Oak Street Ramp


Well-known member
Feb 2, 2009
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Anyone parking here? I sat in park for about an hour straight before actually moving. Even then, it took over 30 more minutes to exit the ramp. That is pretty poor that we are stuck in a ramp for an hour and 30 minutes after a game.

It was slow moving last week too, but nothing like this. Anyone know if there was a crash that happened to be completely stopping everyone???

I park there and most people exit from there and go to Huron street and then onto 94. This week 94 westbound had two lanes closed and one of the open lanes had a stalled car in it as well. Parked there last year as well and it is normally no problem getting out of there.

I park there and most people exit from there and go to Huron street and then onto 94. This week 94 westbound had two lanes closed and one of the open lanes had a stalled car in it as well. Parked there last year as well and it is normally no problem getting out of there.

Yeah, that is the way I take back to rogers, and unfortunately, back up to st. cloud afterwards.

Last year I do not think I was held up once. Hopefully with the re-opening of those two lanes, we will not be stuck like we were tonight. Were you stuck for a while too?

Yeah, that is the way I take back to rogers, and unfortunately, back up to st. cloud afterwards.

Last year I do not think I was held up once. Hopefully with the re-opening of those two lanes, we will not be stuck like we were tonight. Were you stuck for a while too?

It took me over an hour as well.

I park there and most people exit from there and go to Huron street and then onto 94. This week 94 westbound had two lanes closed and one of the open lanes had a stalled car in it as well. Parked there last year as well and it is normally no problem getting out of there.

I still do not think that it was just the lane closings that held us up. I expect that within an hour, I would have at least moved a little bit. Bad traffic shouldn't completely stop movement all together.

I still do not think that it was just the lane closings that held us up. I expect that within an hour, I would have at least moved a little bit. Bad traffic shouldn't completely stop movement all together.

I don't know then, that was the only obvious things I saw.

I don't know then, that was the only obvious things I saw.

Yeah, me too. But with the lights still operating, we shouldn't have had nobody exiting the ramp. It's all very odd. I thought there may have been a crash?

Last year it was horrible too actually. If you didn't get there until 20-30 minutes before game time you were parking on level 4 and it was an hour wait. The only solution is to leave the game early or have a beer afterward.

Yeah, me too. But with the lights still operating, we shouldn't have had nobody exiting the ramp. It's all very odd. I thought there may have been a crash?

Unfortunately, if you are on one of the higher floors, that's just the way it works. Because it's a parking ramp, it means that it's not a situation where one car leaves and you move up one car.

What happens is everyone rushes to their cars and immediately clogs all the driving lanes down to the exit. However, just because the lanes are packed and not moving doesn't mean all the cars in the ramp are exiting. A lot of them (maybe MOST of them) are still parked waiting for their occupants to return. As these people return, if they are lower than you in the ramp, they almost certainly get in line in front of you. Instead of moving forward, every time a car leaves the ramp another one below you gets in line ahead of you. So you wait, and wait, and wait without moving an inch.

Last year it was horrible too actually. If you didn't get there until 20-30 minutes before game time you were parking on level 4 and it was an hour wait. The only solution is to leave the game early or have a beer afterward.

I parked near U Garden. We got on 94 Eastbound at 280, and the westbound lanes were backed up practically to Snelling. I think that was the root of the problem.

Going to Twins & Gophers games I used to park in the "Holiday Inn" ramp in 7 corners. I learned early on that "you can wait in your car or you can wait in the bar". The latter is much more enjoyable.

River Road Garage

Getting out of the garage was no problem but getting onto the River Road was a major issue. The road is closed going toward Dinkytown so you could only exit going east. We moved from the garage to Oak Street in only 45 minutes. The entire campus was slow going.
I think the major cross streets needed a policeman to flag traffic. It was a mess!

Yeah, there was some extra congestion that there normally wouldn't be. I realize there will be some waiting if I park near the top, but that was not normal.

The two closed lanes on Westbound 94 didn't help, but I actually thought it took longer to get out of the Oak St. ramp after the USD game.

From now on, I'm going to take my time getting back to the car because as "Too long in the Wasteland" said, I'd rather sit in a bar than my car.

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