Now that NSD is over can we meet the coaches?


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
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One thing that needs to be added to the Gophers coaches Lexicon, AXE, PIG, JUG, Bell, CHAIR.
Rivalry games, hone up on the trophies and if you need to make acronyms that make you remember them so be it.
Securing AXE+PIG which we do not have is a pretty good way forward for Big 10 West championship possibilities.
This is 2017, we don't row boats, we Roar the fricken engine, and beat people with speed. Minnesota has a boating, cabin and lake culture, it shouldn't be that hard to adapt some of the phrases from the personal RTB to talking about being Elite every day. I'm not talking about putting away RTB but revving it up with a huge motor with some horsepower behind it. Improve upon the RTB slogan without forgetting the meaning or the origins. RTB meets SKI-U-MAH

Hopefully this new found culture does more to compete with Winter conditioning and awards and rewards all of that hard work with some rewards and some recognition in the media. The past stafff started some competition things, hopefully the new staff does even more.

Sure would be nice if Gophers Athletics did some meet the coaches Vignettes to their social media accounts.
We barely got a press release about them and the names. Where did they go to school, NFL experience, work experience, family's and kids. Don't need all of the details but it would be nice to know a little bit more about the new coaching staff beyond a small press release or a few old BIOS from WMU.

Yes I get that they were super busy, but in the offseason during winter conditioning, would be nice to get a few more interviews in the media from the coordinators and position coaches on KFAN or ESPN 1500.

Coach Fleck does not want anyone to take away his time from the media. It's all about PJ..........

Well Nebraska has I belive killed the chair.

I suspect Nebraska's AD and our AD will come up with some sort of "ADs trophy" like thing.

Pretty sure the rest of the coaches have gotten videos, interviews, and etc put out with them already.

Thanks for posting all those Bleed! I guess the U isn't as incompetent as we thought??

Thanks for posting all those Bleed! I guess the U isn't as incompetent as we thought??

I'm no fan of what they do sometimes, but a lot of the "OMG THE U IS INCOMPETENT" are just folks who didn't see / know something.....

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