory vs. nearly decimating myself with exercise.... tough choice.... :)

C'mon Maverick, 212 needs you leading cheers!!

GophBen & Maverick, Are you guys running any other Marathons this year? Minneapols, Stillwater, Grandma's, TC? I'm running Stillwater & TC and usually have Gopher Gear on.

GophBen & Maverick, Are you guys running any other Marathons this year? Minneapols, Stillwater, Grandma's, TC? I'm running Stillwater & TC and usually have Gopher Gear on.

I picked the TC marathon specifically because it's on a Sunday and won't interfere with my Saturday at the Bank.

That's a good idea, I hadn't thought about what I am going to wear (still focusing on making it to the finish line, alive) but I might have to get some gophers gear as well. Any suggestions?

Am I the only one here REALLY likes the Halloween weekend night games? I thought the crowd for the MSU game last year was superb.

Agreed. It was the funnest game after air force in my opinion.

Am I the only one here REALLY likes the Halloween weekend night games? I thought the crowd for the MSU game last year was superb.


Though I'm sure it helped that it was an exciting, entertaining game. But I love having a couple night games in the schedule, and Halloween weekend seemed to add a spark. Hope this continues...

Am I the only one here REALLY likes the Halloween weekend night games? I thought the crowd for the MSU game last year was superb.

The MSU Halloween game was my favorite game last year. Loved the dark night sky, the lights, plus the fact we won at the end didn't hurt either!

Is that the saturday of section semi's HS football again?

Yup...sure is. Man, that was a looooong day for my family last year. My team played in the afternoon, we then ran over to a friend's house for a QUICK dinner and shortened version of trick or treating (like 5 houses), then headed to the Gophers game (which was, of course, a nail biter).

GophBen & Maverick, Are you guys running any other Marathons this year? Minneapols, Stillwater, Grandma's, TC? I'm running Stillwater & TC and usually have Gopher Gear on.

Nope. If I do this one, it will be my first full marathon, so I'm not too anxious to do any others... at least yet.

C'mon Maverick, 212 needs you leading cheers!!

Hey Butch! I hope to be there for every game this year. Hopoefully this marathon will not interefere. Last year was a really tough year starting about now, but things are really looking up for me lately. Hope things are going well for you too!

Originally Posted by Go Gophers Rah
GophBen & Maverick, Are you guys running any other Marathons this year? Minneapols, Stillwater, Grandma's, TC? I'm running Stillwater & TC and usually have Gopher Gear on.

Nope. If I do this one, it will be my first full marathon, so I'm not too anxious to do any others... at least yet.

Same here. I already signed up, so I have to do it now. I figured it gave me a few more weeks to train, and it should be a little cooler out.

Don't worry, Zeppelin. If I can't make it, I've got a couple good Gopher fans in mind to give my tickets to.

Hey Butch! I hope to be there for every game this year. Hopoefully this marathon will not interefere. Last year was a really tough year starting about now, but things are really looking up for me lately. Hope things are going well for you too!

That is great to hear. Business has been rough, but can't complain about the rest of life.

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