NU's Coble Out For Year

That suck. I wouldn't wish that at on any team, especially not one that was set-up for a 'once-in-a-decade' kind of season. It sucks to be without two of our better players, but at least they had some control over thier circumstances.

Just terrible luck for NU, Jeff Ryan (started 22 games last year) tore his ACL and is also out for the year (mentioned in the article).

Wow does that suck. I've never actually been able to get up any hatred for Northwestern in basketball because, well, they're Northwestern. In other words, nothing ever seems to go right for them. But I was actually hoping that they would have a shot at making the dance this year, if for no other reason that it would be a great college basketball story.

Now, they lose their best player. UGH. Maybe they can still make a run at it, but without Coble, it's going to be really tough.

Damn, that's just not right. This team, like Iowa, lacks any star power without Coble. Who is going to take the bulk of Coble's shot now, John Shurna? Ouch!

They also lost Jeff Ryan, who was supposed to be a starter and big contributor as well, with an ACL? Carmody must be pulling his hair out. :cry:

Can't say that I feel bad for NU - injuries happen, and its part of the game. It is bad luck though, and Coble is/was one of the best big men in the B-10. Wonder if he will take the redshirt...

Can't say that I feel bad for NU - injuries happen, and its part of the game. It is bad luck though, and Coble is/was one of the best big men in the B-10. Wonder if he will take the redshirt...

Put it towards grad school, he's obviously a smart guy, that seems like a smart decision, considering the economy.

This is really a want to talk about being a fan with no hope, fans of Northwestern basketball are it. Then, when it finally looks like you might be able to make a run and finally get to the NCAA Tournament, this happens.

As I always have, I'll pull for NU in just about every game that we're not playing them...I love seeing the underdogs win, and that they'll be again this year, it appears.

twinsfan....did you just insinuate that you are therefore going to root for Iowa???? :(

Not only do NU fans have no hope, they also force their students to wear purple tie-dye t-shirts to their home games.

This just means the Big 10 will have to deal with Coble next season.

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